Greenhouse Excursion

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Jewel's POV

So Charlie was worried about Bella and so was I. It's been five days since the accident and Charlie got permission for me to go with Bella on her excursion. Though I'm going to be on a lead the whole time. Also Edward keeps sneaking into Bella's room, I watch him the whole time. But he doesn't do anything just watches her sleep from the other end of the room. When I grew tired I'd lay my head across Bella protectively and go to sleep. Needless to say I've had some late nights the last few days.

Anyway I'm with Bella as we wait until it's time to board the buses. Bella watches Edward as he speaks with Alice and Jasper. "Look! You're moving. You're ALIVE" Mike says as he joins us.

"Yeah, false alarm" Bella says sheepishly.

"Actually, I'm glad you're not dead because. Well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you - even though it's, like, a month away" Mike rambles. Though Bella wasn't paying attention as she looks at Edward. "So what do you think?" he asks her. She finally looks back at him paying attention. "You want to go? To prom. With me?" he asks her.

"Prom. As in dance. I, uh - have to go -somewhere. To Jacksonville. Yeah" Bella tells him.

"You can't go another weekend?" he asks her.

"Non-refundable ticket. Maybe you should ask Jessica" she tells him. He looks at Jessica. It was time to go and we boarded the buses.

When we reach the greenhouse I walk beside Bella as her teacher gave a lecture.When Bella sees Edward pause by an ancient staghorn fern, alone, she takes a breath for courage and strides up to him. Me in tow. "Hello Edward" she says and he nods his head. Otherwise he ignores her. Bella huffs and goes to leave.

"What's in Jacksonville?" he asks her.

"How did you know about that?" she asks him.

"You didn't answer my question" he tells her.

"Well, you don't answer any of mine so... and, you don't even say hi to me" she tells him.

"Hi" he says.

"Are you gonna tell me how you stopped the van?" Bella asks him.

"Yeah. I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can google it" he tells her.

"Floridians. That what's in Jacksonville" she states and stumbles. She would of fallen, but Edward caught her.

"At least would you watch where you walk?" he asks. "Look, I'm sorry if I'm being rude all the time. I think it's the best way" he tells her. I tilt my head in confusion, best way for what? Just then Jessica appears asking Bella to guess who asked her to prom. Edward leaves us.

"I totally thought Mike was going to ask you, Bella. Is it gonna be weird?" Jessica asks Bella.

"No way. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together" Bella tells her. I whine pawing at her leg. "What's wrong girl?" she asks I whine looking at the door. "Oh, I gotta go Jessica" she tells her friends and we go outside. She unclips the lead. "Go relieve yourself girl" she tells me.

I do so and return to her side to see her with Edward, Alice and Jasper. I sit beside Bella as Alice asks if we're riding with her. "No. Our bus is full" Edward states leading his siblings away. He sends Bella a look of remorse. But she misses it as she was clipping my lead to my collar.

We get onto our bus and it takes us back to the school. Where Bella drives us home. Where Charlie was waiting for us. Bella started to make them dinner while he gave me mine. "Your mother called again" he tells Bella.

"Your fault, for telling her about the accident" she tells him.

"She always did know how to worry" he says. "But... she's changed, too. She seems happy. Phil sounds all right" he states.

"He is" she agrees. They ate in silence. She then goes upstairs. Charlie and I then go to the living room to watch TV. I fall asleep though.

Third Persons POV

Charlie smiles at a sleeping Jewel. He picks her up and carries her to Bella's room. He lays her beside a sleeping Bella. "Sweet dreams my girls" he says quietly. Before leaving them. He go ready for bed and called it a night himself.

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