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Jungkook was about to leave for the hospital when Tae called.
"Jimins awake and anxious to get home, he was asking for you."
"I was just about to go to the hospital,"
"No meet us at his we are just about to leave."
Jungkook arrived at Jimins before the others , he got out of his car with a small suitcase and sat on the step waiting.
Two cars pulled up. Yoongi got out of one and Tae got out of his rushing to the passenger side to help Jimin out.
"Sorry I should have given you the code" Yoongi said
"Kookie?are you here?"
"I'm here Jimin."
Yoongi put in the code and entered going to a desk nearby and writing down the code which he gave to Jungkook and Tae.
They all went inside, Jimin made his way to the sitting room and sat down, he could hear the others fussing around him.
"Right stop!" He said loudly," I don't need you to fuss I'm not an invalid, we knew something may happen and it did, it may also happen again, there's no need for me to to hospital just let me sort it out here."
The three stopped fussing,"right Tae, time for you and I to go."
"Ok, my heads banging, moochi how come you didn't get a really bad hangover?" Tae whined.
"Cos I'm special,"jimin said cutely smiling," go home and rest."
The pair left leaving Jimin and Jungkook sitting there.
"Well, I'll go put my things in the spare room, is it down the hall?"
"No it's the room next to the conservatory room we film in."
"Oh," Jungkook frowned it was well away from Jimins room.
"Erm,if you want you can stay in my room?it's Erm , it's just that er....,"
Before Jimin could try and explain his request Jungkook jumped in,
"Yes that's probably better,you know in case something happens, I'll be there."
He didn't add that hopefully Jimin would cuddle up against him again.
"Good," Jimin said smiling
"Ok then," Jungkook answered smiling as well.
Jungkook took his suitcase to Jimins room when he came back out he didn't see Jimin where he left him. Walking around quickly he came to an open door and looking in saw Jimin with headphones on tapping his foot to something, then with eyes closed he burst into song fingers drumming along to what must have been the music, he stood up and danced on the spot his hips swaying seductively, Jungkook just leaned on the wall watching.
Jimin turned a knob pulling the plug on the headphones and music blared out, Jimin singing and dancing to it, when it stopped Jimin kept humming along.
"Nice song,is it new?
Jimin jumped ," shit I forgot you were here"
"Well now I'm offended...., you forgot all about this perfect example of manhood !"
Jimin giggled, " love yourself much ?"
"Hey you where did all this sassiness from?!?"
"It's your fault I feel very comfortable around you."
"I'm glad,not to ruin the mood but todays recording I'll obviously scrub out the bit where you collapsed....."
"I want people to see the real me faults and all, I want to show you shouldn't keep things inside you it only hurts you."
"Wow, can you say that when we record again?"
"I want to record now...,"
"Please Kookie,I will be ok I need to get this of my chest."
The pair sat in the room , Jungkook looked at the smaller boy proud of him.
"Ok Jimin I'll start"
So for any of you wondering why I kept the last few minutes in I'll let Moochi explain...,Moochi ?
Well I don't know what it looked like, I hope it wasn't scary for the viewers but I wanted Jungkook to keep it in. Right there you have seen the negative impact of denial, I can spout on about finding yourself help, going to the right places and contacting specific helplines.
I went to counselling but I didn't give it my all, I suppose I've been scared to face the truth of what happened to me, todays episode, is my brain trying to remember, I could use my usual tactics of denial but I agreed before doing this documentary that I would go where it takes me.
I'm sure like me many of you want to forget the bad things but your not helping yourself by doing this.
People can say it's ok for you you have the funds to do it, I do, but that's why I set up my charity when I say my charity it's yours too every time a fan buys my music forty percent of the money goes to the charity, I now have excellent counsellors to help , I have facilities for people to stay if it's not safe where they are and I employ qualified staff to teach tech, music and office skills. I hope to add more in the future. Some of those counselled come back to help out once their lives are settled, all I ever want to show is, life is worth living, share your pain take the step to ask for help.
Jimin asked to stop.
"Does that sound ok? Not to self absorbed?"
"Jimin your not self absorbed and I think what you've done is amazing and once this is aired your charity will have more help."
"You think so? Would you like to see the main set up?"
"Sure, can I film there or would it infringe on the people?"
"I will call right now about going tomorrow , I'm sure they won't mind filming, they are anxious to get the charity known."
He reached his hand out for the phone on a table nearby, feeling the buttons he punched in numbers.
He spoke to someone on the other end chuckling over something they said, "ok well we will be there at around ten thirty, can I use my room there to stay the night? Ok well bye for now, I love you both."
Jungkook frowned at the love he heard in Jimins voice.
"Well it's arranged and we can stay over is that ok?"
"Sure,er who did you talk with someone special?"
"Oh that was Jin and Joonie, they run the place , they taught me how to manage once I lost my vision."
Jungkook sighed in relief, not a boyfriend then.
"Let's order takeout I'm starving,"Jimin said.
After asking what Jimin liked Jungkook called a local takeaway.
The pair ate eagerly while chatting about things they liked , music they were interested in , general things.
After washing up they sat on the sofa, jimin found the tv remote and passed it to Jungkook," put in what you like,"
Jungkook found a comedy show, thinking it might make Jimin smile and he was right, as Jimin listened to the dialogue he couldn't stop chuckling which made Jungkook laugh even more.
