Why him

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Jungkook was in his office flipping through files trying to find something he could work on, his boss and friend Taehyung came in throwing a file on top of the desk.
"Your next project,"
Jungkook opened it
Park Jimin
"That's it? Why him, what's so special about him?"
"He's very successful, in the charts but doesn't do concerts or shows,so nobody knows anything about him, nothing , but now his manager has asked us to do a bio on him."
"Really Tae?what is he spoilt rich kid who's broken into the media....,boring."
"No nothing like that....Look he requested you, he's seen your documentaries ."
"Ok so when do I get to meet wonderboy?"
"Today, ten thirty his place."
"Why his place?"
"Because he wants to feel comfortable "
"God I hate these people who think the world has to do as they say...., ok I'll go but if I think it's not going to work I'm outta there."
"Fine...., but try eh, his manager is Min Yoongi and he never asks for favours, also as a favour to me."
"Why don't I know about. Park Jimin in the charts?"
Tae laughed," you do but he's called Moochi"
"Moochi!! I love his songs, great! Wonder why he wants to do a documentary, he's virtually in hiding"
"Well your going to find out aren't you, but it's got to be a one man job, so your camera and interviewer ."
"This sounds weirder and weirder,"
Tae sighed," you'll understand when you get there, look Jimin is........, well, ....,special,I want to help him."
"You know him?"
"Moochi was my nickname for him , when my family took him in."
"Tae what are you keeping from me?"
"Look Jimin needs to get something out of his system,maybe then......., look just go will you."
Jungkook mumbled about favouritism and left with the file.
Jungkook drove to the address on the file and knocked on the door.
A smallish male opened it," hi you must be Jungkook, Tae said you were on your way, I'm Yoongi Jimins manager."
They shook hands and Yoongi gestured the other in.
"Jimin your guest is here,"
Jungkook was led to a sitting room where a small figure sat.
Yoongi went behind Jimin and put a hand on one shoulder, Jimin lifted his hand to Jungkook," nice to meet you."
Jungkook shook his hand all the while trying hard not to stare at the beautiful male in front of him.
"Er you too, so what is this documentary about?"
"I er have issues which hold me back a bit , I'm trying to overcome it but I want to do a story on how you should never give up , whatever life throws at you."
Jungkook couldn't imagine what issues this famous male would have,again he wondered what was so important.
"So you've seen my documentaries that's why you asked for me?"
A giggle came from the pretty small male," well I haven't seen them but I've heard them."
"Look I'm not sure what this is all about, I get told you've seen my documentaries, you say you haven't what's going on?" Jungkook said glaring at the other two men.
"Jungkook," min Yoongi began.
"Yoongi it's ok, I'll explain, you get off for your meeting"
"But Jimin.....,"
"It's ok,"
"You have your phone in you?"
"Yes now go...."
Min Yoongi left,apparently not happily.
Jungkook glared at the other waiting to hear what was going on, normally that face would worry people but Jimin didn't seem fazed.
"So,where shall I begin?"
"Why me if you haven't seen my work?"
"Because I liked how they sounded, I haven't seen your work because.....,I can't ."
Jungkook frowned ," what do you mean?"
"I am for all intents and purposes....blind,"
Jungkook stared at the other in shock.
"But you shook my hand....,"
"Yoongi pressed my shoulder to let me know which side you were."
"Er,um,I'm sorry,"
"Why it's not your fault....,it's actually mine."
"What ?"
"It's called hysterical blindness ,when I lived with Tae's family someone broke in, I was on my own fourteen years old and I saw them, I can't remember their faces as I was hit over the head and was semi conscious , when they raped me, when the rest of the family came back I was incoherent and blind.I've been to doctors and psychologists who all agree it's my minds way of coping and my sight will come back, but it's been ten years and I can't let it go on longer ,I'm hoping talking to you about my early life struggles, then ending up at Tae's ,moving out because I couldn't bear them feeling guilty about the attack..., I'm hoping if I talk it out, try and remember I could get my sight back, but also I want other people to see that although life can be a struggle if you find something to help, in my case singing, then it can set you on a good path, that's why I set up a charity called pathways, mainly to help abused or orphaned children find their way in the world."
