Forever strong

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Jimin stepped back staring in loathing at the man in front of him.
"Why have you got the nerve to come here!"
"Now is that any way to your uncle?"
"Your scum!"
"Still a little brat I see, maybe I'll have to teach you a lesson again!"
"If you think I'll let you do anything more to me your wrong I'm calling the police I can remember everything now!"
"You think I'll let you do that? Years...., I thought you would never remember, then that damn documentary ......., I knew when you said in it you were getting flashbacks that I didn't have long."
Jimin hoped Jungkook was nearby he knew the cameras were recording and he hoped his shaking legs would let him stay standing up.
"Your just a disgusting man, you robbed your own family then raped me!"
"You....., I had made some bad investments, I asked my brother to help, would he, no! Said he had done it too many times before, you weren't supposed to be there that day, I heard about your family going to a social event, other family members couldn't wait to tell me knowing I wouldn't be invited. I thought you were all going so I went to the house, do you know it was a bonus to see you there. They had taken you into their family smothered you with whatever you wanted, but me did they help me!!"
"Don't blame them, how many times did you make' as business decisions?' Do you think they didn't know it was gambling? We all did!!"
"You little shit! Well I got my own back on you, I enjoyed it you know as irritating as I found you you were so pretty....., I know you liked it really."
"You sick fuck! I was a child, I spent ten years being unable to see because I was so traumatised!!"
"You know I was going to kill you then but you passed out in shock and we heard a car coming up the drive, we took what we could carry and slipped out the side door without being seen, I waited anxiously , thinking you would talk, the news got out about the burglary and you being attacked and how you had lost your memory. I was in the clear. Then you spoilt it, so now I'm gonna finish it, you'll be found with a note, apologising for bringing shame on the family and that you couldn't take it anymore."
"Like hell, your done for I'm not scared if you anymore......"
"Oh really how you going to stop me?"
"Well for one the whole things been recorded on camera and two.... Kookie?"
Jungkook stepped into the room anger on his face,
"you disgusting piece of shit your going away for a very long time!"
Jimins uncle turned running to the door only to find policeman standing there waiting.
"It's lies all lies, you've nothing on me you hear me nothing!!!" He yelled as a policeman handcuffed him. Jungkook gave the other policeman full details of what happened and a copy of the tape.
The policemen left leaving the pair alone, Jungkook ran over to his shaking boyfriend .
"Gosh I was scared Kookie then I remembered and hoped you were listening in"
"Well...., originally I was thinking of ways to stop you working so I could take you to bed then I glanced at the screens and saw you looking scared so I came out quietly in case I had to kill some fucker, Jimin you were so brave."
Jimin didn't know wether to laugh or cry," so you only really saw because your a horny bastard?"
Jungkook cleared his throat ," well I'm sure I would have noticed but is it my fault your perfect ass turns me on so much?"
Jimin giggled then groaned," how can I tell them Kookie, he's a real family member I'm just......."
"Your a real family member too, I'll call Tae he can explain it to your parents,"
Jimin nodded," I'm going to shower being near him makes me feel dirty"
"Ok you do that, I'll get us a hot drink and snacks after I phone Tae"
Jimin left to shower, Jungkook picked up his phone calling Tae.
"Hey Kook what's up miss me already?"
"No shithead...,look this is serious," he explained what had happened to the other.
"Fuck that piece of shit, I always hated him, he always stressed mum and dad out,"
"Jimins worried, he's scared to tell your parents,"
"Why, please don't say he blames himself!"
"It's your fathers brother , I think he's worried about causing distress to your parents."
"Shit, tell him no one will blame him for this that scumbag has always been a lowlife, dad had to stop him coming round. I'll call them please take care of Jimin for us."
Jungkook put the phone down then made hot drinks and found some biscuits he went to their room seeing Jimin sitting on the bed hugging his knees dispair on his face.
Putting down the tray with the drinks on Jungkook picked the towel that lay on the bed by Jimin and started rubbing the others damp hair.
"Can't have you catching a cold won't look good with a red nose at your party"
"Party? Oh yer, I forgot, maybe they won't want a party now, I mean why would you want to celebrate your so.... The boy you took in sending your relative to jail?"
Jungkook sat on the bed and hauled Jimin into his lap," stop it right now! No more pity party! Your parents regard you as their son and will take you anytime over some lowlife scum like him, Tae said your father already put him out if your lives, so I don't want to hear you blame yourself anymore, you tell people at your charity to be strong believe in themselves so I'm saying you do the same!!"
Jimin looked down ashamed at how easily he'd fallen into the victim mode.
"I-I'm sorry Kookie your right....., you know you can be awfully dominant sometimes!!"
Jungkook chuckled turning Jimins face up to his and kissing him deeply before he was interrupted by a persistent buzzing.
"Oh my phone!" Jimin slipped off the others lap to retrieve his phone," oh Um it's my parents,"
He connected the call as a pair of hands slid around his waist pulling him close and listening in.
"Jimin baby it's dad, are you ok, my god that piece of shit deserves everything coming to him, oops sorry for swearing,"
"Dad, I'm sorry,"
"What for, he's the problem, I've always thought he'd end up in jail or worse, how dare he attack our son, he's an animal!!"
"Jiminee it's mum, you're ok? We were so worried that shithead has never been any good,"
Two shocked voices said as father and son had never heard the mother swear before.
"Ah he just makes me so mad!!"
Jimin giggled," mum dad I love you so much,"
"We will see you in two days when we come up for the party, we can't wait love you son bye"
Jimin was smiling as he put the phone down, he was swung around to face Jungkook.
"Now where we're we, oh yes me being dominant, daddy wants his desert baby!"
"But Kookie the drinks you made."
"Can wait, this can't ......"
Amongst giggles and touchy hands Jungkook stripped Jimin off laying him on the bed then standing up keeping his eyes on Jimin as he unbuckled his belt to take his trousers off.
"Hurry daddy,baby wants to play"
The room was soon filled with moans and gasping as the two made love with a new intensity, both feeling free after finding the missing piece of the puzzle.

