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Jimin was getting used to actually seeing things again. For the next two days he and Jungkook spent time walking around together, eating out and even going to the cinema.
On the third morning Jungkook woke up to hear Jimin muttering. Opening his eyes he saw Jimin in his closet a big bag by his side.
"Gotta go,"
"I'll keep it,"
Clothes were pulled off hangers and put into the bag, very few were left.
"What are you doing?"
"I need to go shopping, these clothes are for charity I need to get new stuff."
"It's five thirty!"
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you!"
"Come to bed,"
"I er, ok"
Jimin crawled into bed and Jungkook cuddled him close.
"God your freezing......, do you want to tell me what's really bothering you ?"
Jimin sighed," we will film our last piece today, then you said you need to go away and edit it, it made me realise, that could be the last time we get together."
Jungkook pulled him close," why are you fed up with me already?"
"No of course not, but I have monopolised your time."
"I like spending my time with you,"
"Yes but for how long? We have never said what our relationship is?"
Jungkook rolled the smaller boy onto his back, leaning over him.
"Our relationship is........your mine, from the crown of you head to your little toes"
"A-as boyfriends?"
"Yes Jimin"
"What did you think we were doing?"
"I Erm thought maybe Erm ...., I was a fling to you...." Jimin whispered out.
Jungkook sat up frowning, "why would you think that?"he asked angrily.
"B-because, it's been so quick ......, I'm not exactly easy to be with a-and I'm not fixed completely because I can't remember everything ."
"Do you not want this Jimin? Do you think I've rushed you into this?"
Jimins eyes filled with sudden tears  he'd made Jungkook angry. He was scared of angry people.
"I-I'm sorry"
He rushed into the bathroom locking the door.
Jungkook sat there, he was sorry? Did that mean he didn't want them to be a couple? He got up angrily prepared to confront the small boy but as he got near the door he heard muffled sobs, he called through the door, "jimin open up!"
The sobs became more muffled as if he was covering his mouth.
"I said open the door!"
There was no response so Jungkook shouldered it open, he went in then he realised....., Jimin was curled up in the corner of the shower looking frightened out of his wits.
"Jimin, baby, it's ok, I'm not mad, I'm sorry if I sounded like that ,I forgot I'm your first boyfriend , I thought you were trying to brush me off , come on baby please come out, I'll never hurt you."
Jimin could see tears in the others eyes, he slowly stood up and hesitatingly walked over to the other.
Jungkook looked at him with so much love in his eyes he knew he had got things wrong.
"I'm sorry Kookie for doubting, it's me I can't control the deep seated feeling of not being good enough."
Jungkook picked the small boy up and carried him back to bed," let me love you Jimin," he said kissing the spot on Jimins neck that made him feel weak.
Jungkook began a slow attack of the senses, kissing Jimin sweetly, working his way down his body as if it was something to be worshipped. Jimin let out breathy gasps as sensations flooded over him. Jungkook took his arousel in his mouth and licked across the slit feeling Jimin twitch in his mouth, he could feel himself getting harder than ever so he pulled away , flipping Jimin onto all fours, he spread Jimins beautiful ass cheeks and licked against his puckered hole hearing Jimin moan loudly, dragging Jimin to the edge of the bed he stood behind Jimin rubbing his leaking dick against Jimins hole before pushing in deeply.
"Ooooooh! Kookie!!"Jimin gasped out in pain then pleasure at the fullness, Jungkook put his hands on Jimins hips and started rocking into him, angling himself until he hit that spot inside Jimin that fractured his senses.
"AaahKookie there ah fuck!"
Jungkook reached around fingers pumping Jimins member.
"Fuck Jimin I'll never get over how tightly you grip me, your mine ok only mine."
"Yes yours Kookie," Jimin wailed before spurting over Jungkooks hand and the bed"aaaaaaaagh!!"
Jungkook still thrust hitting Jimins over sensitive bundle of nerves, then,"Uuuuuurghhhh!!
His legs shook from the intenseness, he felt Jimin crumble underneath him and he had to stop from collapsing in top of him.
They lay on the bed panting.
"I'm all sticky, so's your hand....."
Jungkook laughed, "come on baby let's shower then strip the bed off, we will film the last bit then go shopping, hows that sound?"
"Carry me," Jimin whined
"Always baby,"
"Yes baby?"
"You broke my door!!"
