Chapter 36: Unlucky Birthday

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I woke up on the floor. "Why am I here?" I turned on my phone. "What time is it?" I mumbled.

"January 13, Friday 4:48 am" I groan.

Ah yes it's my birthday, an unlucky day. I put on my hero suit, no point in trying to fall back asleep" I slipped on my boots and opened the window, I tripped over the sill and landed into the soft snow, I sat up. "Don't you forget, Mom said it's lucky to tell everyone about my birthday" I sighed thinking about her. "That's total bull though"

I stood up and started to shovel the drive way. I ran into time square, and a pebble. A PEBBLE. Ended up making me trip and fall to the ground. I blocked my face so I won't have to go to school scar faced. While getting up, I stumbled into a vase and managed to knock it over. I grabbed it before it fell. Unfortunately a bee came buzzing out. Ready to sting me. Which it did. Why there are bees in January? I can not tell you...

"Speedy you ok? Today must be unlucky for you" A woman helped me up.

I smiled, and brushed the melted snow off my face. "Yeah Friday the thirteenth" I said and ran off into the white blanketed park.

I looked up the location of the helicarrier and, managed to find away to get above the clouds without the help of Nova. Don't ask me about it though.

"Intruder" Shield cocks guns at me.

Oh great, I put my hands up. "Stand down" Nick said. He glared at me, I have his a stare

"Guess what day it is?"

"Happy birthday, black cat" he smiled.

"Haha very funny" I cock my head back and forth. "Did you get me a present?"

"I already told your team about your problem" he raised an eye brow ignoring my question.

"They are awake?! I fell into the snow to find out-"

He put a hand to my face. "No, I informed them yesterday"

Fury moved over and I was hit by a stray stun bullet. It didn't phase me because I have the powers to control electricity. "It's already 6" He said.

"Daniel should be up" He looked towards the hallway. "I'll head down, I'll need to borrow a parachute" I say, I held my hair up to stretch, I ran my fingers through it, but my fingers got caught in the tangled areas.

"Oh no" I used my other hand to pull my left hand out.

"You have a problem?" Danny yawned "Oh yeah it's your birthday" he smiled. "Happy birthday"

"Thanks" I smiled back finally getting hand out of my hair. "Can I borrow a brush" I groaned looking at my hair in the reflection of the window. It was an hour until I was let off the air ship. They cleared my bee stings and I talked to Danny about random crazy things. All he talked about was the dog I had. I guess he didn't notice he was obsesses until I notified him about it.

"What should I get you for your birthday"he asked.

"The Avengers" I laughed. "That would bring sunshine under my bad luck cloud" I said.

"In case I can't do that?" he smirked.

"Hmmm, a trip to space" I said excitedly.

"Gosh, you have big wishes" he sighed.

I giggle, "it's almost 7:00 I better make it back before May notices I'm gone!" I waved and left. I pulled my parachute out, It didn't open no not now, not now" I yelled, going down, shield you owe me big time.

I move my legs very fast so atleast I can brace my landing, didn't work. I can't believe I am going to break my legs on my birthday, "When they said you're unlucky on these days I just thought it was superstition." A voice lifted me up
"You planned this?" I was shaken up by Nova's quickness.

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