Chapter Thirty-One : He's Back

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Laurance sat there by her motionless body in shock. His mouth opened and closed, no sound coming out. His hands gently cupping her face, tears falling down his cheeks, he was a mess.

"Y/N… I'm so sorry.."

As he stared at her now relaxed face, he removed his hands from her face and got up. He wanted to go tell the others what happened but he knew how it would look.

A lifeless Y/N, a dead stranger not too far from her, and Laurance whose shirt was now covered in the blood of the girl he loved.

It looked a little suspicious to say the least, but he couldn't bring himself to leave her.

Suddenly her eyes shot open and he stepped back in surprise, almost falling. She groans before sitting up and looking at her now slowly healing wound.

She looks at Laurance, grabbing the dagger with a sick smile on her face. One he's never seen before. She bursts out laughing, sounding almost psychotic, "Oh, my boy, you did it.. though you didn't directly stab her, you were close enough."

She hops up and walks towards Laurance, the creepy smile still on her face.

He couldn't move, it was like he was paralyzed. "Now, you're going to walk back over to your little group of friends. None of you have ever heard of anyone named Ophelia." He paused before adding, "Or Y/N L/N.."

Laurance's eye fogged up slightly, Mir now clearing any memory he had of Y/N.

Laurance then proceeds to walk back to where the group was staying. It was like he had put a spell on the entirety of the people that Y/N knew.

"So let's just.." Mir kicks some snow over the man, burying him. "Now, little Y/N, I know you can hear me. Let me explain the spell I put on your lover."

Mir grabs Y/N's things, including her bow and sets off in the direction of Pakari. "So what I did was anytime Laurance goes into any room full of people who knew you, their memory of you will be completely wiped!"

He clasps his hands together excitedly still taking in the fact that he was in control of the body. Though Y/N was a bit taller than he remembered.


Laurance had gone back to Aphmau and everyone else, his shirt now magically clean, him not even knowing it was stained with blood only shortly before. The spell Mir cast was more powerful than any of Lucinda’s magicks. So unfortunately it worked on her too as soon as Laurance walked through the door.

Laurance was back to loving Aphmau and they were all on track to go back to Phoenix Drop to discuss the potential war further. Now that they had one of the most powerful witches in the Phoenix Alliance, it seemed everything was going smoothly.

Even though they all forgot about Y/N they couldn’t help but feel attached to something, as if they were leaving someone behind. Even though they were a perfect group of four; Aaron, Travis, Aphmau, and Laurance.


“It’s so nice to hear you not talking you know..? But I still do sound like you, however it’s me saying my thoughts aloud.” He maneuvered around trees, they were in a small forest. Mir still required a boat to get to the island of Pakari, but other than that, it was pretty easy to get there. In about three days they could get there. Y/N had absolutely no say in what the body could do. She wasn’t strong enough to fight him. “Plus, being a woman is definitely an advantage.”

It was a few more hours of this before the sun started rising and Mir realized how living people actually have to sleep. And since Y/N barely sleeps, her body is tired. “You know, you really need to fix your sleep schedule darling.” Hearing Mir talk to her in her own voice was just like hearing your own doppelgänger talk.

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