Chapter Thirty-Four : Our Time

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Laurance sat on the grass, rolling it between his fingers as he watched Aphmau who was holding the baby and talking to Aaron. The wyverns had given her a baby they found since she was hungry. They felt Aphmau could take better care of her since she's human like the girl.

The baby was very cute, it also happened to be the fourth child Aphmau adopted, including Yip of course. Besides that, even though this was something to be happy about, he was still worried about what happened to Ophelia. He had mentioned her earlier for a moment, no one remembered her.

His wondering was keeping him from sleeping so he decided to not wait any longer. The sun had gone down a long time ago already.

"Are we seeing the same moon tonight Ophelia..?" He sighs, having trouble falling asleep for a bit. Once he falls asleep, his body relaxes, facing the moon.

Laurance woke up in a different place. Somewhere with a big tree, the sky was foggy, seeming like there was no more to the island than the small amount of land. He couldn't really see too far but he could walk around.

A head peeked around the tree and said, "Hey there Laurance.." He jumped, getting up quickly and turning to face the girl. Her head still only showing, he knew it was her.

She steps out from behind the tree with an awkward but relieved smile on her face. "You- you're Ophelia..?"

"That sounded more like a question than a statement, why don't you try again Casanova." Her sweet smile melted his heart, "Ophelia.." he sighs before running to hug her, though that didn't work since she doesn't have a physical form for him to touch. He kneeled in front of her, his memories of her swarming his mind. Hitting him with different emotions at once.

He just sat there crying, not knowing whether he was sad, happy, or angry. "You're.. Y/N.."

She knelt in front of him, "Yeah.. it's me.."

Eventually Laurance stopped and they both sat down by the tree. Laurance felt emotionally drained, his eyes were red and a bit puffy. He leaned his head back on the trunk, Y/N only stared at him, letting him take his time to process exactly what's happening.

The silence was broken by Laurance who looked right at her, "Why couldn't I hug you..?"

"Because Mir's inhabiting my body, so while I might look like I have a physical form, at the moment, I don't.." she stopped staring at him, Laurance reaching out to touch her cheek, his hand just going through her face.

"I- have no idea why you just tried to do that.." she chuckles lightly, "I just told you I don't have a physical form-"

"It's just hard to believe, that's all.. where are you even Y/N..?"

She hesitates, she didn't necessarily want to tell him that Mir was currently trying to become queen. "Well, I can't say.." "Why not? I can find you..! And bring you home.."

He looks at her with a desperate expression, but Y/N doesn't budge. "Laurance, I think it's best that we just.. go our separate ways.." She avoids eye contact with Laurance who brought his legs up to his chest.

They both started quiet for a moment, "I read the journal Y/N." They both look at each other, Y/N who was surprised and Laurance looking the smallest bit triumphant.

"And I know how you feel about me.. so do you really want to go separate ways..?"

She sighs, rubbing her face, "Look, Laurance, I can't bring you into my problems, it just wouldn't work out between us.. I'm sure you know that.."

"What did I tell you.. before Emmalyn and Kenmur's wedding..?" Though she tried hard, Y/N wasn't able to remember what he had said exactly.

"If you need someone to support you, I'm right here…" he looks at her, "I won't hesitate to go find you.."

"Laurance no- you know what.. I knew this was a mistake.. I should've just let you live your life and end up with Aphmau or something-" she stands up and starts walking into the fog, mumbling to herself. Laurance gets up and follows her, "Y/N!"

She whips her head around.. she's crying.. "What Laurance?"

"Y/N please.." his voice cracked, he didn't like seeing her cry.

"Your life probably would've been better if your memories of me had stayed gone.. just wake up already Laurance.." she sighs, waving sadly at him.


He had woken up, much to his dismay. The sun wasn't even peeking over the horizon. For the rest of the night, he tried going to sleep, to see Y/N in his dreams again. But he had no luck.

"It can't end like this.." he laid on his back, his forearm over his eyes. Falling asleep with no dreams at all.


"A simple potion of poison would do the trick.." Mir looked around town, trying to find the materials he needed to make it.

To his despair, he didn't find any of the things he needed. "How.." Thoughts come and go as he makes his way back to the castle.

"Wait.." he had a moment of realization.

See, when Mir was the Royal Warlock. Not only did he live in the castle for most of his time with that title, he had his own room.

A room where he could use his Magicks as he pleased, it was also a room where he could make potions with the ingredients that were there.

He quickly made his way through the guards at the entrance and went straight to where he knew it was. The room was somewhere near the dungeon. The very dungeon that they had kept Y/N.

"Ah, it's good to be back.." Mir sighs, stepping into the room. The air smelled a bit musty, this place obviously hadn't been opened in years. He went up to everything, the bottles, his cauldron, jars of ingredients, they were all covered with a thick layer of dust.

He grabbed a rag and started dusting off the ingredients he needed all while humming to himself. Getting to work, the potion itself took about 3 hours to make however it would need to sit out for 24 hours before usage. Either way by the time the wedding came it would be ready.

He leaned back in the no longer dusty chair putting his feet up onto the table next to the still bubbling potion.

Once he was sure that it wasn't hot, he poured some into a vial, slipping it into his pocket and locking the door behind him as he left. He used his Magicks, so no one would be able to get in if they wanted.

He was a couple steps outside the door when he heard footsteps. "Y/N..? Are you down here..?"


"Ah, so you are," His quick footsteps get closer until he rounded a corner, finding Mir right there with his hands behind his back.

"Darling!" Mir smiles, "Y/N, why would you be down here when this is where you-"

Mir realized how he was supposed to feel, turning his happy expression into a more somber one. The corners of his lips no longer curved. "where I was held captive.. I figured that maybe if I saw it again.. I could forgive and forget."

He looks Eren dead in the eyes.

"I'm ready to forget Eren, ready to move on." Eren furrowed his eyebrows before nodding and holding his arms out to her.

"Shall we go back upstairs?"

He grabs Eren's arm, "Of course."

&quot;Little Lady&quot; || Laurance Zvhal x Fem!Reader - MCDWhere stories live. Discover now