Chapter 6: Rain

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I was given my costume, and when put it on it was tight. But the white and red coloring looked really nice. It was bright and flashy.

I went into the team room and put on my mask. "I'm an official hero!" Danny laughed a bit.

"Don't worry the costume won't be as rigid when you wear it out." Sam said noticing I could barley move.

"So what do you actually do Riley" Danny asked.

"Like powers wise or?"

"As a person."

"I really like comic books and I used to run track but with the power of super speed it was hard to control myself." I laughed. I felt a little better, being a super hero and all. Everyone is so nice makes me feel at home.

"Guys, the Juggernaught is rampaging through the town" Fury said.

"FINALLY! Some action!" I was ready to get out and breath fresh air

"Riley you stay and watch."

My heart dropped. "What?! Why?!"

"You have zero combat training."

I frowned because he was completely right. I watched on the huge television screen of the team. I didn't want to admit it but they looked pretty cool kicking ass.

"Is it nessecary for my hair to be out for this costume?"

"It would look weird if it was in. Unless you want to shave it." Fury said. "Come on Riley, time for training."

"Training? This suit wont even let me move. I'll.... I'll be back" I lied running out of the room. I opened a random door and wind hit my face. I stepped out and noticed the bright sky. "Oh my god." I said hysterically. I braced myself against the door and took deep breaths. The platform was wide so I shouldn't fall off unless I'm stupid. I took a few steps out and groaned. If I'm going to be on this ship I'm going to have to get over this height.

"Miss me?" Nova asked.

"Ha funny." I said shaken up. "How are you back already?" I mumbled.

"It was just Juggernaut he's not as strong as you'd think." He made a face and glared at my stance. "Why are you outside."

"I kind of needed some form of fresh air."

He put his hand out. "Its going to rain. We better get inside."

"The rain isn't going to kill me."

"You don't look prepared for the rain"

"Neither are-"

He quickly escaped to the door and I felt rain drops on my scalp. I pulled off my mask and let the rain fall. As soon as I did a large rain drop fell onto my forehead. Jeez this is horrible.

I looked up in the sky

"This is such bad weather. For fighting crime." Nova said annoyed.

I pulled off my boots and started dancing and jumping in puddles like a child. I began to sing songs from radio stations as I jumped.

"This is alot of fun actually. You should come and join me." I stopped and turned to him.

He slipped and fell on his back. He just laughed. I looked down towards him. "How did that happened?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Rain, Steel and puddle jumping doesn't mix." I laughed helping him up.

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