Jungkook was fidgety, the party was in full swing, people being so pleased to see Jimin, Jin & Namjoon had travelled there, family and acquaintances that had worked at the charity, Hobi and Tae were having a dance off Jimin joining in and Jungkook couldn't keeps his eyes of the smaller boys beautiful figure.
"He's quite something isn't he?"
Jungkook jumped turning to find Jimins parents standing there.
Unbeknown to Jimin he had met them twice, specifically to discuss Jimins concerns when he started remembering and a second time to request something .
"So what say we do this then ? You ready?"
"Yes sir,"
Jimins father went to the stage tapping on the microphone to get everyone's attention .
"I would like to thank you all for coming today to celebrate our Jimins return to the family and the good fortune of getting his sight back. Little does Jimin know that we have always been there in the background, we chose the home he lives in, as a young child he used to say what his dream home would be like,Yoongi there helped us find the perfect one , don't look so amazed son , parents never let their children go!! Your mother chose the colour scheme basing it on colours you always liked. You have grown up to be someone we are so proud off. Your brother Tae never gave up on hoping to find help for you visiting many doctors and therapists over the years,before coming up with the solution of you healing yourself by doing a documentary  and Tae had the perfect producer Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook we can not say thank you enough for giving us our son and brother back and now I believe you have something to say?"
Jimins father stepped down and soon Jimin , Tae and their parents were hugging each other before they turned back to the stage.
"Hi folks, I'm Jungkook and I've had the pleasure of seeing the caterpillar turn into a butterfly . Jimin could you come here?"
Jimin stepped towards his boyfriend smiling.
"Jimin through the making of the documentary you showed me how strong a person could be, whatever life threw at you, you embraced it and survived. You also showed others how to survive, your charity does wonders, Jin and Namjoon said they have had calls from so many people wanting to help with donations, skills even offering buildings to make room for more people, it's truly inspiring, everyone is captivated by you, your kindness your story, your true need to always help others , Jimin always be proud of who you are ...., now then,..... I also came to realise during this documentary how special you are to me, I cannot imagine not having met you, my life wouldn't have been the same, you are me, I know it's not long but....(getting down on one knee) I got your parents permission but now I want yours Jimin will you  take this ring and marry me?"
Jimin jumped on his boyfriend sending them crashing to the floor,"yes,yes,yes!!!"
Jungkook laughed loudly as his boyfriend straddled him kissing his face, Jimin suddenly realised how they looked and got off Jungkook rapidly going red but not before Jungkook took his hand and slipped the ring on shouting to the laughing crowd" he said yes!!!"
Three years later
"Baby don't cry, daddy will make more cookies, naughty daddy Kook eating the last one!"
"But they were yummy," Jungkook complained," here baby boy daddy will share"
Jungkook took his son from Jimins arms giving the two year old half the cookie.
"Do you think Tae and Hobi will be alright with him?"
Jimin looked at the two and a half year old that he and Kookie had adopted just over a year ago, Jiyhyun adored his new parents and they adored him. When Jimin had ventured the suggestion after their marriage that he wanted a family Jungkook was fully on board and they now had their son.
"Tae and Hobi will be fine not to mention your parents , Tae has already said they will take him there."
"Well I must say I was surprised when you mentioned the break away but I can't see why he can't come too?"
"Because baby, much as I love our son he has a habit of wanting to sleep with us ....and Daddy wants some fun!"
Jimin blushed at the others meaning, slapping him on his arm.
The doorbell went and there was Tae and Hobi." Tae Tae, " their son adored his uncle and lifted his arms up to be taken.
"You want a drink?" Jimin asked.
"Nope gotta dash mum hasn't stopped ringing she wants to see her grandchild, is this his stuff, ok , are you ready to go on an adventure with uncle Tae and uncle Hobi?"
"Bye you two," winked Hobi
"Bye daddas"
"Bye baby have fun,"
Jimin waved his son off tearfully.
Jungkook shut the door and pulled his tearful husband to him.
"Four days that's all then you get him back"
"I know, but they rushed off and we don't leave til tonight."
"Hmmm, you know what that means then love?"
"Daddy's playtime starts now!"
Jimin ran off giggling with his husband in hot pursuit soon enjoying moments of pleasure and love two souls who belonged to each other.
The End

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