Chapter Twenty : Heartwarming

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She thought she'd finally get a day to rest but while she was taking a nap, Aphmau barged in.

"Ophelia, we need help!"

She was startled awake, "With what?"

"Look, Levin, Malachi, and Zoey have gotten kidnapped. And I think I know who it was. I'll tell you more just come over to Levin's place-" she sounded out of breath but Y/N got up and followed her. This was something very sudden for someone who just woke up.

Everyone in that room was easily a little over 20 years old. Except for old man Dante that is. Y/N felt like a child compared to these people.

After Aphmau told them all what had happened, everyone in the room was angry. "This can't be happening.." Laurance sighed.

"We have to go after them, I'm hoing to murder Michi for what she did to us!" Y/N's eyes widened a little, she was looking down at her hands in her lap. Sitting on the couch, close to Aphmau. Katelyn scared her sometimes..

Laurance looks back at the blue haired girl, "Katelyn, I'm more worried about Levin and Malachi."

Aphmau ducks her head slightly, making something to herself, a sad look clear on her face.

The room went quiet for a few seconds before Dante spoke up. "Nahakra village.." everyone made a noise of questioning.

"It's the village we've recently done trade with. The village is perfect for those running from the law. Don't get me wrong, the village itself isn't bad, it's the fact that there is a highly respected bandits guild hidden in the mountains... It's a place where thieves and thugs go to do their business." Dante looks up from the papers in his hand.

Katelyn scoffs, crossing her arms, clearly still annoyed. "Are you sure? You're taking a shot in the dark here... we don't even know if this place is worth visiting.

"Katelyn, Michi is a cheat and a thief. I'm sure they'll know of her." Y/N turns around looking at Katelyn. She looks at the young girl's calm expression and looks away, "You do have a point..."

Dante nods to himself, glancing around the room, "I'll have Logan and myself prepare supplies for your mission."

"I'll prep the ship for take off," Katelyn adds, heading to the door.

"I'll help as well." Travis gets up.

Everyone was about to leave when Aphmau cleared her throat. "Uh, before we all set out I want you to know that while I was in Brightport I met an old friend. He's on a small ship that came here and he's coming with us."

Dante nods, "Understood, let's get everything ready, now.."

Y/N sat near the front of the boat, reading the book that Laurance had given her. She felt an arm on her shoulder, causing her to look up. She had been waiting for them to set sail.

"Hi Dante." She smiles gently at the older man. "Hey, how have you been doing?"

Ever since Aphmau had come back, Y/N and Dante went from talking every day to talking every once in a while.

"I've been doing good, how's everything with Dimitri?"

"We're getting there, but I know he's not calling me dad anytime soon.." Y/N's expression softened, Dante looked disappointed. "Look, it's going to take some time. After all, he found out you were his dad yesterday."

"I guess now I have three kids," Dante chuckles.

Y/N closes the book, tilting her head in confusion, Dante smiles, "Nekoette, Dimitri, and you," the girl gives him a warm smile, he thinks of her as family, then that means Kawaii~Chan must also think of her like that.

She felt herself tearing up a little, it's been 2 years since she's been in Phoenix Drop. Y/N pulls Dante into a hug which he returns happily.

"Stay safe Ophelia.." "Don't worry Dad, I will," she jokes, pulling away from the hug. "Oh and make sure to take care of Kitty!" She shouts as he leaves, "Of course!" he shouts back, waving at her.

Now that Dante actually looks at her, he can see how much she's grown from the timid young lady that first came to Phoenix Drop. Now she's a confident, strong woman. And he's so proud of her.

After saying his goodbyes to everyone, Dante left and they set off, Y/N going below deck to sit on one of the crates to continue reading near the light of a lantern.

She had her arm around one of her legs, resting atop the crate as well.

All of a sudden The boat rocked, the waves hitting from the left. Y/N was knocked off of the crate, landing on the other side of the ship on her side. She groans, seeing the trapdoor open, someone quickly climbing down the ladder.

"Ophelia, are you okay?" They quickly scamper over to her. It was dark but just by the voice she could tell it was Laurance. Without the light of the lantern, Laurance obviously couldn't see, so he accidentally tripped over Y/N, who groaned and turned over.

"I'm so sorry! Where are you?" He scrambles around on the ground, finding the lantern and eventually the matches. He lights up the part of the room where they were both laying down. Y/N sat up and rubbed her back that hurt from the impact.

"Hey, where were you sitting? Did you fall?"

Y/N chuckles, "No Laurance," she gets up slowly, walking over to help him up, "I was just laying down there for fun." He takes her hand, hoisting himself up with her help. They smile at each other, Laurance setting the lantern down.

The boat had a way of both ruining their moment and making their moment. The boat rocked again, the waves hitting the left side again. They both hit the wall, Laurance holding her tight, their hands still together.

Y/N watches as Laurence leans back from the hug, "Sorry about that.." he looks to the side, Y/N's face was heating up, "It's alright, the waves really aren't liking the boat today.."

They take some time to stare at each other, some sort of tension between them. "We should- um, probably move.."

"Oh, right..." He laughs nervously and moves away, "So you're really okay right?" Her back hurt a little bit but other than that, she was fine. So she simply nodded and he said goodbye, going back up.

She let out a loud breath, fanning her face. "What are you doing to me Laurance.."

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