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Jimin and Jungkook were in a bedroom after a long day of filming talking and reminiscing with Jin and Namjoon.
"I'm so tired," Jimin murmured as he slowly made his way around the room not as secure in his surroundings as he was at home .
"It's been a long day come in I'll cuddle you to sleep,"
Jimin giggled," just cuddles right?"
"Well maybe a kiss or two " Jungkook smirked.
They got into bed and Jungkook put his arms around the other kissing his forehead.
"You are an amazing person Jimin, the things you've done for the people here."
"I wish I could do more, so many people struggle,"
"Well once this documentary airs there could be more professionals who want to get involved ."
"You think so? That would be really great!"
"Sure they will now go to sleep,"
"Ok daddy!"
"Well you sound like a parent!"
Jungkook laughed," er Jimin there's something you should know, sometimes grown adults play sexual games where one person might call the dominant other,'Daddy',"
Jimin buried his head in embaressment," well how was I to know!!"
Jungkook couldn't stop laughing, so Jimin rolled away from him in frustration .
"No,no sorry Jimin it was just so funny to hear you call me daddy, come back here!"
"I'm going to sleep"
"Oh don't be cross..." jungkook spooned against Jimin kissing his neck which made the small boy wriggle against him his backside rubbing against Jungkooks crotch.
Jungkook slid his hand under Jimins t shirt caressing his chest and nipples. Jimin let out small panting moans so Jungkook rolled him back to him kissing him passionately. The two became more aroused only stopping to catch their breath before continuing on, " Ah Kookie why do I like you so much...." Jimin moaned against the others mouth while his small hands rubbed Jungkooks member through his boxers ."
"Jimin I ....look  we should stop, I really want to go further but I won't force myself on you...."
"Kookie....,I want it..., I want you to do it with me."
"Jimin I don't want to scare you it will hurt...."
"Please Kookie make me feel like a normal person,"
Jungkook immediately kissed Jimins lips his hands travelling over Jimins body stripping off both their clothes, jimins small hands travelling over Jungkooks muscles. Both were fully aroused but Jungkook still held back, "jimin stop me if you get scared or anything....?"
"Kookie just fuck me will you!"
Jungkook lifted his fingers to Jimins mouth, "suck I have to prepare you,"
Jimin sucked on the others feeling more turned on than ever, jungkook spread the others legs and gently slipped a finger in, Jimin tensing a bit at the intrusion," you gotta relax baby,"
Jimin nodded letting the other kiss his worries away.
Adding another finger Jungkook scissored his fingers to loosen Jimin up then a third, Jimin was gasping and pushing onto those magical fingers. Then Jungkook searched and found the sensitive bundle of nerves inside Jimin pumping against them making Jimin moan in pleasure , jungkook withdrew his fingers and lined himself up," we should really have lube," he said worriedly .
He pushed his tip in bit by bit, Jimin gripped onto the other tightly, jungkook lowered his lips to Jimins ear licking and sucking it taking Jimins mind off the intrusion and making the other moan in delight, at that point Jungkook pushed in fully and bottomed out, Jimin moaned in pain then as he became accustomed to the fullness, anticipation built up in him ," move Kookie, make me feel good,"
"Ok baby if your ready enjoy the ride,"
Jungkook started slowly letting Jimin get used to it, the boys small hands on Jungkooks back drawing him to him as he writhed in pleasure. Jimin started meeting Jungkook thrust for thrust.
"Fuck your tight baby I won't last long!"
"Harder Kookie, it's so good,"
The room was filled with their panting breaths but before long ,"aaaaaah Kookie!!!"
Jimin spurted his seed between their sweaty bodies, Jungkook thrust a few more times then,"uuuuurgh , fuck me," he moaned as he came inside the other.
He felt Jimins body shaking with laughter," what?"
"You said fuck me and we just did!"
"Ah someone is sassy....., but are you ok?"
"No...., I'm more than ok, good kisser and lover eh?"
"Of course!! Come on we need to shower!"
He carried Jimin to the bathroom and they cleaned themselves up, Jimin limping slightly as he walked back to bed.
"Good job this room is away from others your quite a moaner during sex!"
Jimin aimed a punch in Jungkooks direction catching his arm," that's just to make you feel good," he smirked at Jungkook.
Jungkook started tiggling the smaller boy who curled up," enough enough ok I give in!!"
The pair settled down Jimin getting comfortable on Jungkooks chest. "Night Kookie,"
"Night Jimin sleep well,"
" I will, I feel like a weights been taken off me it's weird,"
The pair fell into a deep relaxed sleep.
