Chapter 26: Big Mouth

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Electro threw cars and trucks while we expertly, some not all, dodged. "There must be an energy field around him" Power Man deducted.

Electro  tried to throw a bus but it was way off. "You missed" Nova said cockily. As it passed, the people on board screamed for their lives.

"Nova and Speedy, get the bus"SpiderMan yelled. We nodded and ran after it. I pushed against it first. "lil help?" I yell.

"Fine, fine" Nova laughed.

It stopped temporarily. "Every one out" He said as the wheels turned faster and faster "Some one is raiding my castle?! Not while I'm king" Nova said pulling out his game controller. Did the game just turn on? If so that doesn't make any sense.

"Nova..." I strain as we both get hit by the bus. "Nova!" I gave a witch toned scream as the pushed us into hit the wall. "Good job" I groan holding my head. He mumbles something but I didn't really hear him

We wobbled back to the center. "Don't you see I can control everything?!" Electro laughs while shooting money out if ATMs.

"What is he doing? If I had that kind of power I would rob the biggest banks on Wall Street" Nova said.

"What a great idea!" Electro zipped away

"Yes! What a great idea"  Tiger hissed punching him.

We all ran to Wall Street hoping to get there before the economy crashes or what ever. "Follow if you dare" Electro said not taking a second look.

"Spidey are your webs still down, can't you use something like a web net" Nova remarked.

"Ah webs down?" Electro smirked and snapped his fingers.

"GAH!" Spider-Man's balls of webs shot every where hitting me first onto a building.

"Nova how about you stop using your mouth for today" Power Man said. Spiderman was now shooting into a broken car to prevent anymore damage.

"Point your hands to each other" Tiger suggested. He shot him self and his arms webbed up.

"Claws please" He jumped up and dragged his web across White Tiger's claws. He started to pull us down from the building.

"I have a plan and it involves your big mouth Nova" SpiderMan said. We went over the plan several times.

"Hey Crayola marker!"  Tiger said. We looked at her weirdly

"What? I'm starting smack talk" she replied

"You know if you steal all this gold where are you going to put it? In a bank? If I were you I would hack into the Daily Bugle's world wide satellite and have control over the world." Nova said.

"Oh I think I did it again" He smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, yeah, and then you'll see who's the baby... baby.. back ribs" Electro scratched and dissappered.

"Now we have to work as a team, stop focusing on your electronics and let's do this, has anyone see anything with Electro that might help us" Spiderman said.

"Wait you didn't really have a plan did you? We were just going to send him to the satellites and let him take over the world without a plan?" Tiger said.

"Well he was talking funny for one" I put my hand on my hip. "So the more devices he has the less control he can handle"

"That's it, Nova do you still have your game controller" Spider-Man asked.

"I thought you JUST said we shouldn't focu- ooh"

"Hey star face come out and face me like a man" Spider-Man yelled to the jumbo tron.  Electro came out and chased after him.

"Are you in here buddy?" Tiger asked to a camera, Out came Electro yet again she clawed him in half and he regenerated into two

"You can't stop...stop... don't stop...don't stop the music." he shook

"Electro get out of my playlist" Iron fist said. Electro attacked him but Danny was quick enough to punch him into little pieces.

"I was wondering when you'd show up" Nova laughed flying around. I wanted to contribute but I couldn't think of anything with electricity.

"Hey you" A muffled sound came from my shield watch" Electro came out of my watch and scared the life out of me.

Nova dived near my watch Electro while being followed by several others.

"I didn't hear a thank you" He waved and flew into the center. I followed.

"Thats cause I didn't need your help." I smiled.

I heard screams of pain coming from around the corner. I turn and watched as Electro lose control, his pawns zipped away and Good-o' star faced electro popped right out of the screen. "I had so much power... I was so close" He whined .


"Oh um barbecued spider" I yelled.

"Liar spider" Danny yelled.

"Pants on fire" Luke yelled.

"What are you guys doing?" Peter asked.

"We are growing better as a team, by making fun out of our leader" Ava showed a picture of Spider-Man with his ass on fire.

"Haha, I'll play just let my plug in my phone" Peter said. He plugged it in and the power went out. We glared at him.

Electricity is overrated any way" Peter chuckled nervously.

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