Room for One More?

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Mr.L's POV:

I let out a long, low groan as I slowly woke up to a low grumbling noise. This would unnerve most people on a normal basis, but there were a lot of weird sounds down here. Especially when you have Bonechill and his icicles making shattering noises all day that echo down the halls. Yup, this was normal for where I was at.

The bottom of the River of Twygz.

I've been here for over a year now and it sucked, to say the least. I went to fight the heroes after Dimentio suggested it and after I failed, he had the audacity to MURDER me. He was the only friend I had in my short life and he turned on me in an instant. I hope he gets what he deserves.

I tried to readjust in my cot and get some more rest only for the grumbling to become louder and louder still. If you were me you would pass this off as normal too if it wasn't for the panicked screams of D-Men guards frantically running up and down the halls.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" One of them exclaimed.

"THE VOID IS OPEN!" Another cried.

"I HAVE A FAMILY!" A D-Man shouted.

"WE'RE ALL DOOMED!!!" Several yelled.

That didn't sound good, so I quickly snapped upright to go to the cell doors. Everyone else in the hall was at their bars, yanking and tugging at the steel polls as they cried out for the end of days to end their misery.

"Are you all NUTS?! The Void is going to erase us all from existence!!!" I spat.

The sinners all ignored me as they chanted the Void on as if they were cheering for the home team on their favorite sporting program. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my skull. I screamed in agony as I stumbled backward, clutching at the sides of my head.

The floor below me shook to such a level that I could hardly stand. But then again, it could also be my head pounding. Lights and sounds all seemed to start blurring together as my head felt like it would implode. Everything became louder and louder yet. I ended up on the floor somehow during all of it.

The pounding of noise from inside my mind sounded like the very embodiment of destruction all wrapped into one cacophony of chaos. Chanting from my fellow inmates became louder as no one was able to stand on their own feet anymore, the ground and everything else ripping apart at the seams.

"Let's end this game, shall we?" I heard someone ask, "Ciao! AH HA HA!"

Blinding lights flashed around me and then everything fell to darkness...


Suddenly, I felt a violent tug at my chest. No, a violent tug at my heart.

I couldn't open my eyes, couldn't move my arms, and I was honestly still trying to process being alive. How WAS I even alive? Was I even alive? It felt like I was floating in nothingness. I was breathing, that was all I knew at the moment.

Well, that, and the pulling sensation growing stronger around my chest. I wanted to gasp out as all of the air seemed taken out of my lungs, but I couldn't move, my reflexes wouldn't even function.

"Yes!" I heard someone exclaim, though muffled from my current state of hearing.

Breathing suddenly became easier as a weight was taken out of me. It was like death had been dragged out and life was pushing its way back into me. I squinted my eyes open and could see black everywhere. The inky darkness slowly began to retreat, revealing white.

Was I finally going to The Overthere?

The dark moved out of the way enough to reveal someone standing about a few meters in front of me. I couldn't see who or what it was, but they were the one pulling the death out of me.

In The World Of His Nightmares (DimentioXMr.L)[An SPM AU!]Where stories live. Discover now