Falling hard

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Jungkook woke up to a clingy Koala on him. He smiled rubbing the others back.
Jimin woke up about to pull back then cuddled closer.
"Morning Jimin,"
"Mmm morning Kookie,"
"Well I'm glad waking up to me didn't scare you!"
"Your smell comforts me,"
"You saying I stink?"
Jimin giggled," no it's just I recognise you even though I can't see you."
Jungkook rolled over to hover over the small boy, he pecked his lips, "time to get up,"
"I know the lights bright,"
"Jimin what.......!"
"Kookie! I can make out light!!"
Jungkook stared at the amazed look on Jimins face and planted an exhuberant kiss on his lips.
"Just light or anything else?"
Jimin turned his head and sighed ," just light,"
"It's a start, so don't stress,"
Jimin nodded, "let's get ready,I can't wait for you to meet Jin and Namjoon."
The pair washed and dressed, Jungkook fixed some breakfast then cleared up and they left Jungkook using the sat nav.
"It says an hour and a half."
Jungkook drove, Jimin hummed, then started singing, part way through Jungkook joined in surprising Jimin with his harmonious voice.
"You could have been a singer!"
"But could you imagine someone as good looking and talented as me existing in this world?"
"Oh your modesty astounds me!!"
"I don't have to be modest if it's the truth," Jungkook smirked.
"Tell me again why I like you?"
"Because I kiss good?"
Jimin giggled, "you do, what else are you good at?"
Jungkook pulled over and turned to the small male,
"If you ever feel able I'll show you."
Jimin bit his bottom lip, "I think maybe with you anything would be possible......"
"Aw hell, why are we stuck in a car," groaned Jungkook before reaching over to pull Jimin close and kiss his lips.
"Go we need to um go," Jimin giggled.
Jungkook patted Jimins thigh before starting the engine and driving on.
It wasn't long before they drove through gates up a short drive and stopped in front of a long two storey building, a veranda around the font where some people looked at Jungkook suspiciously, once Jimin appeared from the passenger side smiles adorned their faces.
"Moochi it's me chaeling!"
"How are you doing, did you try the laptop I got you?"
"It's amazing Moochi I've found so many things on it, I've started a blog about the best ways to cook cheaply"
"Well your food is the greatest so that's a fantastic idea, are you cooking today?
"Yes Jin let's me help most days now, it's made me feel worthwhile again."
"You've always been worthwhile you just had to stop doubting yourself!"
"Whose with you Moochi?"
"A friend whose going to film my life, I wanted to do some filming here if anyone wants to talk to him?"
"Me..., I will, you helped me, I help you, Moochi he's very handsome!"
"Is he? I thought he was a big fat ugly man like....."
Jimins head throbbed he bent over as some distant memory flashed through his head but didn't linger."
Jungkook came over quickly , but Jimin stood up taking a deep breath and smiling shakily.
" Moochi you ok?" Chaeling said with concern
"I'm fine, I er just realised I've been driving around with a handsome man, what should I do with him?"
Chaeling laughed then loudly whispered," hold on tight to him," then laughed loudly making the two people who walked out the door smile.
"Hey come give us a hug!!"
"Jin, Joonie!" He was enveloped in a group hug, Jungkook standing awkwardly behind still worried about Jimin.
The two newcomers stepped back but Jin turned a Jimin to him, "how are you?"
"I'm good....., er Jin are you wearing.....pink?"
"What else of course.....Jimin can you see!!!??"
"Blurry,I saw light earlier now....pink?"
"Come inside let me check you," Joon said
"Ok but first...Kookie?"
"Here J er Moochi"
Jungkook clasped Jimins hand in his seeing the knowing looks the other two shared.
"This is fabulous documentary maker Jeon Jungkook."
They shook hands,"I watched that one you did on autistic children not put in the right environment, it was amazing, why was it so hard for families to get help!"
"That was hard to make seeing the struggles families had and how it impacted on the rest of the family if they couldn't get help."
Joon had led Jimin off to a side room and shut the door.
"Don't worry,Joons a trained doctor as well as a counsellor, he'll just check Jimin over."
"Good, he's been getting headaches passed out...,I'm worried."
"In cases like his, it's been so long since it happened that it sounds like it's coming back thick  and fast,"
Jimin and Namjoon came out from the room.
"Let's have coffee," Jin said
"Can I film you two with Jimin"
"Fine by us"
Jungkook went out getting his camera and stand, he set it up in the kitchen where they all sat around a table. Jungkook explained how it worked and then started.
So Moochi you brought me here, can you explain what this is and who these people are.
Well this place is the main base of the charity. This is Jin and Namjoon, Jin is therapist and Namjoon a doctor and counsellor, they run the place basically.
Namjoon how has this helped people.
Well it's a safe haven No set rules just a willingness for a group of people to fix what's wrong in their life and learn new things. Many of them have been put down assaulted or suffer from depression. All need help and security and that's what Moochi put in place here, there are qualified staff, mentors , and we routinely have people with set work skills coming in to train people up.
How did you three meet?
Moochi came to me after he was seen by Joonie after his attack, he wasn't prepared to share for a while, he had to learn new skills, braille ,finding his way around and he struggled with it , so I used to take him to a music studio where he would sing out his pain and anger.
He got his big break when his new manager sent in a recording of him singing to a producer and he's gone in from there.
The viewers have heard from Moochi about his blindness but can you explain more.
Hysterical blindness is a psychological thing often caused by trauma. It can last for a few seconds to longer.
For Moochi it's his way of coping after an event which caused him stress and trauma, it's unusual for it to be so long but my thoughts are that for Jimin it's been a safety measure, whatever or whoever caused it doesn't have to be faced if Jimin is blind.
So now I'm getting flashes of light and colour?
Shows your admitting to yourself that you are in control not letting the past control you.
The filming stopped there, Jimin was thinking to himself then spoke.
"Earlier when I spoke to Chaeling we joked about a fat ugly man, but it hit a nerve, almost like someone like that was who hurt me."
"Jimin the other day you yelled out that you wouldn't tell anyone who it was , as if you knew that person.?"
"God why is it almost there on my outer limits!!"
Namjoon came and patted his shoulder ," relax trying to push it won't force it your doing well.
Jin then showed Jungkook around, some of the 'clients' were withdrawn while others looked like they had been given a new lease on life.
Jungkook filmed classes or training as it was called and lastly filmed Chaeling asking him his story

