Bella's 18th Birthday

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Jewel's POV

It's been seventeen and half weeks since Prom. Aka roughly four and half months. Jerry hasn't been feeling well and recently went onto heart medication. I hope he gets better soon, but Charlie seems to think we'll lose him soon. Which is sad. On a happier note, it's Bella's 18th birthday today.

Charlie got her a camera and Renee sent an empty wrapped scrapbook for Bella. Charlie got a framed photo of Jerry and I with Bella at La Push for us to give to her. I carried it upstairs as Jerry and I followed Charlie to Bella's room.

"Happy Birthday Bells" Charlie says as we enter her room. Bella was already awake sitting on her bed. She looks at us. I jump on the bed as Jerry stops beside it with Charlie.

"Dad, we agreed, no gifts" Bella whines as she accepts them.

"At least mine's not wrapped" he tells her. "Neither is the one from Jerry and Jewel" he adds as I nudge Bella with the frame. She takes it and smiles at the photo. It was of us at the beach for Jerry's birthday last month.

"Okay, this is actually kind of great. Thanks, Dad" Bella tells him. "Thanks Jewel, Jerry" she adds giving us a pat each.

"Goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated - well, she coordinated me" Charlie states handing her the wrapped present. Bella opens it. "Senior year! How'd you get so old so fast?" he asks her.

"I didn't! It's not that old" Bella protests.

"Well I don't know. Is that a grey hair?" Charlie asks pointing to her head. Bella races to the mirror, searches her hair. "I was kidding" he chuckles.

"So not funny dad" she tells him.

"Happy birthday" he says before leaving with Jerry. I look at Bella wagging my tail. Bella looks at me then grabs her new camera.

"Smile" she says and I yip wagging my tail like crazy as I give her a smile. She takes a photo of me. "Perfect" she says with a smile. "Out girl" she says pointing to the door. I jump off her bed and headed downstairs. Where my breakfast was waiting. I ate it before grabbing a drink.

Bella soon appears. "Have a good day at school Bells" Charlie tells her.

"I will dad, be careful at work" she tells him.

"Always am, besides I have Jewel" he tells her. She smiles and gives Jerry a pat goodbye. Then me before leaving with a piece of toast. "Ok time to go to the station you two" Charlie tells Jerry and I. Jerry comes with us to the station, but never on patrol. All the deputies love him.

Jerry and I go outside. I hop into the back of the cruiser and Jerry in the front. Charlie drives us all to the station. Work was boring to say the least. Also Charlie got a message from Bella during his lunch break. She was going to the Cullens tonight for tea and her birthday. So he decided us three would go to the diner.

That's where we are now. Jerry and I waiting patiently for our bones. While Charlie looked at the menu. When we all know he is going to get the steak. Cora appears giving Jerry and I our bones. "Bella late again?" Cora asks Charlie as she takes her notepad out.

"Nuh, at the Cullens some sort of private party for her birthday. So just us three tonight, I'll have the steak" he states putting the menu down. Cora writes it down.

"Well we made a berry cobbler for her. You can take it home for her" Cora tells him. Charlie nods his head and she left us. Jerry and I eat our bones. Cora soon returned with his meal. He ate it, paid the bill and collects the berry cobbler. Then we go home.

Bella returns with a bandaid on her finger. I rush over and sniff it whining. "You ok Bella?" Charlie asks her concerned.

"Yeah, just a paper cut" she tells him. I whine, I smell to much blood for that to be her only injury. "I'm gonna turn in" she adds.

"Ok, there's berry cobbler in the fringe" Charlie tells her. "Sweet dreams Bells" he adds. She wishes him a good night and heads upstairs. I follow her silently. When I reach her room I see her remove her jacket and the wrap on her arm.

I whine walking over. "I'm fine girl, really" she tells me "Don't tell Charlie" she tells me. She changes clothes. Then she starts to print photos off, adding them to her scrap book. While I lay on my bed watching her. I soon doze off.


Picture above of Charlie wishing Bella a happy birthday.

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