I wish

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They arrived at the beach.Jungkook could tell Jimin was nervous as he played with his hands.
"Come along then...,ice cream?"
"Yes please,strawberry."
"Ok it's a little walk to there, link your arm in mine."
Jimin did so and walked along next to Jungkook his hand gripping Jungkooks arm.
"Wow,your lucky you can't see this, a lady over there wearing a red costume two sizes to small and a man he's been in the sun too long he looks like a lobster and you can see where his sunglasses were on his face!"
Jimin laughed feeling more at ease.
"Ok we are here, on your left is a table and chairs, sit there while I go in and get the ice creams"
Jimin nodded feeling around and sitting on a chair listening to the sounds around him, people talking, birds flying the sea lapping at the shore.
In minutes Jungkook was back passing Jimins ice cream to him while licking his own.
"Tell me what you see," Jimin asked
"Well, there are families around, kids playing at the waters edge. There's an old couple walking arm in arm along the sand, the sun is bright sending gleams along the water, birds are flying down trying to pick up crumbs, it's really pretty here."
Jimin sighed," I Wish.....,"
"You wish what?"
"That my stupid brain would let me see all this! Ten years I've been like this, if it's me causing it why can't I make it go!!"
"Hey calm down, you will get there I honestly believe it,"
"You have more faith than me,"
"Maybe that's the point, if you don't think you will do it then your the one stopping progress?"
Jimn thought about it and was going to say something when Jungkooks phone rang.
"It's Yoongi look was Jimin ok when you left? He's not here! He's always here, oh god what's happened to him!"
"Yoongi stay calm he's with me,"
"With you...? Where?"
"The beach"
"Jimin went outside with you...to a beach, put him on the phone!"
"Ok but why didn't you ring him?"
"Because he doesn't own a mobile just a house phone!!"
"Ok here he is..."
Jungkook passed the phone," Yoongi " he whispered .
"Hi Yoongi,"
"You give me a heart attack and all you say is hi?!?!"
"Yoongi don't stress I'm out and it's nice, I had a strawberry ice cream!"
"Did you..., I'm glad your ok, I popped by with some paperwork you have to sign, but it can wait...., you enjoy yourself, bye for now."
"Bye Yoongi I love you!"
Jungkook frowned at those words and he felt a twinge of jealousy .
"He acts like your parent!"
"Well he's been my manager for seven years, he virtually found me busking, took me in, brushed me off and the rest is history,"
"So do you love him? Have you two got something going on?"
"Eh no, just friends, I don't think anyone would appreciate a used person like me ."
Jungkook could see he really believed that and got annoyed.
"Don't put yourself down !" He said harshly making the small boy jump and get agitated.
"I-Im sorry..."
"Ah Jimin did I scare you, I'm sorry!"
He grabbed Jimins small hands and brought him in for a hug, Jimin didn't pull away but let his head rest on Jungkooks chest.
"Can I read you?" He asked Jungkook.
"Can I feel your face with my hands, it sort of lets me know how you look."
"Go ahead..."
Jimin stood in front of the other running his hands over his face.
"Hmmmm,strong jawline, cheeks defined, , soft manly lips strong nose, you must be very handsome"
"Well girls don't complain, or the boys,"
"Do you have a partner?"
"So we are both single then,
They stood nervously then Jungkook grabbed the others hand," let's walk along the sand and go to the water....."
They took their shoes off  and rolled up their trousers then set off along the sand to the waters edge, giggling at each other as they had a lazy afternoon..
Seated in the car on the way back Jimin spoke
"thank you, I can't remember the last time I did something so...., normal"
"Your welcome any time."
"I hope I didn't take up too much of your time"
"Of course not, I'll drop you off, is it ok to leave my stuff there instead of carrying it to and fro?"
"Of course,"
Jungkook stopped outside the house and walked Jimin to the door making sure he was inside before saying goodbye and leaving.
Jungkook hadn't been home long when his phone rang, it was Tae.
"How was it, is he ok, not too stressed?"
"Tae,he's ok, he is interesting to listen too and comes across eloquently."
"I don't care about the damn documentary I care about Jimin, he used to pass out when he spoke to counsellors ."
"Well...,he seems to get these headache things, I've seen it twice now, he said it's like he wants to remember but can't ."
"Damn...after...it happened he kept saying about something I needed to know but then would scream in pain when he tried to recall, god I feel so helpless, he shut us out after a few years then moved out."
"He said he couldn't take you all feeling guilty he thought he was hurting you all."
"Shit! We kept our distance at his request but we have always known what's going on with him, Yoongi  is a relative ."
"He told me today how great your family is."
"I've always considered him as my brother we used to be very close."
"I think he misses you."
"Hmmm, this has gone on long enough, bye Kook."
The phone disconnected and Jungkook stared at it wondering what Tae meant by that, shaking his head he went to shower then cooked himself some food whilst listening to an album by 'Moochi'
  Jimin had showered and now went into his studio to record some parts.
A loud buzz came telling him someone was at the door. Making his way there he wondered who it could be, he pressed the intercom," Hello?"
"Hi ugly let me in."
"The one and only now let me in!"
Jimin pressed the lock and the door opened, he heard someone step in.
"Tae?your here?"
"Well I got fed up waiting for an invite so ta da!"
Jimin reached out coming into contact with a body, the next minute he was being picked up and swung around.
"My Moochi, I've missed you so much,"
"Me too..., I'm sorry but I ...., I didn't want you all to be in pain from having me around, you all kept blaming yourselves and.....well I didn't want you all to hurt any more...."
"You think we didn't hurt when you left? We love you Jimin mum was crying forever, dad just arranged for Yoongi to mentor you so we would know what was going on, we have followed your success and cheered you on , waiting for you to come back to us."
The pair by this time were crying whilst hugging each other.
"Tae...,can you Erm ,can you call mum and dad?"
"You sure? Shall I FaceTime them?"
"Well I probably look a mess but ok...."
The phone rang," hello son, you only called yesterday, what's up?"
"Hey dad is mum with you?"
"She's doing aerobics to Jimins song , hang on....."
"Tae darling, you ok , listen isn't this one good Ah my little Jimin so beautiful."
"Mum, dad someone wants to talk to you,"
"Sure son put them on.....JIMIN!!!! Oh son we missed you!"
"Hey dad, mum, I missed you too."
"I love you Jiminah,"
"I love you mum, wow I've missed the sound of your voices, I'm sorry for excluding you from my life."
"No no son, you did what you needed to do, what was right for you, we hold no grudges,ah damn I didn't think I'd cry!!"
"You and me both dad!"
"Does this mean we can speak to you regularly and when your ready see you my baby?"
"Mum I will even buy a mobile so you can call me when you want and soon, I'll try and come soon"
"We love you always Jimin, take care, Tae get him a phone soon, bye!"
The line went dead and Tae laughed, "well I guess they missed you!"
"Tae thank you for taking the plunge to come here,"
"Shall we celebrate?"
"Go for a drink at this private place I know?"
"I've never drunk...., but I can try,"
"That's my boy, let's get ready and go ."
Tae helped Jimin to dress to go out then escorted him to his car and started driving turning the volume up so the pair could sing loudly as they went along.


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