Let Me See You Smile (Yandere Josuke x Reader)

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"Good morning, Y/N! Fancy seeing you here." The handsome pompadour wearing boy waved his hand at you, seemingly eager to attract your attention.

He was none other than Josuke Higashikata, a new friend of yours that you had met on your first day in town.

You were Y/N Kishibe, a cousin of the famed mangaka, Rohan Kishibe. Your parents had seen that you were unhappy living in the big city and had sent you off to live in Morioh with Rohan, who you were very close with.

Rohan gladly took you in and had you enrolled in the local high school, which is where you were now. 

"Um, its school, you always see me here Josuke." You said with a giggle. The boy's face lit up, smiling eagerly at you, as if nothing in the world could make him happier than hearing your laugh. 

"I know, I just love seeing you! You're so sweet, Y/N, you always make my day." He said, still wearing that same grin. It was amost unsettling.

"Don't say things like that Josuke. It's too much." You said with a blush.

"But I mean it Y/N, I really do!"

"Alright, alright. Let's walk to class together." You said quickly, trying to shut him up before any of his fangirls could hear Josuke's words of affection toward you. They were always lurking about. You hadn't been in town that long, but you already knew what a pain they were.

As you walked, you saw a fangirl looking at you suspiciously. They weren't violent, but they could certainly bully the crap out of you, which was bad considering how little friends you already had. Damn, she probably heard. I wish Josuke wouldn't be so casual about saying stuff like that. 

You frowned.

Josuke POV

Josuke looked over at you and saw your expression. Immediately, he started to panic.

Oh no, she's frowning. What happened? She was just happy and smiling just a second ago. Did I do something wrong, my sweet little diamond? I can't bear to see you unhappy. 

Josuke immediately looked around to find the cause of your unhappiness and he followed your gaze to another student, a girl that liked to follow Josuke around. He couldn't let it continue, he had to see you smile again. After seeing you smile for the first time, when he had met you at the cafe, it had become an addiction to him. He needed to see it more and more, and sometimes he felt that if he didn't, he might actually do something extreme.

Is she the cause of your unhappiness, my love?  I would be upset if I caught other guys following you too. I'll get rid of her, Y/N. I'll get rid of all my fangirls if it means seeing you smile again.

"Are you ok, Y/N? Is she bothering you?" Josuke gestured to the girl. The girl, who saw that Josuke had noticed her, gave him a big smile and a shy wave, blushing.


"No, its alright." you answered dully, still not smiling.

"But she made you unhappy. I'll kill her." He covered his mouth. He hadn't meant to say that last part, even though it was true.

Thankfully you scoffed and gave a small chuckle, thinking it to be a joke. "Sounds a bit extreme, don't you think?"

Josuke laughed nervously. "Yeah, I guess that would be a little extreme, huh?"

You said your goodbyes and Josuke watched you walk into your class. You were smiling again, and it made his heart soar. But something had gotten in the way of your usual smiling self, even if it was only briefly.

After you left, Josuke slipped a note into the fangirl's locker.

Sometime in the not so distant future...

"Josuke, can I ask why you've been following Y/N home almost every day now? Don't think I haven't noticed you sneaking around." The annoyed mangaka was at Josuke's front door, confronting him.

"I just want to make sure she gets home safely. Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, but there is something wrong with taking pictures of her without her knowing! Don't think I haven't seen that too." 

Damn, so he knows about that. I didn't want to do this.

A few hours later, you called him.

"Hello, Josuke? You haven't seen Rohan around have you?"

Josuke stared down at the mangaka's body in a dark room. "Not that I know of." he answered you casually. "Why, is something wrong?"

"Well, its just that I haven't seen him all day. Usually if he goes out, he's not out for long. I'm a bit frightened, Josuke. What if something happened to him? You know there's been a lot of murders in this town as of late."

"I'm sure he's alright. How about I come over and keep you company while you wait for him to come back. I'd hate to see you scared, Y/N. Your smile is the most beautiful thing in the world."

"I'd like that. You're the best, Josuke! I'll be waiting here at the house."

Josuke gave a low chuckle.

"See you soon."

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