"Sorry baby but I needed to get to you,"
"Well you can pay for it!" Jimin tried to say sternly
"Sure babe, whatever you want."
They were sitting eating breakfast when Jungkook broached the subject.
"Did I really scare you baby?"
"Um, I think it was because of the look, he looked angry when h-he raped me, I've never seen anyone angry since then."
Jungkook rushed around to hug the boy,"I'm so so sorry, I never want you to be scared of me, I was a bit pissed you thought it was a fling but we have never really spoken about it and it's not like you've had a lot of practice with relationships, but I sincerely apologise."
"Kookie don't beat yourself up about it......, hey! I just realised I could remember that!! I've never remembered that before!! He was really angry over something and he was sticky well built on the pudgy side, but I can't remember his face."
"Wow Jimin your doing so well, I'm proud of you baby.
Jimin grinned he felt like he was getting his life back but by bit, he was sorry for the mornings incident but he would make it up to Kookie anyway he could.
They cleared up then made their way to the conservatory to film the last segment.
Jimin looked around th room," I've always felt at ease in this room and now that I can see it it's even better."
"Your home is lovely Jimin how did you end up here?"
"I told Yoongi I wanted somewhere set back in a peaceful area that had large rooms and good views even if I couldn't see them, I needed my recording studio and the study, you know it's two bedroom and  there is another room at the end of the corridor it's empty but I have an idea for it."
"Oh what's that?"
"K-Kookie would you move in with me? I know you have your own place but I thought I could turn that room into a place for you to edit and preview your work Erm but no pressure,"
Jimin put his head down embarrassed.
A hand lifted his chin up, "I'd love to baby but only if you let me pay to get the room set up,"
"But I can afford it?"
"So can I even more so when I sell my place!"
"So you will?"
"Once I've edited this I will come back permanently ok?"
Jimin giggled," my own boyfriend who'd have thought!!let's get filming!!"
Jungkook thought how beautiful his boyfriend looked at that moment and couldn't help but kiss him passionately .
He got everything ready and they started.
So....Moochi we have news for the audience?
Yes!! I have my sight back!! I can't believe it. Making this documentary has proved to be a lifeline. Obviously expressing things that I've hidden away has set the ball rolling .
So how do you feel after ten years of no sight?
It's peculiar because you rely on your other senses, touch , smell, hearing when your blind. I used to tell who a person was by the sound of their walk and people have a smell about them that is unique to them and of course as I did on you people let you touch their face and you get a thought of how they look, now I look and I see, it's quite overwhelming at times, but colours are pretty to me.
Is there anything you are not pleased about since you got your sight back?
Yes my wardrobe!! Eugh I need to shop!!
They both laughed at that.
He's not kidding folks he's turfed out huge amounts of clothes for charity!
So what does the future hold work wise for Moochi?
More music obviously maybe a few concerts I'm not sure, I feel the need to give back to my fans for all their support but I don't think I could stray to far from home it feels a bit daunting.
And is there anything your hoping for.
Well as you have been around you are aware of the flashbacks I've had, I hope to get all my memory back and get that person charged.
I'm sure you will, I've seen your determination to succeed in things you do, your charity set up is amazing, your music is for all ages and you've come through hard times.
So that's Moochi 's story, it's been a pleasure to be let into your life.
This is Jeon Jungkook signing off.
Jimin sighed, "I can't believe it's over......"
"It is,but we most definitely aren't , after shopping today I'll bring you back then go to my place, it will probably take me a couple of days, so don't worry, I'll do it as quickly as possible so I can get back to you."
"I'm going to miss you,"
"Two days tops baby, I'll work all hours to get it done."
"Ok....,let's go shopping I need new clothes!!"
Laughing the pair left going to an exclusive shopping mall where Jimin tried in things he liked but got Jungkooks approval.
Jungkook stared as his boyfriend came out in tight black jeans and loose neck T shirts that showed his sexy collarbones, then dressier clothes to go out in, then he bought them both matching Timberlands, they were laden down with bags so they went to eat having a rest before Jimin insisted on going to a jewellers and getting them boyfriend rings which they both slipped on their fingers.
Getting back to Jimins they unpacked the bags, then Junkook packed up his stuff and kissed his boyfriend goodbye, trying not to let the small boys sad face affect him.
"Soon baby, ok take care."
Jimin nodded shutting the door after the other before going to his room and curling himself up into a lonely ball before eventually falling asleep.

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