Chapter 2: Midtown nightmare

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I was taken to school by bus, rusty old thing it was. No one let me sit with them, shocker. I'm fresh meat, no one lets me sit next to them.

I was eventually about to sit on the floor as a last resort when this kid called me over. "Theres a seat here" He had a warm smile as I rushed over to the front of the bus.

I quickly sat, I felt the electricity in my hands, I was way too excited at the small gesture of someone being friendly. I looked out the window, watching the people and building go by. We sat in silence until he turned to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Hey I'm Peter, Peter Parker." He smiled

"I'm Riley Davis" I was moving my fingers so fast you couldn't see them, I calmed myself down from excitement. Friend unlocked: Peter..... I'm such a dork.

We made it to the high school, and I was invited to lunch by Peter. He is my first friend here so I want him to see my good side. I walk into the main office to get my locker and class info.

My locker was in the middle of the hallway. People were whispering behind me

Wow... Yeah stare. It's not like I'm not a human being or anything...

I opened my locker with a long sigh.

"Hey!" A boy called. I didn't want to deal with this so I ignored him. I could feel his hot breath and axe body spray in my nose.

I shift my green eyes when I was putting books away. "What's your name" he said. "I have to great everyone first of course."

"Back up. I don't want to deal with your type." I rolled my eyes. Is this the friend Todd was talking about? Are you serious? Tell me this isn't a joke... He got a bigger, jerker guy to play the role of school bully for me. Great!

That's when it happened so fast, before he could push me into the locker, I caught his arm and twisted his hand. He yelped in pain. "If you try to touch me, I will personally bring you to the hospital carrying your dismembered arm" I dropped him

"Tell Todd I'm not dealing with this, tell him to bother some one else" I said turning the corner

"Who.... The hell... Is Todd?" He groaned in pain. Oh my god, I promised myself nothing bad nothing bad but that's was so awesome, I didn't know I could do that I am SO Awesome though.

The boy came up to me "You are in so much trouble, Principal Coulson wants you" I pick up my books and walked to the office and sat, I was called in.

"Hi I'm Riley" I waved a bit. I don't even know who this man is.... "So did he tell you the whole story or what being the half ass and telling the story to make him look good?"

"You punched, a kid, this isn't going good on your permanent record and it's your first day."

"He attacked me first. It was literally self defense. And I didn't punch him! Why am I in trouble?"

"Riley don't raise you voice, so sit down and let me explain."

"NO! This whole place is bull shit! How do I make friends if everyone is afraid of me?"

"Riley you cannot act like this on your first day. I don't know how it was in Chicago, but here you will treat me with respect and you better listen." The principal snapped

I got quiet and sat back down.

"Riley. It's your first day so I'll be lenient. You deserve to grow up and be great" He gave me a card cheerily.

"Um...ok" I said taking it.

"You still do have after school detention though" He chuckled

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