🍋Non-believer (Y!W! Caesar x Reader x Y!W! Joseph)🍋

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W! = Werewolf (yes, this is a WEREWOLF story)

F/N= Friend's name
f/b = favorite book

Warning: Lemon 18+🍋! NSFW Content!

Requested by: DaniellaMorespok

** My first "werewolf" story and a lemon at that. Yeah... this is a weird one. I wasn't really sure how to approach this one, but I tried my best. Any tips on writing these kinds of stories are welcome always! I hope you all enjoy!**


They weren't real.

Someone had gone missing again. It always seemed to happen every so often, almost like clockwork.

But what of it? It was a big city, and these kinds of things happened, as unfortunate as it all was.

One of your new coworkers was from a small town, and she had told you that it might be werewolves responsible for all this. She said that it was a local legend where she was from, that they would come at night and steal you from your bed.

You told her it might just have been a scary story that parents told to bad children, but she insisted they were real. She said that everyone in town believed in them, so much so that they would release a couple of cows and sheep into the woods every full moon so they wouldn't take people.

You were skeptical to say the least.

"I'm telling you, Y/N! The animals we released would always be gone by morning, bones and all." F/N tried to convince you.

"Maybe they just ran off and you just never found them." You tried to argue for a logical conclusion to this.

They weren't real.

You repeated this in your head again as you walked home.

I mean, it's completely ridiculous. Werewolves? It's just about as crazy as saying missing people were taken by aliens.

You scoffed at your own thoughts. You shouldn't even be entertaining these kind of legends and tall tales.

You jumped as you heard a noise behind you. You were almost at your door and you could've sworn you heard the sound of steps in the alley nearby.

"Hello?" You called out. When there was no answer you shook it off. Or at least, that's what you tried to do. It made your heart race faster.

I'm just imagining things. It's all these silly stories. I shouldn't even be thinking about these things.

Of course they're not real.

You unlocked your door and went inside your house. You had contemplated going to look where you heard the noise but decided not to.

Joseph let out a huge sigh of relief as you closed the door behind you. You were about to come check where he was at. It was his mistake for accidentally slipping, making noise and scaring off his mate.

That's right. His mate. You had that special scent that drew him in, in a way no one had done before, so he was very certain you were "the one".

He was outside your home often, and recently, he had even taken to sleeping in your backyard in his wolf form. He tried to stay in a place where no one could see after he got caught one time by your neighbor, who questioned if you had a dog or not.

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