Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to in peace now, love you more!

---Damon’s POV---

“You know, I think we underestimated how long it takes for them to really find Paige’s parents.” Zack muttered softly as Alexis ran by, chasing a few butterflies that had managed to find their way in the kitchen. I looked up from my mate’s fur and tilted an eyebrow. “You think?” I said sarcastically before shaking my head. We all knew that it would be difficult to find her parents, since they were able to evade the hunters for so many years.

I yawned slightly as I slowly moved my legs, careful that I wouldn’t jolt Adrianna, who was sleeping on my lap in wolf form. The pregnancy was getting heavier and heavier on her but looking on the bright side; it wouldn’t take long until she would have her pups.

Adrianna whined in her sleep, jerkily pawing at the sofa before she calmed down again when I brushed my hand through her fur. Zack was looking at us with curiosity, which in turn caused me to look at him with my own curious gaze.

“It’s just weird you know. I found my mate, who is a little girl of ten years old. It makes me feel like a pedophile but I don’t have those feelings for her. Its more like…” Zack stopped slightly, flopping down in the couch as he placed his hands behind his head.

Thinking about it for a few seconds, he slowly said, “It’s more like if she’s my niece or godchild; I love her and wouldn’t want anything to happen with her but I’m not in love with her. Not yet anyway, although my wolf is in over his head.” He noticed the weird look I gave him and he groaned.

“Not in that way, he doesn’t have an urge to mate with her. It’s nice to see others with their mates, knowing that I’ll have that later while I can still enjoy the fact that my mate likes me as a child.”

I understood what he tried to say and nodded slowly. “I think I get what you mean but still…I wouldn’t want to be in your predicament.” My eyes automatically dropped towards Adrianna and a soft smile slipped on my face.

An obnoxious loud blaring resounded through the room, which to my utter distaste shocked my mate wide-awake. I growled as Zack quickly ran towards the house phone and answered it while I placed Adrianna on the couch and placed a kiss on her head.

“Go back to sleep love. The pups have been kicking all night, you must be exhausted.” I softly said to her when she yawned and made a move to stand up. She shook her head slightly before jumping of the seat and stretched her limbs. “I can sleep later, right now I need to find a tree.” She smirked before running outside.

“Stay within the pack boundaries!” I called after her, trying to keep the worried tone out of my voice. I didn’t want her to get out of the pack and then have her water broken. God, that would be disastrous! What if she was in pain and I didn’t came in time? What-

“Whoa, whoa, slow down Damon. Where’s the fire?” Zack asked loudly and it was only then that I noticed that I had jumped out of the chair with every intention to run after my mate and stay with her…even if she went to use the outdoors.  I managed to force myself to back away from the door and grounded my teeth.

“Its completely natural you know…Isabella’s father asked if we wanted to come over for dinner when she was having Jacob and I shifted on the spot because I was worried she couldn’t cope with the strain of sitting up in the chair and be polite for the entire evening.” Luke chuckled as he walked in.

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