Grave Mistake

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Third Person POV:

Mr.L shouted for Dimentio to stop, but it was already too late. The man in green could only watch and pale as he drank the tampered Shroom Shake. Only after a few seconds, Dimentio's masked expression went wide-eyed and he spat out what he could of the drink.

Mr.L shielded himself as Dimentio coughed violently. Shroom Shake now dripped from his once perfectly clean outfit, his mask twisted into a disgusted and confused expression.

"BLECH! What in the-" Dimentio paused and broke into a coughing fit, his voice turning hoarse, "What in the worlds-?!"

The man in green instantly winced in regret.

"Dimentio, I swear-" Mr.L said.

Dimentio turned and emptied his stomach behind himself, gasping as he did. He quickly stood up and hovered his hand over the Shroom Shake, then held his gloved hand to his mask to smell for any harmful fumes. Mr.L had on an apologetic and pained expression as he stood up, backing away slightly from him. Dimentio turned and glared at Mr.L, his masked expression showing only fury.

"Y-you filthy venomous SNAKE!" Dimentio spat, tossing down the can as he struggled to breathe, "YOU TRIED TO POISON ME!!!"

"I-I-I didn't want to, I-I swear!" Mr.L exclaimed, "I-I-I regret even thinking of it!"


Dimentio stumbled a little but caught himself before he fell, clutching at his collar as if it was choking him.

"Dimentio, let me help, let me make it up to you!" Mr.L frantically replied.

"You've done ENOUGH, Mr.L!!!" Dimentio retorted.

Dimentio whipped out his hand and before Mr.L even knew it, he was teleported back into his room and slammed into the wall, knocking him unconscious. Meanwhile, Dimentio struggled to breathe as he clutched at his throat.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Tippi wasn't exactly a chemist. The liquids she had mixed together were all slightly harmful, but not lethal. Even with them combined, it didn't add to the effect at all. It would only make Dimentio feel sick to his stomach until it gets out of his system.

Dimentio coughed more and lifted up his hand, snapping his fingers and teleporting himself away. He appeared moments later in his own room, catching himself on the corner of his bed to keep himself propped upright.

His room was quite large, but still small enough to be a bedroom size, nothing too extravagant. He had a king-sized bed and bookshelves lining the walls, a desk with papers and books atop it. The room was colored identically to Dimension D, matching the same patterns and effects without the strength multiplying properties.

Dimentio pulled himself onto his bed and laid flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling as he wheezed, struggling to breathe. He could feel the Chaos Heart pounding in his chest, knowing that if he died the Heart would vanish with him. Unless, of course, he left behind a shadow of his power to control it. But he didn't want that.

"Perhaps this is how I die?" Dimentio coughed out, "Death by the hand of my love interest with POISON."

Dimentio took a deep, shaky breath.

"If he won't love me, that's one way to get the job done..." Dimentio sighed, "A second chance, ha... I should've known this would be the result."

He paused again to take another breath, his throat feeling tight.

"He still loves space better than me." Dimentio scoffed.


Mr.L groaned and rubbed at his back, which had hit the wall pretty hard. He was finally coming to after only a few moments, and with consciousness came memories.

"D-Dimentio..." Mr.L groaned.

He moaned more in pain as he attempted to right himself, more dull pain surging up his back. Tippi had heard this ruckus and flew over, interested in what news the man in green could possibly have.

"Mr.L, you're back already? What happened? Did he try to end your game?!" Tippi exclaimed.

Mr.L coughed and shook his head, standing up on trembling legs.

"N-no..." Mr.L replied, "But I slipped him the poison..."

Tippi gasped.

"Is he dead?" Tippi asked.

"Your stupid 'poison' didn't WORK!" Mr.L spat, pointing an accusatory finger at her, "All it did was make him sick and upset at me!"

Tippi hummed in response.

"Mm, I guess we just need to try something different," Tippi replied.

Mr.L gawked in response, not believing her suggestion.

"Are you SERIOUS?! NO! No more TRYING anything!" Mr.L retorted, "At this point, you're just trying to be a jerk! I was going to try and convince him to turn everything back by TALKING, and it probably would've worked if it wasn't for your stupid concoction!"

Tippi gasped, extremely offended. Mr.L stood his ground, glaring at her.

"I can't believe that you'd take that psychopath's side! You're just as bad as Mario!!!" Tippi exclaimed.

"I'm not as 'BAD' at anything! It's called having a heart!" Mr.L stated.

"Don't you DARE get me started on that subject, Mr.L! HE does not HAVE a heart besides the Chaos Heart!" Tippi retorted, "He killed EVERYONE and EVERYTHING! Where was his supposed HEART when he did THAT?!"

"The only reason Dimentio even DID these things was because of how cruel the Count was! The Count had lied to him and all of us from the start!" Mr.L exclaimed, "And if you're the Count's fianceé as you say, then the Count is a hypocrite!"

"A hypocrite?!" Tippi questioned.

"YEAH! A HYPOCRITE! Because Dimentio had wanted to be with me BEFORE any of this was even thought of!" Mr.L spat, "If Count Bleck would've just sucked up his insecurities and let us go on a freaking DATE, all of this would've been AVOIDED!!!"

"How DARE you blame Blumiere on this!" Tippi gasped.

"I'm NOT, I am blaming COUNT BLECK!!!" Mr.L retorted.

The two of them paused for a moment, both of them glaring at each other. Eventually, Tippi took a deep breath, a disgusted frown on her face.

"It appears that you are just as stupid as Mario." Tippi scoffed, "Dimentio is manipulating you just like him. I refuse to stand by and watch it again."

Tippi started toward the door, Mr.L glaring as she went and stopped just before leaving. The butterfly Pixl sighed one last time as she turned to face Mr.L.

"If you think that you can change him, go ahead. But for now, I want everything back to the way it was before this nightmare." Tippi stated.

Without another word, Tippi turned and slipped through the crack in the door, fluttering silently into the hall. She flew off, leaving Mr.L on his own. It took him a moment to realize it, but now he was left with absolutely no one. Mr.L let out a sigh and walked over to his bed, sitting down and placing his head in his hands.

"How can I even recover from this..? He probably thinks that I want him dead..." Mr.L muttered.

Mr.L paused and sighed again, shaking his head.

"Doesn't help that I tried to POISON him..." Mr.L groaned, "I can't exactly tell him that it was Tippi's fault without selling her out."

He went silent again as if expecting a response, but getting none. Mr.L glanced up, looking around the empty room with a frown on his face. With a grunt of frustration, the man in green stood up and dusted himself off.

"There's no point in moping right now, I'm just burning time." Mr.L stated, "I should either go find Dimentio or find Tippi to make sure she doesn't do anything."

Mr.L paused as he thought over the two options.

"...Probably just whoever I end up finding first." Mr.L sighed, "This place is probably bigger and at least ten times more confusing than Castle Bleck."

The man in green rushed to the door and threw it open, starting down the hall at a jog, desperate to find anyone else.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now