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Jungkook muttered as he heard his phone cursing whoever had rung him.
Slapping his hand onto the phone he answered it.
"Izz sat Jungkookshi?" A drunk voice asked ,
Jungkook looked at caller ID and sighed," Tae why is your drunken ass calling me?"
"Drunk, iwm porfecleee shober"
"Is that so well I'm going back to sleep,"
"Nahhh, you gotta helpsh me Jiminee fast ashleep I can't drive."
"Jimin whats Jimin got to do with it?"
"Me n Jiminee are bro's we celebratin but Jiminee can't dwink like me."
"Tae where are you?"
"Outshine club euph , euphoria."
"I'm coming."
Jungkook dressed quickly and rushed out driving quickly to get there.he saw Tae sitting cross legged on some grass with Jimin curled on his lap asleep.
"Hey it's Kook to the rescue, it's cold here,"
"You damn idiot , what were you thinking!"
"I wanna goes ashleep,"
"I'll drive you then take Jimin."
He managed to get the pair in the car and drove towards Tae's place.
Once there he rang a number, " hi come get this drunken lump from my car!"
Five minutes later and a tall male came out," sorry Jungkook, I didn't know where he went he's been ignoring my calls, come in love beddybyes,"
"Hey it's my Hobi , I got my bro back Hobi so I had a teeny drink to celebrate,"
"Teeny huh, say bye to Jungkook,"
""Bye bye cookie dough,haha cookie dough, ish that funny haha,"
Hobi dragged his boyfriend in leaving Jungkook to drive back to Jimin's . Once there he lifted the boy up as though he were a feather, found Jimins keys and got into the house walking quickly to Jimins room where he placed the boy on the bed.
"Mmmnn, cold....." Jumin muttered.
Jungkook looked for some warm pajamas finding them neatly folded. Taking them out he carefully slipped Jimins  clothes off trying not to gasp and the beautiful body on show. Jimins eyes suddenly opened a total look of fear on his face.
"No,no no, please don't touch me, I won't tell them it's you,please no!!" He yelled.
Jungkook realised the small boy was probably thinking he was being attacked.
"Jimin,jimin listen it's me Jungkook, can you hear me ? Your safe it's me!"
Somewhere in Jimins brain something made him recognise the others voice, "k-Kookie?"
"Yes, it's Kookie, don't be afraid, ok, your a bit drunk, you were out with Tae ok, I had to bring you and Tae home ok?"
"Kookie....., mmm I like Kookie, you keep me safe,"
"Yes Kookie will keep you safe."
"Yes cutie?"
"I wanna be sick......."
Jungkook quickly picked him up taking him to the bathroom, standing brushing his hair away from his face as he threw up the nights drink.
"Come on teeth then I'll get you water ."
He helped Jimin clean up and left him while he used the facilities. He came out of the bathroom looking pale and worn but more sober.
Jungkook helped him to bed then went and got water and found tablets.
"Here drink this and take these, it will help,"
"Thank you, I'm sorry, I just, I've never drunk before,"
"I'll kill Tae!"
"No, no we were celebrating, he came over and we Atalked and then I spoke to mum and dad, it was really nice."
"Yes I'm glad but Tae should have looked after you."
Jimin put his head down and fiddled with his fingers, "I'm sorry about before, I didn't know what was happening."
"Don't be sorry, it's my fault, I should have thought how you might feel with someone undressing you."
"Well if I was normal then I probably would have enjoyed a hottie like you undressing me," Jimin said with a small smile.
"A hottie huh?"
"Yer I felt your face remember...., "
"Well of course your right I am extremely handsome your hands didn't deceive you," he playfully retorted making Jimin giggle .
"They must be lining up to get to you, someone like me doesn't stand a chance then," Jimin said in a laughing voice.
Jungkook was suddenly serious," I'd keep a place at the front of the queue for you."
Jimin blushed then yawned," oops sorry."
"That's ok, I'll go, so you can sleep,"
"G-go,oh ok."
Jimin was twisting his hands nervously, "or maybe I could just stay here for tonight, it's a bit late and I'll be back in the morning anyway."
Jimin knew he was staying to stop him being afraid and he visibly relaxed." Oh I better find some bedding for the spare room," he made to get up but Jungkook halted him.
"It's ok this bed is huge, I'll sleep over here is that ok?"
Jimin thought then nodded," ok, goodnight Kookie,"
"Goodnight cutie, just remember if you wake up that it's me in here and your safe."
"Yes Kookie,"
Jimin slithered down the bed closing his eyes and soon was sound asleep.
Jungkook stared at the sleeping boy, mesmerised at how pretty he was, his beautiful plump lips, his closed crescent eyes his milky white skin ., he sighed got up to use the facilities took his top and sweats off leaving just his boxers, usually he slept nude, he knew Jimin couldn't see him but he thought it better to keep something on.
He slipped into the bed, Jimin was far away curled up on his side, he chuckled to himself thinking at any other time he would be all over the small boy but it wasn't to be......yet. He closed his eyes thinking over the night something worrying away at him but he couldn't think what, eventually he gave into the sleep that awaited him.
Four hours later in the early morning he woke up with a start, at first he didn't know what had woken him but he soon became aware of a small figure curling into him as he held him lightly, he lazily smiled at how Jimin had gravitated to him in his sleep, thinking that's what had awoken him, then he woke up a bit more and realised what it was, when Jimin was scared thinking he was being attacked he had said' I won't tell them it's you,' had he known his attacker?
He frowned as he thought about it, he would talk to Tae about that day when he saw him had he ever mentioned this out aloud before?
The thought of someone attacking the small boy made him feel protective and he gathered him too him, Jimin nuzzling against his neck in sleep, it was a couple of hours before Jungkook got back to sleep his mind wondering about the day of Jimins attack and the fear it left behind, he wanted to help him overcome his fears but didn't know how .
  Jimin woke up a smile on his face, he had slept well, he suddenly realised he was lying all over someone,at first he froze then remembered Kookies voice," remember it's me if you wake up," he smiled.
"Kookie? He whispered, there was only a small groan as Jungkook turned hugging him in his sleep. Jimin grinned, then realised his hands were on a very muscular body. He gently ran his fingers down the others chest then stopped scared he would wake him.
He lay still next to this man he'd come to trust, he slipped from the bed quietly when Jungkook turned in his sleep laying on his back.
Jimin made his way quietly to the kitchen where he pressed a button on the clock which told him it was 7.30 , he then started making himself a hot drink and sat at the breakfast counter, thinking how glad he was that he had reconciled with his family. He had been sat there for nearly an hour when he heard the front door being opened, he realised today was the day Yoongi picked up some work he'd been recording.
"Hey Jimin, not dressed yet?"
"I thought I'd wait a bit I didn't want to wake him,"
"You didn't what?!?!"
"Wake Kookie, he's in my bed."
"What the hell,JEON BLOODY JUNGKOOK!!!!"

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