Jungkook stared at the eloquent boy, his words and the way he held himself couldn't help but make you want to listen to his story.
"Oh how rude of me, would you like a drink."
"Erm coffee ?"
Expecting a maid to appear Jungkook was surprised when Jimin stood up turned and walked to the kitchen, he followed and saw Jimin carefully put water into the kettle switching it on. He reached above him and found two mugs then brushed his hand over canisters finding the coffee written on it in braille.
Once the water boiled he hooked a device over one mug pouring the hot water carefully until a buzz sounded signalling the water was at the right height, he did the same with the other .
Jungkook nodded then realised," yes please"
Jimin got the milk out," er sorry can you pour this in I never seem to get the hang of it ,the sugar too."
Jungkook did his mug then asked Jimin if he wanted some, jimin nodded and asked for one sugar.
"Do you want to sit in here or where we were?"
"Here's fine let me carry the cups to the breakfast bar"
Jimin nodded leading the way, he took a seat and Jungkook placed the mugs down.
"It's at your two o'clock ," he murmured when he put the mug down.
"Thank you," Jimin reached carefully finding the mug.
"So is this something you want to do, it's ok if you don't , I know Yoongi and Tae probably pushed you into it."
"Actually the more I hear the more I want to do it, but will you be ok with me invading your space?"
"Honestly ...? I live alone, Yoongi invades every now and then to bring me shopping, when I record I have someone help because it's quicker that way, otherwise I don't go out or really see people. So talking to you and you filming is probably going to be hard but......, I need this, it's my last resort."
Jungkook could see tears glisten in the others beautiful eyes, without thinking he reached out taking hold of one of Jimins small hands but Jimin pulled back startled.
"I'm sorry" they both said at the same time. Jimin giggled nervously," another hang up from my past, I don't like being touched unexpectedly."
"So boyfriends?"
"Nope, who would want someone like me."
"Your being too hard on yourself , your talented , attractive ...,"
"I am?"
"You mean you don't know?"
"Last time I saw myself I was a spotty kid ugly as sin,ask Tae he used to call me ugly mugly, when he wasn't calling me moochi." Jimin smiled as he remembered.
"Well I'm sure he called you that as a joke no way were you ugly!!"
"Maybe, I never did ask him."
"Does he comes around a lot?"
"No, I don't want him getting upset seeing me like this, so I never let him come here. You see that day he was supposed to be home with me but wanted to see his friend so I told him to go, as it turns out it was good he did otherwise something might of happened to him, but he doesn't see it like that he thinks he could have saved me."
Jungkook could see now why Tae had asked for his help .
"Ok then Jimin we will start tomorrow, I'll film and interview you ok?"
"Great,I'm glad you agree, so shall we start at ten and you can decide how long we work?"
"Fine it will probably take a few days if your ok with that?"
"Yes I'm .aaah!" Jimin winced in pain.
"What's wrong?!?!"
"N-nothing, I just started getting these blinding pains in my head but if I lay down they go."
"Ok I'll go for now then"
Jimin got up to see him to the door, opening it and going outside , then turning ," you sure your ok?"
"I'm fine, I just have to lick the door when you go..., it makes me feel safer."
"Right bye then."
The door closed after him but he stood waiting until he heard a lock turn then satisfied he went to his car and drive back to the office .
"Well, you gonna do it? How is he is he eating? "
"Yes I am ,he seems ok and I don't know if he's eating."
Tae sighed," I wish he'd let me in,"
"Don't worry Tae, one day he may"
With that Jungkoook tidied his desk then he went to sort out A camera a notepad   And bits he'd need, now he was looking forward to untangling the mystery that was Jimin.

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