Chapter Thirty-Two : The Journal

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F/C/F - favorite cake flavor <3

Mir had been talking to Eren, arranging and planning their wedding. He wanted to act as if he was enamored by the man. Acting thankful that he still planned on marrying Y/N. They sat side by side on a couch, picking out the flavor of cake.

Eren really wanted to make the wedding as comfortable as possible for Y/N since he knew how terribly she was treated the last time she was there.

The girl seemed completely fine to him, she was comfortably drinking wine, sitting with one leg crossed over the other.

"Y/N, what flavor do you want?" He looks at Mir who raises an eyebrow, "It's up to you my king," He takes another sip of the wine.

Eren never thought of Y/N as someone who had expensive tastes. She knew exactly which wine she wanted and had asked for it earlier.

"Hmm.. well how about F/C/F."

"Oooh! I love that flavor!" Mir sets down the glass, "but I have a very important question."

"Go on.."

"When will the wedding be..?"

"I was thinking about it being next week.. what do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea my king.." Mir grabs both of Eren's hands, holding them in his own, "And making the heir to the throne.. when does that happen..?"

A light pink blush falls across his face as he avoids eye contact, "Well, no need to ask about that now dear Y/N, that usually happens after the ceremony."

Mir was not planning on giving him an heir so it didn't matter, Eren would be dead by hour after the ceremony. Mir gives the king a sly smile, "Well I'm looking forward to that part the most.."

"Oh.." The king chuckles nervously, Mir suddenly pulls his hands back. This surprised him since he didn't pull his hand back. The only possible explanation was that it was Y/N.

You can't get rid of me that easily you fool..

Mir stood up, "I need to use the facilities your majesty.. please excuse me..!" He ran out and went to the restroom after getting the directions real quick like from a guard.

Once he got there, he locked the door and went to the sink to splash water on his face. When he looked in the mirror, Y/N's face was all he could see, but he also saw Y/N standing there in the corner of the bathroom.

"How? It took me so long to be able to show myself to you!" Y/N smirks, getting closer to the cowering man. "Funny how powerful you are, yet you're scared of someone who isn't trying to hurt you. Not at the moment anyway."

"Can't you just go away?!"

"You're the fool who bound us together, you must not know how to separate us." Y/N could see right through him now that he was in her physical form. He couldn't hurt Y/N now, her confidence skyrocketed when she realized that.

"I- of course I know how to separate us!" Mir's voice cracks as he says that. He was cowering as if he wasn't a powerful warlock. "Do it then."


"Y/N, darling, are you alright..?" Mir looked at the door, by the time he looked back to where Y/N was, she had disappeared.

"Y-yes your majesty, my apologies for running out so suddenly." He unlocks the door, fixing his hair. Eren's worried face turns into a relieved one as he makes eye contact with Mir. "Y/N, my soon to be wife, there is no need for the formality. Call me Eren.. please.."



"Laurance," The boy flinched as Aphmau sat beside him, he had zoned out, thinking about the journal. And though he was back to loving Aphmau.. it just didn't feel right to him. "Yes?"

"Are you feeling okay? Ever since you visited that weird house.. you've been.. uh" she looks around as if trying to find the right word to use, "Weirdly quiet.."

"Aphmau.. I just can't help but feel like something's missing. That house was not empty, someone lived there. Recently." Aphmau only frowns, it was hard to believe for her since no one in the town remembers anyone living there.

"Laurance, was there anything that would have identified the person that lived there?" Her hand made its way to his shoulder, "Well.." He wondered whether or not he should tell her about the book. Of course he should, but that would also be an invasion of this person's privacy.

The book was right there under his pillow. He really didn't want to lie to Aphmau, but he wasn't pulling out the book. "Well.. no.. but there was a cat."

"That's it?"

"Basically. The house was fully furnished too."

Aphmau was about to reply when Levin came up the treehouse ladder. "M- Aphmau, we need you,"

Notice how he said he didn't need Laurance, Aphmau tried to bring him along anyway. "No, go ahead. They need you.."

He smiles as she walks away, when she's gone, the smile fades. He pulls out the book. It wouldn't hurt him to read more.

But it would hurt the privacy of the person who wrote in it. It was troubling how indecisive he was being, the person must've had it under the floor for a good reason.

He slowly opened the book,

So, I got into "trouble" again. This time, I became a thief I guess. During my cover as a thief, I didn't do too bad. But that's besides the point. After we escaped, we went to Meteli. And I saw Elias there!

It looked like Ophelia got excited writing about Elias. Laurance felt a pang of jealousy out of nowhere.

Elias' parents were just as sweet as I remembered. We talked, they gave me food, and all in all I had a great time. And I can tell that Elias might still have lingering feelings. Unfortunately I don't feel the same way so I'm really hoping that he doesn't bring it up next time I go see him. But enough about Elias.

That ring, I was finally able to give it to Laurance at the wedding. It was amazing dancing with him. All my worries pretty much melted away until I got home and he had to leave. I hate that I can't tell him how I feel. It would really just be a burden. I can't bother him right now with all that going on with O'kasis being invaded and the possibility of war.

Laurance looks at his finger, sure enough, there was a ring there. A F/C bamboo ring. It was pretty.. but Ophelia said in the journal she gave it to him.

He massages the bridge of his nose as a sudden headache comes. On his way to get water, something suddenly comes up in his memory.

"Alright, but I want to take my bow, if that's all right."

"That works for me, little lady."

"Before this conversation goes any further, I am not a 'little lady,' I'm a grown woman."

He groans, "What the-" He had seen a girl around his age with H/C hair and the most beautiful E/C eyes he had ever seen. Standing there in the middle of the treehouse, he sat on the ground in disbelief. She must've been Ophelia.

But why couldn't he remember her.


Mir sat silently by Eren whilst he held a meeting between him and some other important people. The bored look on his face turned to one of shock.

He knew what Laurance had done.

Laurance had just at the moment, had a short memory of Y/N. Messing with his hands, he looked down, wondering he he could've possibly temporarily blocked the spell.

She took everything..


No she left it

"The journal.." Mir whispers, his voice shaking. His emotions, he couldn't control them. Being the host of Y/N's body made him more emotional. Somehow, more human.

It terrified him.

He felt weak and was rethinking everything.

Now you know how it feels.. Enjoy~

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