Reminiscent God

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A brilliant blue sky filled the azure gaze of a certain jersey wearing God. Leaning carefree against a fairly large blooming cherry blossom tree was the so called"Ex God of Calamity and Depravity. " Yato. Well it was the name he was going by now a days. But long ago as he recalled their was a time the young God went by another name. A name that few rarely knew,and when they did they never lived to tell the tale.

Yet a single person indeed lived to tell the tale,in fact this person even stared Yato straight in the eye. Without a single moment of fear and spoke his true name. All the while carelessly minding their own business,not caring that the god was there to end them. Yato remembered the day as if it was yesterday. In fact today would have been the anniversary he had met her.

The woman who Yato believed changed him for the better,and steered him on the correct path before her untimely death. On that day Yato had finished a job for another greedy human. A request for a greedy aristocrat in the heinous world Yato had lived in. Crimson soaked Yato's blade at the time along with the blood of countless men,women,and even children he had slaughted for coin.

Back then,their lives were nothing to him but cattle waiting to be slaughtered. Yato would roam the land with his blade in hand,his blood soaked onyx and navy blue yukata clinging to his form. And anyone would even thought to step in his way were equal game. Unless of course they had something to offer him.

It was on this day that the "God of Depravity" had received a request from a greed filled young aristocrat. Who's bride to be had refused his hand in marriage,angered by the woman the man had wished for his death. A death that Yato would grant. Though when he happened across the woman,the world around him began to freeze utterly. She was a sight to behold.

She was human,that much was evident,but the woman had a certain air about her which demanded attention, and upmost respect. The woman sat in between bushels of lovely aqua colored flowers. Her long flowing raven hair streaming past her shoulders down to her lower back. Her eyes were a deep cerulean,which were endless and unwavering. The woman turned towards the "God of Depravity." Her calm cerulean gaze catching him off guard.

The woman rose to her feet,dusting off her aqua and silver hued silk kimono. "You are the blood stained god I've heard of,are you not?" The woman questioned, her voice filled to the brim with emotions that Yato was not quite familiar with. Was it pride? Arrogance? Or was it strength? Strength that he had never once seen in a being from "Near Shore" let alone a woman.

Yato regained his calm exterior before drawing his blade towards the unbreakable woman. "That I am,and you must know what happens next." Yato stated,pressing the sharp blade firmly against the woman's frail neck. The woman swallowed calmly,before gazing up at the God before her.

"I am aware of your wrath,oh God of Calamity." The woman stated,her eyes maintaining their calm demeanor against Yato's. It was that moment that shook Yato to the core,he had never met a person let alone being like this woman. And he was interested. He wanted to know more about this woman,and why she shook him so.

Yato sighed lightly the memory of the beautiful woman fading from his vision. It had been over 300 years since he had met woman who stopped him in his tracks. He had yet to meet anyone since then with eyes like that woman,but was unsuccessful. In truth at first he wants dto wipe her very existence from his memory, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Whenever the thought would plague his mind he just couldnt,in truth never meeting her would have hurt the young God even more. It was what he believed.

Bringing him back to reality was the familiar voice of Yato's young Regalia,Yukine. Yukine had recently been blessed with his name,and given to duty of protecting his master. Yato. Yukine called out to Yato again,snapping the "Jersey Wearing God" from his thoughts. "Oi! Yukine your so loud today." Yato commented abit irritated before the young teen crossed his arms,irritated at his master abit.

His citrine hued eyes glued to Yato."Yato,we've got orders to fill."Yukine informed his master who lazily motioned with his hand "no". " Were not doing orders today." Yato pointed out to the confused teen who immediately blurted out a "Why not?!" And in response Yato's azure gazed darkened abit before dissipating before Yukine even noticed.

"Today is....a special day for me." Yato answered his gaze turned towards towards the bright blue sky above. "Day off? But its a special order from Tenjin." Yukine pointed out to the already annoyed Yato,who wanted to take at least a day to pay his respects to the woman of his past. But apparently Yukine was not taking no for an answer.

"Alright,alright. Let's get this done already." Yato stated,raising to his feet while following Yukine away from the site. He quietly peered back towards the fairly large cherry blossom tree behind him,its lovely peach colored petals fluttering to the ground beautifully as if bidding him to return. To pay his respects,to the woman who ultimately died because she knew him.

Yato silently promised that he would return and pay his respects to the shallow grave which was barely even noticeable beneath the lovely tree. The tree that signified where the woman had met her end,and Yato could not save her from himself.

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