Take it slow

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Jungkook was awoken by a loud shout, he sat bolt upright, his eyes half closed, a small figure came hurtling in the bedroom followed by a smaller worried one.
"What the hell are you doing in his bed, trying to get in his pants, god what made me think Jimin needed this!!after all he's gone through ..you ...you!!!!"
"Calm down, I asked him to stay, I got drunk with Tae he picked us up brought us home,I-I got scared and asked him to stay ....in here .....with me."
Yoongi stared from one to the other then sighed holding his hands up to Jungkook," sorry my bad, wait did you say you made up with Tae? Great news, tell me about it in the kitchen, er sorry for waking you."
Jungkook waved him off, then got up showered and met up with them in the kitchen.
Walking in he saw Jimin sitting there while Yoongi was cooking some breakfast. He sat next to Jimin earning a smile from the small boy, something Yoongi noticed as he to gave a small smile.
"So things going well?"
"Yes Jimins documentary will be good he's great at expressing himself,"
"Good,good, oh Jimin you ok to eat not queasy?"
"I'm fine, not even a headache."
The other two looked at him in astonishment and awe.
"Not fair is it," Jungkook said
"Nah, my first time I thought I was dying,"
They both sighed in rememberance.
They ate their breakfasts then Jimin said he would get some stuff for Yoongi, he slipped away while Jungkook and Yoongi washed up.
Jungkook looked around quickly then asked the question that was bugging him.
"Yoongi when Jimin was drunk he came to as I put him to bed got scared and started yelling, I think it was about his attack, but he said, I won't tell them who you are? Has he said that before?"
Yoongi looked shocked," No never , does that mean it was someone he knew? Shit could explain the blindness, he doesn't want anyone to get hurt so he closes it from his mind, I'll talk to Tae."
Jungkook nodded as they heard Jimin come back ,
"Well gotta go, see you guys,"
"Bye Yoongi,"
Jimin turned," Kookie?"
"Here, "Jungkook came up beside him.
"I hope you didn't mind staying,"
"No of course not, it's ideal I'm already here for work !"
Jimin laughed," well I have a spare room, you could stay there while doing this?"
"Not a bad idea actually, I'll pick some clothes up later."
"Great," Jimin smiled then went off to shower and dress.
The two settled into the room they filmed in.
"Now remember anytime you want to stop we stop ok, it's going to be hard today."
Jimin nodded then got comfortable.
"Ok I'll talk then you"
  So Moochi, we spoke about Your early days and how it wasn't such a great start but you then had the chance at family life which you seemed to enjoy?
Yes, it was all new to me but my brother felt like he was my real brother we got on so well, it was like he could finish a sentence that I started and vice versa, we had lots of fun, he was very good looking and well liked in school.
How about your school life?
Well I was a bit of a nerd, I liked studying and was quite good at it but it didn't make me very popular at school, my brother was always sticking up for me.
He sounds great, so we're you bullied at school?
I was picked on because of my size and because the teachers always asked me the questions as they knew I could answer, maybe if my brother wasn't there it might have got physical, so I guess I'm glad he was there.
So when did things change?
I-I was at home one day, my mother and father had to go to an important meeting leaving me and my brother at home, my brother got a phone call someone asked him to meet up, he didn't want to leave me at home but I told him to go out and enjoy himself.
Half an hour after he went I heard a noise downstairs.
Jimin visibly shook, you could tell the thought of recalling that night clearly upsetting him, he winced slightly as if his head was hurting.
"Do you want to stop Jimin?"
"No !"
Jungkook nodded and carried on
So can you tell us what happened?
I-I called my brothers name thinking he had come back, it went quiet I think so I went downstairs,I er, remember looking into the sitting room and er it was m-messy.
Then what?
I think I , well things got confusing , I remember bits, like there being three people, one of them was (he winced his head now throbbing) was..., I can't remember..., I was raped, I can't remember it all but it caused me to be like this today.
And for the viewers who aren't aware what happened?
I got something called hysterical blindness, it means although I should be able to see, my mind has shut off some memories causing me to be blind.
So the trauma has had a lasting effect?
Yes, not only the blindness , but my family, they felt guilty that it happened in their home, my brother especially felt guilty for not being there to help. It effected us all, I saw counsellors, I had a terrible time coming to terms with it, I think it made me realise how my real mother had felt it was like history repeating itself.
I eventually blocked it all, tried resuming my old life, I returned to singing it helped me release the feelings locked inside me, but homelife suffered, I could  tell guilt made them extra protective, they weren't the free happy family they had been, so in the end I decided to remove myself.
My manager has known me for years he took me under his wing and Moochi was born.
Jimin suddenly moaned in pain his body shaking as if he was having a seizure then he suddenly slumped unconcious. Jungkook stopped filming and rushed to the boy then worriedly called an ambulance , jimin was taken to the hospital jungkook following behind, Jungkook had called Yoongi and Tae before leaving and they both got there five minutes after Jimin.
Yoongi had him transferred to a private room to be examined.
"What happened?" Tae asked with Yoongi listening, Jungkook explained all of it.
"I asked him if he wanted to stop but he wouldn't ..."
Jungkook paced back and forth.
"I think his brain is waking up, little things creeping in ," Yoongi said.
"What things?"
Yoongi explained what Jimin had said the night before.
Tae looked horrified," you mean it was someone he knew?"
Jungkook and Yoongi shrugged.
"We don't know but it could be a factor in why he can't remember or doesn't want to remember."
Tae nodded then the doctor came out and spoke to them," he's ok now but I think it's a breakthrough, you said he winced like he has a headache?" He asked Jungkook.
"Yes it's happened a few times during filming."
"Mmm, we'll just keep on top of it like you have been, if he wants to talk about it let him he needs to break that barrier down, he's sleeping it off but he can go once he wakes up."
They nodded their thanks and went into the room, Jimin was muttering in his sleep twisting and turning, Jungkook went and held his hand and the small boy settled down.
"Well will you look at that," Tae said surprised
Jungkook actually blushed.
"He said he feels safe with me," he mumbled.
The other two smiled.
"Look he wants me to stay at his while filming, should I ?"
Yoongi and Tae nodded immediately.
"Oh yes"
"You bet"
Jungkook was surprised he thought they might say no.
"Oh ok, but I got to get some things from mine."
"Go now, if he wakes one of us will take him home and call you."
"You sure?" Jungkook said reluctant to let go of the small boys hand.
"Go....now! Don't worry!"
Jungkook carefully withdrew his hand giving one last look before he left .
"Who would have believed it?" Tae said
"I know that's what I thought when he was in Jimins bed."
"He was what!"
"No it's not like that it's cos you and your drunk ass," Yoongi explained the nights events, Tae had the grace to look embaressed.
"So Jimin has a boyfriend?"
"Hopefully , he's certainly made him come out of his shell."
"Do you think I should give him the big brother talk?"
"Hell no, you'll jinx it and it's hardly like your a responsible adult!"
"True" Tae murmured then sighed ," our little boy is growing up." He said looking at his brother .
"Yeh," Yoongi said sighing as well.

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