February 1: Meeting Mr. Garfy

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February 1:  (Monday)


"Emily, wake up."

"What?" I asked my mom who's obviously trying to wake me up.

"Wake up! It's your first day at a new school. You don't want to be late, do you?" she reminded me.

I really don't get it why we have to move out in the middle of the semester. I'm already a senior. Now I'm forced to transfer into a new school where I'd be considered as The New Girl again. My mom had quit her job in Long Island because the income's not enough for the two of us. We moved out and left my friends behind. So she got a job here in New York that pays her enough and still manages to gain more.

I groaned. "Five more minutes."

"No, Emma. Get up so you won't be late." She stood by the door of my room. "Oh, and I'll be driving you to school today! You can drive your car any other day." Then she left.

Getting up very slowly, I dragged myself into my bathroom and did my morning routine. After taking a shower, blow drying my below-the-shoulder length blonde hair, I decided to wear black skinny jeans, neon pink high-cut converse and a printed orange v-neck shirt. Grabbing my backpack from my closet, I headed towards the kitchen where my mom's preparing breakfast.

"Oh, wow. You're too early for your first day." She said to me sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha. Let's hurry up so I can arrive early and avoid getting lost in the hallways. That'd be very scary!" I retorted with just as much sarcasm.

"Alright princess! Here you go." She placed some bacon and 2 eggs on my plate.

Once I finished them, I bounded out into the front porch of our new house and headed to my mom's car. She came out a few seconds later. She locked the front door and fished her car keys from her pockets. I eyed my black mini cooper parked inside our garage. I don't really see why I don't have to drive it on my way to a new school on my very first day.

"Ready to go?" she asked me after we've seated inside her car and pulled out of the driveway.

Wriggling my eyebrows, I said "Yup." Though I'm not that excited to go to school. I mean, come on. Who is?

"Oh, and I won't be able to drive you home later because I have to work over-time tonight. It's just a short walk from school. But if you want, you can take the bus. Is that okay with you Emma?" she asked me.

"That's alright. And don't worry, I'll just walk." I assured her so she won't get worried about me later while working. Then continued in a quiet voice, "I wouldn't have to if you let me bring my car."

"Besides, I want to see the neighborhood." I tried sounding excited.

"Okay, honey. Just be careful." she told me. "And don't go home late."

Rolling my eyes, I replied "Yes, mom. I don't usually go home late, you know."

She sighed, "Just call me when you get home, okay?"



After stepping out of my mom's car and checking out my locker, I glanced at my wrist watch, making sure of the time. Just two more minutes before the bell rings?! I can't be late on my first day! That won't make a good impression. Curse that locker of mine for being too hard to open and that lady on the Office of The Students' Affairs for chatting and questioning me about how Long Island was like. And being the polite girl that I am, I just couldn't brush her off and walk away. She might tattletale on me with the other teachers.

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