So Chaeling tell me about yourself.
I'm a bit of a recluse, I was never schooled properly just here and there so I took on easy jobs that didn't require a lot of skills.
I used to work many hours as a night shift guard, walking around buildings checking rooms. It didn't need a lot of skills.
In my one room place I used to try out new food dishes it brightened my day.
One morning after a long nightshift I made my way home.
A little girl which I had seen nearby came rushing from her place, she ran to me looking at me with big eyes shoving a piece of paper in my hand, I asked if she wanted me to read it, she nodded and I pretended to read then smiled at her, her mother came out and I just smiled and nodded as her mother pulled the girl back inside . I couldn't read and felt stupid in front of a little girl. I went in and went to sleep.
When I woke up I heard noises outside and saw police cars there. A trolley came out with a covered body on it I thought it was the girls mother but to my surprise the mother came out with police in handcuffs yelling and screaming, I asked the police what was wrong, they asked if I knew them and I said in passing only but that the little girl had run to me earlier and given me a note. They asked to see it so I gave it to them, then they got angry and asked why I hadn't called them earlier once I read the note, I had to explain I couldn't read....., their looks......, apparently the little girl had written please save me my mother is going to kill me. She was mute.......
That day changed me completely, I caused her death, me being too proud to own up to my lack of literacy caused an innocent little girl to die . I found out her mother was a drunk who insisted her daughter was evil as she couldn't talk.
I had never bothered to try and talk to the little girl even though they were neighbours, I will never forgive myself for letting her down but as a result I came here, learnt to read and write and use IT, I have bettered myself, I am a blogger with a following, but it's due to the care of the people here, I didn't think I deserved help, I was emotionally broken , I wish the child could of had such help.I wish her mother could have reached out to somewhere like this to sort her demons out.
I have asked to help here, I see people come in broken like myself and I want to show they can be helped, life can get better.
This place is a safe haven of learning and fulfilment and Moochi to me is a life saver.
Chaeling hugged Jimin who told him how pleased he was with his progress and what a wonderful person he was.
Jungkook could see how much Jimin really cared about everyone there.He had none of the spoilt mannerisms of some entertainers who thought money brought them everything.
He realised he was falling hard for the small boy and wondered where it would lead him.

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