The Roof (Y! Jotaro (part 3) x Chubby Reader)

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Warning: Cursing. Bullying. Y/N is insecure, has social anxiety and deals with fat-shaming. Feel free to not read if these topics trigger you. If you deal with this in your real life please reach out to someone for support <3

Requested by: ItIsYaSpider

I hope I got your request right 🙏


They had taken your spot again.

The place you usually ate lunch at was occupied by some girls, you recognized a couple of them from your classes.

Now this might not have been a big deal, but it was intentional. You knew it was.

One of the girls caught sight of you and stuck her tongue out at you. You breathed a heavy sigh.

Guess I'll just have to find a new place. Again.

You knew they would find your new place eventually and just take it up.

You looked at yourself.

There's nothing wrong with the way I look, is there?  Why all this? Just because I look a bit different than they do? I like the way I look.

It was true, you liked the way you looked, but you didn't like being picked on. You always tried to ignore it, keep a positive attitude, but even for a confident person, repeated hate can bog you down. And it had gotten to you.

Sometimes it made you question whether you really did look alright.

Maybe they're right. 

As always, you tried to brush it off.

Let's just focus on finding a new spot to eat.

You went up to the roof, a spot you hadn't tried before. You hoped it wasn't already taken by some other loner that you'd have to make some awkward conversation with.

You opened the door...

and found no one there.

It must be my lucky day.

Opening your box, you began to eat, and while it was peaceful, tears streamed down your face. At least here, no one could see you.

Stop! Don't cry. Just focus on eating. Just focus.

You heard the door open behind you. Someone was there.

Please don't let it be one of those girls. Please.... I don't think I can handle them right now.

You quickly dried off your tears as best you could and simply hoped your eyes didn't look too puffy. Turning around, you were met by the most unexpected person.

Jotaro Kujo.

You had never interacted with him before, as he was such a menacing figure. Also you didn't go crazy for him like a lot of other girls, mainly due to the fact that a lot of the girls who teased and bullied you also happened to be his devout fangirls.

"Oh, s-sorry, is this your spot? I didn't think anyone else would come up here." Your nose was stuffy and your voice shook. You cursed at yourself internally. It clearly sounded like you had been crying.

You quickly packed up your lunch without waiting for him to respond, not wanting to stick around for any forced conversation. You walked past him with your head down and thought you were home free.

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