Jungkook woke up at seven hearing sounds of movement in the building, he looked down at the peaceful face of the boy beside him brushing his soft hair from his eyes, then he carefully slipped from the bed washed and dressed and went to see if he could help anyone out.
He found Jin and Chaeling in the kitchen squabbling over what to make everyone for breakfast.
"Need help?" He asked
"I want to try dipping bread in egg and frying it with mushrooms and bacon he wants plain old fried egg bacon and mushrooms!" Chaeling said.
"Why not do both put it on plates and let people take what they want?"
The other two stared at each other and grinned then got on with the cooking, laughing at their silliness.
Soon a big table was set with food and people came filling their plates and sitting at smaller tables or taking their plates back to their room, jungkook was wondering if he should fill a plate for Jimin when the small boy appeared in the doorway.
"Hey Moochi I was just about......., hey what's wrong!!"
Jimin stood there tears streaming down his face, Jungkook rushed over picking him up then sitting down with him on his lap," tell me what happened are you hurt?"
By this time Jin ,Namjoon and Chaeling the only ones left in the room were hoovering around a worried look on their faces.
"Yes babe what is it please tell me....."
"I can see!!!!"
Jungkook and the others stared down in astonishment.
"Can you tell me what you're seeing," Namjoon asked, the doctor in him concerned.
"Hey Joonie nice to finally see you, Jin makes you wear pink as well?"
"Oh My goodness you can really see," Jin yelled.
"Hello Jin your very handsome,"
"Of course ! But you can see!!"
Jungkook jealous at Jimin calling Jin handsome turned the small boys face to him.
"Can you see everything, no blurriness?"
"Well I can see this amazingly handsome man in front of me you're even better looking than I imagined."
"Amazingly handsome eh," jungkook smirked looking at Jin who glared back at him.
"Am I handsome too?"
Jimin turned round," Chaeling..., you are by far the most handsome here," Jimin smiled at the wrinkled old face.
There was much laughter and joy at the breakfast table as Jimin ate.Afterwards Namjoon checked Jimin over to make sure things were ok then after lunch , the two packed up said their goodbyes and drove back.
All the way back Jimin looked out the window pointing out colours and objects ,Jungkook smiling beside him.
When they got in Jimin turned to Jungkook, can we invite Yoongi and Tae over? I want to surprise them."
"Jimin it's your house we can do whatever you want"
Jimin sent messages to the pair , Jungkook went out got in some food and started to prepare it.
The time came and Yoongi walked in closely followed by Tae.
Jimin had told Jungkook not to say anything he was going to act as if he still had no sight then surprise them during the meal.
The four sat down to eat, Jimin fidgety and excitable.
"So you went and saw Jimins set up?"
"Yes it was amazing he should be very proud of himself."
"That's what I say," Yoongi said
"So the documentary....,is there much more to film?"
"Probably one more section then I'll check out footage put it together and it's done, I want to air it soon,"
Tae and Yoongi nodded so engrossed in Jungkooks speech that they paid no mind to Jimin refilling their wine glasses except a muttered " thank you"
Jungkook snorted , Jimin kept his face straight,
"Why laugh I only said thank you," Tae said frowning, then he and Yoongi stared at Jimin.
"Y-you poured our wine out, you can see!"
The two men came round to Jimin hugging him for dear life.
"How ?"
"I had sex and this morning,"
Jungkook face palmed at Jimins honesty ," babe I think that's TMI"
"Jungkook your worried about him telling us you fucked when he's got his sight back!!"
Jimin turned to Jungkook and kissed him," you freed me from my shackles,"
"Omg, you have to call mum and Dad, "
Tae and Jimin went off and called their parents via a zoom call.
"Hey mum , dad,"
"Tae Tae and our Jiminee how are you,"
"Your looking prettier than ever mum,"
"Oh hush now , wait, what!"
"I can see mum dad, I can finally see again,"
"Oh baby we are so pleased!"
"Hey you two don't cry you'll start me off,"
"I-ok our baby, we want to celebrate, how about a family party, your aunts and uncles have missed you too,"
"Um, ok but I'll get Tae to arrange it in a restaurant you just give me numbers ok?"
"Yes.yes,we will sort it with Tae,"
"Only the decent relations mum,"
"Tae you know you can't pick and choose and we can't ignore some and invite others!"
"Eugh, ok then, speak soon,"
Jimin giggled ," I've forgotten some people I'm sure,"
"Believe me your lucky, some family I wish I'd never met!"
Laughing the two went back to the others.

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