Devil's Advocate{Chapter 1}

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Warnings- No warnings for this chapter, just fluff


"Rylanne, honey!" I hear my father calling, "Come on, we got to beat Foggy to the new office building!"

I shoot right up in excitement with a small hand flap to accompany it.

I happily skip to the kitchen where my father hands me a toaster waffle.

"Yum! Eggos," I grin, taking it from him.

He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"Go get dressed," he tells me.

I nod and quickly go to my room. So many options... but we'll keep it simple. I guess... jeans and a T-shirt? That'll do.

I look around for my glasses and find them on the ground next to my bed table. I must have knocked them over in my sleep.

I put my hair up in my classic look that I'm used to and need to do otherwise I'll cry. Two space buns while the rest of my short hair resides at shoulder length.

Smiling at my reflection, I look around for my sneakers. Then I quickly slip them on, not bothering to untie them.

"Honey, you ready?" he pops his head in.

"Yes," I nod.

He grabs his cane and puts on his blind person glasses.

And then we head out!

I try to keep my stimming to a minimum when out in public but of course, one always slips through.

I vocal stim a little, letting out a few random noises and a lady gives me a strange look.

I just feel stupid because I didn't mean to do it.

"Don't worry about it," my father assures me.

"Yeah," I can feel the temperature in my body rising immensely and it's so uncomfortable.

Then we spot Foggy. Or I guess, I do since my dad is blind.

"Hey, little ribbit," Foggy grins giving me a hug. He calls me that because I mispronounced his name all the time when I was a lot younger. He's Uncle Froggy and I'm his little ribbit.

"Uncle Foggy!" I laugh.

He just laughs as well.

"Let's go see which place I chose for our new office and try to negotiate a good price," Foggy grins, taking my hand

I nod and grab my dad's elbow, leading him while following Foggy.

Mumbling to himself, and quite frankly, a bit lost, Foggy mumbles, "I was sure it was down this street."

"Are you lost?" I ask.

"Uh... of course not!" he assured me. He's lying but whatever.

"You've lived here your whole life, Foggy," Matt points out, "You shouldn't be lost."

My face contorts a little in worry.

"Well, Matt. I'm not lost. Just turned around. Ah, there it is!" Foggy pointed to a building.

It looks nice.

Foggy leads us upstairs to where a realtor is waiting for us.

"It's free real estate," I giggle, whispering.

"Hello, I'm going to be negotiating final price before you decide to buy it," she shakes Foggy's hand and then my dad's.

Then she moves to shake mine because she's polite. And because I'm polite, I accept the handshake.

She leads us around and instantly, I notice a musty smell that follows a dusty feel. It sticks to my skin, bothering me a bit.

They better clean this place up really well if I'm spending my after-school hours here.

And I think I can smell mildew.

But I keep a nice face to not show I'm uncomfortable.

And while my dad and Foggy are negotiating price, I peek out a window. Hell's Kitchen looks as busy as ever.

The hustle and bustle of people outside creep up into my ears. The lights on the stoplight keep me in a trance. I can smell a hotdog stand and feel my stomach growl incredibly loud.

I hadn't even realized I was hungry.

I was so entranced by the city that I didn't even notice that my name was being called.

I was pulled back out of my trance by a startling hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump.

"Hey, Rylanne, you good?" my dad asked.

"Yes, just got distracted," I tell him.

I notice the realtor lady had left so I assume they bought the place already. How long was I staring into the city?

"What do you think of the place?" Foggy asks me.

I look around. The place has a very yellow-green shade to it. There's no furniture but I'm sure they'll put some in.

"It's cool," I tell him.

"Just cool?" Foggy chuckles.

"Ice cool," I reiterate.


Word count: 716
A/N: if you really want to see a second chapter let me know even though I'm going to write one anyway. 

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