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3rd person's POV
Marcy paced around the living room as she waited to hear what Anne had to say.

She stopped once Anne came back from the kitchen and sat down, and patted the seat next to her.

Marcy's eyes dropped to the seat and she sat down nervously.

"So, uh, what did you wanna talk about?" She asked nervously.

Anne closed her eyes before letting out a long breath.

"I— uh, you know how—" She said, but kept on pausing, as if she was hesitant to say what she wanted.

The other girl looked at her in concern, but patiently waited for her to talk.

"You know how I like Sasha—"

Marcy felt her stomach drop a little, and she sucked in a breath before forcefully nodding.

"Uh huh, what about it?"

"I... don't think she likes me back but I wanted to test that theory out."

Marcy's face twisted in confusion as she said. "How are you gonna do that? Are you gonna ask her out?"

Anne's eyes widened as she quickly shook her head.

"What? Oh frog, no! I could never."

"I just, I know this might sound crazy but— what if we fake dated?" Anne said, but slightly regretted it as soon as it came out of her mouth.

To be continued...

It's Supposed To Be Temporary Dating (Marcanne)Where stories live. Discover now