Jimin yawned feeling tired after his emotional day, "I'm going to shower and go to bed"
"Ok, I just want to get the camera and bits ready for tomorrow then I'll be in."
Jimin walked off , while Jungkooks hormones went into overdrive , he was going to sleep next to this cutie again, he hoped Jimin slept on him like last time. After doing what he needed too he walked into the room to be greeted by a Jimin wearing just a towel slung around his hips as he picked out some pajamas from his closet," showers all yours," Jimin said hearing Jungkooks come in,
"Thanks, er Jimin I don't normally wear anything in bed but I'll wear boxers is that ok or do you want me to wear a top?"
"Just be yourself, wear nothing if you want I can't see you anyway."
Jungkook groaned as the thought of Jimin spread in his naked body came into his head," it's ok I'll put boxers on."
He did what he needed too in the bathroom and came out in clean boxers to see Jimin bent over on the floor searching for something.
Jimins ass was just to perfect Jungkook thought before clearing his throat he asked" what have you lost?"
"I dropped a ring from the counter, it was a present to myself when I made some money, I know it sounds silly but it's like a comfort blanket I wear it all the time except when I shower."
Two strong arms pulled Jimin up and sat him on the bed," let me look,"
He knelt down looking around and saw something glinting in the corner, reaching out he picked it up, a white gold band engraved inside with' you survived,'
"Got it which finger?"
Jimin held out his small hand," this one ," he said wiggling a finger.
Jungkook looked down at the cute fingers then pushed the ring on, Jimin grabbed the others shoulders bringing him in for a thank you hug but didn't realise how close their faces were and he ended up planting a kiss on Jungkooks surprised lips.
"Oh er sorry."
"I'm not,"
"Your not?"
"I'm not sorry you have very kissable lips Jimin,"
"I do?"
"You do."
"Do y-you want to kiss me Kookie?"
"Oh I want to but I don't want to scare you,"
"I don't feel scared..., I feel ...I don't know nice inside?"
"Damn Jimin your making this hard,"
"What hard,"
"Well if I told you you'd run a mile,"
"Is it...,is it like this......?"
Jimin held Jungkooks hand and brought it down his own body to where a bulge was forming.
"Yes baby, it's like that but I'm not forcing you into anything."
"Kookie um, kiss me."
Jungkook pulled the small boy properly into the bed, he caressed his cheeks before gently kissing his lips savouring the softness. Jimin kissed back moaning in pleasure, his body rubbed against Jungkook.
"Open your mouth Jimin let me inside," Jimin obliged , their tongues tangled each tasting the other, then Jungkook kissed down the boys neck finding a sensitive spot on Jimins collarbone . Both got more aroused, Jimin unconciously put his hand into his bottoms trying to find some release,
"Oh no baby let me pleasure you,"
He kissed his way down Jimin dragging his bottoms off, jimin tensed," it's ok Jimin I won't hurt you lay back and enjoy."
Jungkook kissed his way to Jimins erect member, taking it into his mouth and sucking and licking it. Jimins hands clenched the sheets as new feelings swirled through him, he brought his hands down touching Jungkooks soft hair, gasping as he felt pleasure build, he pushed into Jungkooks throat wanting something that built up in him. Jungkook lapped his slit and Jimin jerked in pleasure , jungkook could feel Jimin get more rigid and knew he would come soon so he pumped with one hand while sucking and soon,"aaaaaaargh oh god aaah!!!"
The pleasure that ran through Jimin was so intense, Jungkook lapped up every last bit before moving up the bed to lie down next to the panting boy.
"You feel ok,?"
"More than ok, oh god that was intense."
"We'll go to sleep now,"
"I can't "
"Why, ?"
"What about you,"
"Me.....oh er I'm fine,"
"Your such a liar I can feel it against me!! Lay back"
"Jimin you don't have to....."
"Bossy," Jungkook muttered but lay back, then began a small torture.
Jimin felt his way down Jungkooks hard abs, kissing every now and then. His small hand placed itself on the others erect hardened member.
"Someone's a big boy," Jimin Giggled.
He suddenly lapped at the tip Jungkook gasping at the touch, then Jimin took him into his mouth as much as he could doing what Jungkook had done to him." Fuck Jimin that's so good ," Jimin laughed the vibrations going through the other who moaned in pleasure. Jimin's small hand was pumping the lower part as he sucked Jungkook in, soon Jungkook was thrusting down Jimins throat lost in pleasure only to rein himself in when Jimin gagged.
"Sorry babe you just turn me on so much," he moaned .
Jimins movements quickened and then Jungkook erupted hard, blasts of his seed going down Jimins throat." Fuck too much,"Jungkook groaned out his pleasure.
Jimin drew back wiping his mouth then flopping down next to Jungkook.
The pair lay there neither wanting to move , then,
"Let's sleep do you want to put your bottoms on?"
"No and I don't know where I threw your boxers,"
They lay in the bed apart from each other neither going to sleep.
"Fuck this," jungkook reached over and hauled Jimin into him.
"Mmmm, much better,"
Jimin giggled and cuddled up to him.
"Night Kookie,"
"Goodnight baby"
Both fell into a deep comfortable sleep.

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