It was you

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Jimin watched the clock it was nine on on the second night without Jungkook.
He missed him so much. The day before he'd aimlessly walked around coming to a hair salon, he thought why not?
He had his dark hair cut and shaped perfectly with undertones of cherry red in the dark locks.
He bought himself a new mobile and got Yoongi to set it up for him, he used it to FaceTime his parents.
"Hey baby you look good new hairstyle you look very sexy my Jimin."
"Mum! You'll embarrass me!"
"It's the truth!!"
"So when's this documentary coming out?"
"Kookies editing it now and Yoongi said it airs next week."
"Kookie eh?"
Jimin giggled ," Jeon Jungkook the documentary maker, he's er he's my boyfriend ,"
"Ah Jimin is that ok, your not rushing into this are you?"
"Mum we love each other,"
"Well we are pleased for you both .The party is coming up too, oh I must get a new dress don't want to let my famous son down!"
"You could never do that mum, now tell me what you've been up to......"
And here he was sitting in his bed his new mobile in his hand, he looked at the number that he had insisted Yoongi give him. Should he call him, would he get upset at being interrupted ? He couldn't wait anymore he pressed to call.
"Hello who is this?" Jungkooks tired voice said.
"I-it's me Jimin I got a mobile, I Erm wondered how you are."
"All the better for hearing you baby."
"I miss you so much Kookie....."
"Aw babe you'll see me soon."
"I know I just ....miss you."
"What have you been doing then?"
"Oh I got my hair done, I spoke to mum, got this phone ...wrote some music........"
"That's good baby,"
"You remember the code to get in don't you,"
"Yes thanks for that, documentaries looking good,"
"Ok..., we'll I'll let you get on, I love you,"
"Wa......" Jimin put the phone down and cried into his pillow, eventually washing and changing into pjs then crawling back to bed to fall into an exhausted sleep so he didn't hear the front door open and close or the footsteps
The bed dipped as someone got in his hands clasping Jimin who mumbled and turned to the heat source.
Soft lips pressed against Jimins making him stir his eyes fluttering open.
"Kookie!!" He squealed
"Hi baby, I'm back I did it as quickly as I could,"
"But you didn't tell me earlier?"
"You put the phone down!!"
"I didn't want you to hear me cry,"
Jungkook kissed Jimin deeply then yawned ," sorry I haven't slept much I wanted to get back,"
"We'll get comfy and sleep, I'll cuddle you,"
"Before I do there is one thing,"
"You said you loved me."
"Er...., it's ok if you don't feel the same ,I'll love enough for both of us,"
"Silly..., you didn't give me time to answer before you put the phone down!! I love you to Jimin more than words can say,
They kissed a slow sweet kiss sealing their love, Jimin pulled away," come on you need to sleep,"
Jungkook nodded and settled down a Jimin laying across him, in no time at all the pair were asleep content to be together.
Over the next three days, jungkook supervised the spare room he was going to use to work in.
Equipment was brought in and set up to Jungkooks specifications. By the end of the third day it was complete. Jungkook was staring around the room when two small hands came around his waist.
"You happy Kookie?"
"Yes babe, I can do most of my editing and run through sun here even if I have to physically go out to record."
"I love doing my recording at home, I don't feel pressured, although I suppose now I have no excuse not do you out and about."
"Jimin you do what you want if you don't want to travel don't , if you do give me enough notice so I can come with you."
"You'd do that?"
"I'd do anything for you."
"Well that deserves a reward," Jumin said seductively, walking away from Jungkook stripping off as he went.
"Ah Jimin, just wait!" He chased after the giggling boy catching him and teasing him as much as the other had done, the night was filled with moans and sighs of completion, both giving in to their lust.
The next day Jimin got up to go cook breakfast, his phone rang.
"Yoongi? Bit early for you isn't it,"
"Don't remind me , just a reminder the documentary airs prime time tonight, have you told your parents?"
"Yer, I hope I haven't made a fool of myself....."
"Jimin , jungkook let me see it ahead of time, it's amazing."
"I've invited Tae over to watch with us, you want to come , it's pizza and beer?"
"Sure I will, it airs at eight, I'll come by for seven"
"Great, see you later,"
Jimin put the phone down and went back to cooking, his mind on the upcoming documentary,
"What's that bacon ever done to you?"
Jimin started at Jungkooks voice, he looked down to see a shrivelled burnt mess in the pan.
"Damn, I'll get fresh,"
"Let me you obviously have something on your mind."
Jimin sat down while Jungkook cooked.
"Out with it what's worrying you?"
"I keep wondering what people will think after the documentary tonight, I've never explained my thoughts to family even, I just shut them out and now it will be out there."
"Jimin it will show your strengths it will show however hard it was you made it through."
"You think so?"
"I know so,"
"Oh Tae and Yoongi are coming over to watch with us I thought pizza and beer?"
"Sure, but I won't let you drink too much"
"What are you, my mother?"
"Nope, but I can be your daddy, come here....."
Jimin ran off laughing, jungkook running after him into the bedroom,
"My poor ass......"
"Let me kiss it better......"

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