How it began

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Jungkook got to Jimins on time, he rang the doorbell.
"Hello?" The sweet voice he remembered from yesterday came over the intercom.
"Jimin its Jungkook,"
He heard a click as the door opened, Jimin stood there smiling," come in".
Jungkook came in shutting the door and following Jimin from behind carrying some of the equipment.
His gaze couldn't help wandering over the perfect back view of the boy in front of him. That ass would look good bent over in front of him. His trousers tightened and he told himself to behave.
"I thought we could maybe film in here,I don't want people seeing my house layout it makes me feel insecure."
'Here' was a large conservatory type room, perfect to relax in and with a wonderful view.
"Is it ok here? Not to light? Yoongi says it's a chill out room."
"It's great, I'll set up my camera and get some bits from my car then we can discuss if there is anything you don't want me to ask and how you want to do this."
"Ok I'll go make coffee," Jimin turned a bit too quickly and tripped when his foot caught on the edge of a rug, two strong arms caught him and pulled him close as he fell.
"S-sorry,usually I don't have an audience to me making an idiot of myself." Jimins small hands clung to Jungkooks strong arms.
Jungkook couldn't help sniffing in the strawberry smell of the other,he thought how perfect this small boy was close up and how much he'd like to taste those plump lips.
"Oh er, are you ok, I'll go get my stuff," he nearly ran from the room before he acted on his impulses.
Jungkook set up and they sat down.
"So how do you want this?"
"Um, I've had mail apparently asking why I don't do concerts or meet the public so I basically want to introduce myself, who I was who I am and where I hope to go. I don't want people to feel sorry just see that whatever life throws at you help is around."
"Is there anything you don't want mentioned?"
"I don't think so, Yoongi hopes all this will open my eyes..literally " he gave a self depreciating laugh."oh one thing, I don't want my real name out there, just call me moochi."
"Ok then I'll start by introducing you etc and we will go from there, any time you want to stop tell me."
"Ok, do I look ok?"
"You look.....great," Jungkook said while his head was thinking good enough to eat."ready?"

This is Jeon Jungkook
todays documentary is about someone you've all heard of,but maybe never seen.Would you like to introduce yourself?

Hi, I'm the singer Moochi.

So why now, why show the world who you are?

Well I always wanted to perform but I liked my privacy for reasons that may become obvious,but then I realised I wasn't being fair to fans or myself and that maybe my story might help others.

What help are we talking about here?

Well I realised I wasn't alone in things that had happened to me, I know how it affected me and others around me. At first I never talked of it then realised it wasn't my fault and I needed help, so I reached out and began to explore ways to help myself, but lots of people aren't aware of where they can go, so when I could I set up a place where counsellors work and help people to help themselves move forward.

So...who is Moochi?

Jungkook noticed that Jimin was nervously playing with his fingers then seemed to pull himself together.

Moochi is 24........I was born as the product....of rape.
My mother was raped in a burglary attempt, her husband was killed at the time.
My mother was so full of sorrow that she didn't realise for a while that she was pregnant with the rapists child. Once she did she wanted to get rid of
Unfortunately her parents were god fearing people and wouldn't allow her to so she gave birth.
All I can say is maybe she should of been allowed to terminate,as my mother was never happy with me around.
She never called me by name I was just the rapists child, I can't blame her, she had an awful thing happen to her.
When I was six my grandparents died, after that she put me in an orphanage so she didn't have to see me anymore.

Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing but as he looked at the small boy he could tell remembering this bought back bad memories which he tried to cover with a smile.

So what was life like in the orphanage?

It was hard, the staff tried their best, but so many kids get abandoned or orphaned.
I learnt not to get attached to people as kids got taken to new homes and your left alone again.

Did you get picked?

We'll eventually , but I spent three years there. I used to sing to the smaller ones it calmed them. I made up my own songs even at that age, silly songs about fun and a good life, all from my imagination and books that I liked to read.

It sounds lonely?

I suppose...., but I didn't know any better, when your own mother constantly tells you your no good and unwanted you tend to become immune from everything like your going through the motions just to get through each day.

So what changed?

One day a couple came with their son to bring clothes for the children, their son found me on my own outside. We were the same age. He was the first person to make me laugh. He was so friendly to me . He'd beg his parents to come visit every week until one week I got told I was going home with them for good. It was the best day of my life, finally I had people who wanted me.
He called me his brother and that's how we were, like soulmates each looking out for the other .
I got singing lessons, I did homework , I got told of if I was naughty, it was home and I loved it .

It didn't last though did it?

Jimin suddenly winced in pain. Jungkook stopped the camera and went over to him.
"Jimin what is it, are the memories causing this?"
"I....don't know, it's like I should be remembering something but it's out of reach."
"Ok, we will stop for today,"
"I don't want to waste your time...I can go on?"
"No....., how about I take you out for a drive."
"Er I don't really go out....,"
"Correction, normally you don't go out but today you would love to go to the seaside."
"The sea! I used to love the beach!"
"So are you up for it?"
"Aw,come on?"
"Ok but you will have to help me find a hat and sunglasses, come to my room,"
Jimin led the way to his room, Jungkook saw the large bed and his thoughts drifted into another direction, how would Jimin look spread naked on the bed? He groaned at the thought.
"Is something wrong?" Jimin asked innocently.
"No I er just thought how lovely this room is and how tidy!"
"Yer, I have to be tidy so I don't leave things around that might trip me up, right this cupboard I think are there hats and glasses in here?"
"Wow yes, great collection,"
"Can you choose something that will look ok?"
Jungkook pulled out a black cap and black rimmed glasses, he automatically placed them on Jimin who suddenly grinned.
"You make me feel like I'm a child you have to dress," he giggled.
"Oh no your not a child to me," Jungkook said seriously.
"Can I call you Kookie?"
"Hmmm, ok but why?"
"I just, like being around you, not many people make me feel safe."
"Ah you little cutie, you make me want to kiss you!" Jungkook blurted then realised what he said.
"Oh sorry Jimin I...."
"Go on then,"
"Kiss me.....please"
Jungkook stared at the other then gradually leaned in placing his lips gently on the others, slipping a hand around his waist and drawing him near, he heard a little moan from the other and increased the pressure, Jimin now joining in. Then Jungkook pulled away," let's go to the beach," he told the rosy cheeked boy. He held his hand and walked him to the front door.
"Wait...,keys!" Jimin sliwly walked over to a wall where a cabinet was and opened a drawer pulling out some keys." Ready!" He smiled.
"Well  come young man your chariot awaits," jungkook said laughing.
The pair left the house Jungkook helping Jimin get seated in the car, before they drove off happily.

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