Chapter Nine : Doubt

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Mir stands there, he didn't regret what he did. 

In fact, it seemed as if he cared about nothing, "Why are you only appearing in my dreams now?" 

"Oh that choice was made entirely by you, after I had only helped you a tiny bit, some part of you was just so curious that I had to show myself eventually."

"If I had known it was you, I would've locked you back up wherever you were in my head." No matter how much courage she had, talking to him like this, she couldn't even get close to him. 

It wasn't wasn't even only her parents that he killed, there were many innocent people sent to be executed by him. 

"Your heart is beating really fast darling.. maybe you should…

wake up.."

"Ophelia, wake up," the girl was gently shaken awake by Fenrir. She was grateful to be out of that dream, so grateful in fact that she wanted to hug Fenrir tight just because he woke her up. But she didn't because she has boundaries and he probably has his own. 

Fenrir looks at her solemnly, "The wedding is today.." 

Y/N sits up and groans, "We are running out of time Ophelia, the wedding will commence at sundown, just when the moon rises. No one has through for Abby and we haven't figured out a way to get out of the wedding ourselves."

She can just see whatever happiness he had left fade away so instead of continuing this serious conversation, she makes a joke. Y/N smiles ever so slightly and glanced at him, "I'm so bad that you don't even want to marry me? Wow, I'm hurt." 

He looks up at her and meets her gaze, "Ophelia, are you kidding me right now?"

"Forgive me for trying to make you laugh! You were looking so down in the dumps.." she frowns, Fenrir suddenly bursts out into laughter. Seeing that brings a smile to Y/N's face. 

"You scared me there since you sounded so serious, I was afraid you had fallen for my devilishly good looks," Fenrir winks at Y/N and they both have a good few seconds more of laughs.

"Oh look at you two lovebirds! I knew locking you two in this room would work!" Mini, the king's aid exclaimed rather happily as he walked in on them laughing.  

"Um yes, we are very in love," she looks at him, "Fenrir I just love the way you.. uh.. have a face.."

"Oh honey, I love the way your eyes um- blink!" 

Y/N stifles a laugh, "Oh stop it you, stop but go on." She fakes being flattered.

"The way you- look when you sleep is.. adorable?" Fenrir questions, "Aww thanks sweetie pie."

She squishes his cheek, Fenrir chuckles and puts your hand down gently. "I love your ears! They're nicer than mine!"

Mino smiled and clapped his hands together in delight, "Oh you two are just adorable!" He squeals, surprising the two.

Y/N just chuckles nervously, "Our beautiful bride will have to follow me when she's ready, we have a lot to do! You need to get dressed and rehearse a bit. I'll also take you down to the dungeons to day your last goodbyes. So when you're ready please come outside Ms. Ophelia."

Mini steps out of the room, Y/N looks over at Fenrir who seemed spaced out. "If this is truly the last time they'll let us see each other.. we have no escape plan and we can't even plan since we won't be able to see each other. I've lost hope already.." he sighs, his ears drooping.

Y/N pats his back in an attempt to comfort. She felt like throwing up, she was so nauseous, just the thought of forced marriage made her uneasy. Though, she couldn't even begin to understand how Fenrir feels since the life of the girl he loves is on the line. 

This is really happening..

There are a few things you can do about it..

Get out of my head..

Tears were close to falling, Mir's voice was echoing through her head. It wasn't distorted this time. This time she couldn't just brush it off. 

She shakes her head, furrowing her eyebrows. "Don't talk like that, we still have time. Someone might come for us!"

"If no one ends up coming for us, and we marry, if I have to love someone else in order for Abby to be safe.. I will. I just want her to be happy.."

"Fenrir, please, snap out of it- you shouldn't keep thinking like this, there's still time! And even if we do end up getting married, that doesn't mean we'll be a couple, you could still be with Abby."

Y/N pauses for a moment, "If you love her that much then you shouldn't just give up on her," she thought about how Laurance is getting beheaded.

"And at least your lover isn't going to be beheaded." Y/N clenches her jaw, looking away from Fenrir..

Fenrir looks over at her, surprised that she had mentioned it, "Ophelia, I'm so sorry. I didn't even think about how you feel, I was being selfish, please forgive me."

Y/N nods and pats his shoulder before bringing her hand back, "It's alright, just don't do that again please, we still have time."

Fenrir nods, "May Irene's hand be in our favor."

There Y/N sat, on a comfortable red couch in front of a three mirror vanity. She ran her hand through her hair multiple times, feeling any knots that she might have had before and brushing them away. 

She felt cold. Any warmth that came to her body naturally wasn't there. Even if she did have a small sliver of hope, that doesn't mean she wasn't scared. Her legs bounces up and down as she waits for whatever is to come. 

Looking around, she looks back to the mirror and sees the reflection of Ylva coming into the room. She turns around once again on her chair. 

Ylva looks at her with an expectant look, "Well, did you and my son find someone to help?"

Y/N gulps, stuttering out a meek, "We're not sure-" her throat was completely dry.

Ylva grabs her hand, Y/N flinches a bit since her hand was so warm. "I'm so sorry.. the wedding is in a few hours and I've heard nothing as well.. I really do wish that I could help more, I do."

I'm not sure I can do this..

But you must, don't want little Laurance to get executed, correct?

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