Chapter 1

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I entered Valentinas' drugstore. Expecting to see her and tony but instead I saw this American guy, tall, brown hair, you know your average white guy. Que asco. 

He grabbed a candy bar, opened it and took a bite out of it!

"Excuse me but you have to pay for that." I say confidently.

"It's okay mi amor" Valentina said.

"No he has to pay and then eat it"

"Hey slow down princess, put it on my tab will ya Val." he says all confidently 

"Your tab?" I questioned

"Yeah my tab" he repeats.

"Deja lo amor" Valentina said 

"Fine but I'm not happy about that"

I side eyed the boy

"Eh Tony!" 

Tony appears at the doorway that leads down to the cellar, also Tony's room.

"Mhm" he says

"See you tonight" 

He says and leaves 

"Ooo going to the dance" 

"No nope"

"Aw come on"


"Okay fine don't have fun and don't find your Dama"

"Okay I will" he says confidently.


(At your house)

"Maria give me my shoes back!" I shouted.

"Okay fine" she throws them at the floor

"I don't want to go to the stupid dance"

"Your going, with chino" Anita smiled

"It's so unfair"

"Life isn't fair" Bernardo said, unbuttoning his top two buttons.

"Ha" I chuckled

"Why do you guys act like ninos de cinco anos" 

"Aqui estoy" chino yelled from outside the door.

"Great" Anita smiled, she opened the door and chino came inside.


"Si" Anita smiled


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