Chapter 23: No Bus

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"Good morning, how are you children this fine day?" May asked.

"Good, Miss Parker" Sam chimed.

I rolled my eyes "What's wrong Peter? You have been moping all day?" She squished his face.

"Aunt May it's ok, I'm alright Luke got into a little........accident and I'm worried".

Her eyes widen and I smacked my forehead. "what happened to him? Is he at a hospital? Which hospital"

"Don't worry May the doctors will call hopefully and tell you everything" Danny tried to calm her down

"We better get to school" I interrupt trying to change the subject "I'll pick up his homework later."

"Don't you have cheerleading today?" Peter piped up. I groan, I hate it so badly "Then Daniel can pick it up the homework"

I pick up my bag and headed through the door, "I'm walking today, not taking a smelly bus"

I watched as the leaves fell from the trees."Jeez already?" I mutter to my self smiling.

I heard running from behind me "Hey! you walk way too fast" Sam huffed.

I laughed "You should have said something so I could stop"

He was pretending to cough and wheeze. "This is going to be the end of me" He held his heart as he leaned on me causing me to hunch.

I pushed him back up and laughed. "Walk like a human being."

He looked at me "You're upset about something?"

I huffed "I am not... Where did you get that idea from?"

"You're doing that cute thing with your cheeks again" He imitated me.

I blush "I'm not mad I'm frustrated" He ruffled my hair.

"What can miss goody goody be frustrated about"

"Let's see, cheerleading is a bore, all they do is talk about boys, Science ass, I'm doing all the work aaand-"

"Whoa whoa! Let me stop you right there Riley, have you ever though 'hmm maybe I could just wish my life eaiser' well you cant" He shoved his hands in his pocket "Life is full of shitty moments".

"Wh-" I started.

"But there is the good side, we meet superheroes every freakin day, not everyone does"

I laugh.

" 'I'm Riley and I think my life sucks ass' " he tried to copy my voice.

I punched him in the arm "I do not sound like that."

He nodded but I shook my head. We continued that until he gave up, "Fine fine maybe you sound like a dying horse, and I had to make you sound better than you actually do....but that's not the point"

My mouth dropped "Samuel Alexander, you better hope the shoes you got will save you, because if I catch you... I'm going to kill you."

At first he galloped ahead making sure I was bluffing. But if you know me I don't bluff. I tightened the straps of my bag. "You are so dead" I yell chasing him toward the entrance. He made a clean turn down the right and I had to slow down. My hand managed to touch the hairs on the back of his head. But a teacher stopped me.

"No running in the halls" Some teacher yelled.

I point to Sam "It's not just me!"

"I saw YOU do it, so YOU got yelled at."

I puff my cheeks out and headed towards my locker. "You're doing it again" Sam came from behind. He pushed his knee into the back of my knee and I stumbled

"You'll regret that Alexander." I grabbed onto my locker door before falling.

The homeroom bell rang and he let go of me "This isn't over Davis" He ran off into the left corridor.

"He's such an idiot" I smile

I turn "You are coming to cheerleading practice right?" Amanda asked. Why is the captain trying to talk to me outside of practice.

"Yeah, don't I always?" I replied

"No you missed several days in the past month. Riley you are talented but we can't tolerate this. You are off the team Riley." She frowned.

"Amanda. The most days I have missed is 4 days and they were all excused." Why am I fighting for something I didn't even want to be apart of?

"Did you not read the hand book? They aren't excused if they are a pattern. You seem to always leave practice early and come to practice late. Not acceptable."

"That is fair. Alright I respect your decision."

"You are always welcomed back. Just contact us if you are ready to make this comitment" Amanda smiled and quickly walked away.

"Oh I don't plan on going back. Yikes." I mumbles putting my books away

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