Chapter Ten : A Wedding to Remember

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Y/N sat still in front of the mirror, a full glass of water that she requested but never drank. 

Her eyes looked tired, she felt tired and didn't want to move at all. She didn't want to go through with this but she had no choice. Their chances of getting out of this we're getting smaller as the next two hours come and go.  

She sighed, earlier, Y/N and Ylva had talked about how it might be hard but Y/N could probably learn to love Fenrir if they do get married. 

A little while after Ylva had left, three women came in and put her in a wedding dress, fixed her hair, and gave her a bridal bouquet. 

She wanted to cry, she looked beautiful, but she wasn't supposed to get married. One day, sure, but not right now. 

Her veil was the last thing to be put on and the girls looked happy, knowing they made her look amazing. One of them gave her some fancy looking gloves that she slowly put on. 

"Thanks girls.." Y/N mustered up a smile and the girls complemented her appearance saying she looked stunning and such. 

Ylva walks in and looks at Y/N, the girl grabs the bottom of her dress with one hand, still holding the bouquet in the other. She slowly goes down the steps towards Ylva.

"You look beautiful!" Ylva clasps her hands together in joy while Y/N just nods, chewing on her lip. Y/N let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes, she had started crying.

"Ophelia, please don't cry.."

A couple of tears roll down her cheek, her eyes still closed tightly. Ylva gently wipes away her tears and Y/N's eye open. 

"I'll leave you be.."

The ladies in waiting had already left and she wanted to collapse on the ground, so she did. 

Soon, she started crying nonstop, tears constantly running down her cheeks, luckily, they didn't put any makeup on her.

Her bouquet of lilies now on the ground and her hands on her head. She sobbed, her tears falling onto her dress.

"I- I can't do this.." she wipes her eyes but the tears keep coming, she feels so alone. She never got this far before, getting dolled up for the wedding, this is the first time she's done this. 

After crying nonstop for about 15 minutes, her eyes were red and puffy and she was tired. Solemnly, she grabs the bouquet and goes to sit and rest her eyes. 

When she wakes up, she sees Mino looking at her. She sits up sleepily and blinks a couple times. "Comes stand up sweetheart, I want to see the dress!" 

He pulls her to stand up and claps in excitement, "Darling you look amazing, oh, I could just eat you up!" 

Y/N replied with a stiff laugh. 

"Now, before we leave, I have some great news! The King has been so kind as to let your Laurance attend the wedding. We couldn't get the others but Laurance is a, special case, of course."

Y/N just stood silently, she didn't have enough energy to deal with him. 

He grabs her hand, "Come on now, no time for talk, IT'S WEDDING TIME!"

There Y/N stood at the end of the aisle, looking beautiful as usual, however, her expression stayed the same. There were beautiful pink and white blossoms made into an arch shape where Fenrir was, waiting for her. 

Y/N heart started beating fast and her hands were visibly shaking. More so when she walked past Laurance. 

As she passes, she whispers, "I'm sorry Laurance.."

She faced Fenrir at the alter and apologizes before the ceremony begins. 

The king clears his throat, "We are gathered here under the glow of our lunar goddess to celebrate a love like no other! Two different beast tribes together for the first time in history uniting to bring prosperity to our land."

Fenrir and Y/N make eye contact once again, he had a solemn look in his eyes, "Fenrir, son of the moon, do you take this beautiful flower of the sun Ophelia to be your wife.."

The rest of his sentence was a blur, Y/N wasn't paying attention until Fenrir hesitantly said, "I- I do."

"To solidify this union as one, let them share the kiss of destiny!"

Without notice, Laurance lost his temper and..

Turned into a shadow knight?!

"You're not going to force her through with this, you'll have to go through me first!" His voice was distorted, Fenrir put his arms out and stood in front of the shaking girl. 

The king stepped back in shock, "He's a shadow knight?! You fools.. kill him now!!"

The werewolves charge at Laurance.. but they never stood a chance. With a couple swings of his sword, they were all dead. Laurance walks towards the King whose pleas were silenced as he fell off the edge. 

"Well, that wasn't as messy as I had hoped…" He turns around quickly, looking at Fenrir with a small smirk present, "Now for you.."

Laurance starts walking towards Fenrir, "Please, I had no intention to marry her! I have someone else!" 

Laurance was getting a little to close so Y/N stepped in, putting herself in the middle of them. 

"He's not a bad person! He was trying to help me get out of this, to stop you from being executed!"

Laurance's hard expression faded for a bit before he looked at Fenrir, the fire in his eyes returning. 

"I don't care.."

"Laurance, you barely know me! You shouldn't care enough about me to want to kill him!"

Laurance tries to push past her but she stands her ground, "No!" She pushes him which surprised the both of them.

"This is a side of me I hoped you would never meet.."

"Look, Laurance, it's alright," she reaches up as high as she can and holds his face gently.

"I just don't want you to hurt anyone else, especially Fenrir." Who was standing behind Y/N awfully quietly. 

He pushes her hands away, "Stop trying to play stupid little mind games with me! It's not going to work!" 

Y/N steps back a little, in shock mostly, but she gathered up all of her courage

and kissed him on the cheek.

Her breathing was heavy and she didn't even notice that she had some tears running down her face, mostly because she was scared. Of Laurance.

His eyes softened as he looked at her, bringing up his hand slowly, the girl flinching a bit as he in turn held her face gently. 

"Ophelia.." Y/N met his eyes, this was Laurance, not his Shadow Knight form. His voice was no longer distorted, comforting the girl. 

"Please.. you're scaring me.."

"Now I really wish you hadn't seen me like this.. I'm so sorry Ophelia.." With that, he pulls her into a hug and slowly turns back into his regular form. 

Y/N accepts his hug warmly, tears slowly coming to a stop. She found comfort in being right there with him. 

She loved-


It's too soon

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