Chapter Eight : Reunion

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Y/N and Ylva stood in front of an open trapdoor, guards at every exit.

Such a small room..

"You only have enough time to talk to one person," her voice was hushed and she was talking quickly, "Abby is in the 1st, Aphmau in the 2nd, Katelyn in the 3rd, and Laurance is in the 4th."

Y/N nods, Ylva goes to distract the guards like they had discussed on their way there.

She quickly climbs down the ladder, closing the trapdoor behind her. When she's down on the last rung, she hops off and looks around.

There were four more trapdoors, each labeled with a number.

Abby in number..

Number one

Number one

That second voice that was always there.. she usually disregarded it since usually it just insults her.. but it had just helped her. Which was weird cause it had never helped her like that.

She frowned and opened cellar number, going down another ladder and turning around to see a girl with light brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

When Y/N goes up to the bars, she wasn't greeted nicely, "Who the heck are you? And.. you're a.. meif'wa?" Her tone was rather cold for someone who Fenrir, a really great guy, loves. Then again, she is in a cell..

Y/N's ears went down a little, she still hated being called a meif'wa. "My name is Ophelia and I'm- uh here to tell you that Fenrir is getting married and he needs you help, is there anyone that can help us get out of this forced marriage?"

Abby squints at her, "Those werewolf guards are really loud when they whisper, I know about the wedding."

The girl sighs, "If the king is being as oppressive as to make his own son marry someone he doesn't know, the we can seek the aid of the Lord of Scaleswind."

"Lord of Scaleswind? You mean Lord Nicole?" Y/N cocked her head to the side, she had a run in with the Lord, Nicole thought she was stealing, but she wasn't. All she really needed was a place to stay so Nicole let her stay for one night. That was about 4 years ago.

The next morning, Y/N had disappeared.

"Yes, Nicole Von Ronsenburg, she's a good friend of mine, I'm sure she'll help."

"Do you think she'll be able to get my friends too? Laurance, Katelyn, and Aphmau?"

"Aphmau? Her name sounds familiar.."

Abby looked around, probably thinking of where she'd heard the name from, then something must've clicked, "Wait, THE Aphmau? The one that suddenly disappeared 15 years ago?? That Aphmau??"


"You're friends with her?"

Y/N felt offended by that really unnecessary comment, "Wow, um, rude-"

Abby starts waving her hands around, "I didn't mean it like that- wait, I think I hear someone coming.."

Y/N could hear the footsteps as well, "Quick, you need to get to the tavern in town and tell the barkeep, 'The Wind Scales South East Wolves' he'll know what it means!"

The Wind Scales South East Wolves

"Okay, I got it,"

A guard comes down to drag Y/N out of the cellar and Abby waves goodbye.

Y/N, Ylva, and two werewolf guards stood in front of a tavern.

"For a tavern, this place sure does look fancy.."

The queen turns to the girl, "This is the last time I can use my authority to get you from place to place," she says in a hushed voice.

Ylva leans back and says loudly so that the werewolf guards can hear, "You best make that 'pre-wedding drink' quick."

"Yeah.. alright.." she quickly steps up to the doors, opening them, "I'll make it quick!"

Y/N closes the door behind her and walks up to the bar and fixes her dress so she can sit on the barstool comfortably.

"What can I do for ye!? Oh! Look at that, you have yerself some kitty cat ears! Hah! Never seen one like you befer!"

Y/N clears her throat, leaning in to whisper, "The Wind Scales South East Wolves."

He stares Y/N directly in the eyes for a few seconds before looking away, "I hear you loud and clear. The wind will blow as fast as it can I'm sure, mother nature is tricky with these kinds of things. I didn't realize you were one with a golden heart, let me get you a drink on the house."

He smiles and gives her what looks like a cookie and cream milkshake. "Ere' you go. Now, you be safe, I mean it. Have a good night.."

"Thank you for the milkshake, I'll try to enjoy as much as I can," she gave him a small smile and started sipping the drink as he went back to bartending.

Y/N wakes up and she's at this weird big tree, sitting at the bottom of it. It took her a few moments to process that she wasn't where she was supposed to be.

She quickly stood up, immediately alarmed.

This must be a dream.

"Hello darling," she turns around to see her uncle dressed in a blood red robe just standing. The weird thing about this is, not only has she not seen her uncle in a long time.

But he's been dead for two years..

"I actually am dead. Our souls are merged."

Y/N was shocked, had he read her mind? He must've been the second voice.. His voice in her head sounded very distorted, it's so she wouldn't know it was him. "Y-you killed.." she couldn't even get the words out.

"Indeed I did," he smiles sinisterly, "I'm just waiting for you now."

She backs away, he steps closer.

Her uncle was the sorcerer for the king. When she was younger, the king was going to force her to marry his son when they were both of age.

They kept her locked up for years, she didn't know how many because she had given up counting.

He was Mir, the sorcerer, the one who had kept her prisoner, the one who murdered her parents in cold blood.

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