🏵️Chapter 46🏵️: The Confrontation(2)

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{Eleanora's P.O.V}

I rose to my feet and walked to the bathroom to have a shower, after three days of self pity and feeling guilty laying in bed like a dead log of wood. Green brought me back to the mansion I had grown up in, on that very day and if anyone had told me a month back that I'll be here at any point of my life, I'd have told them they were liars. But after the whole online throlling that I'm quite sure was still going on, I don't have the heart to return to my husband's mansion.

Green took my phone to disconnect me from the outside world and even Mary didn't have the heart to ask if I was okay for she could already see the answer written all over me. Everyone left me to myself, so I could recover from everything myself or so did Green say.

Even though, these three days of solitude and self pity made me think clearly, I will couldn't get rid of the guilt that was staying deep down in me.

Why should I be in pain and suffering for a mistake I didn't even mean?  I thought to myself trying to comfort myself. But I ended up leaking a tear or two because I couldn't stop putting myself and asking myself why I had to deal with this kind of abnormal life.

  I sat on the floor in the bathroom as the shower kept pouring down my body, I couldn't help but think about everything I had lost in a space of just eight months. Today will make it the eighth month since I and Dure got married. It's not even a year yet and the things and people I've lost in my life are more than what some people will lose in their lifetime. 

  After sitting on the floor for what looked like hours, I decided to leave the bathroom, wearing a grey gown with frills at it's bottom and a blue pendant at the top of the gown, I left my room to the dining hall to have some foods which I haven't had in the past four days.

On getting to the dinning hall, I met Mary, packing the plates I'm guessing my brother just used.  She was so engrossed with packing the used dishes, she didn't notice me settle down right in front of her. I continued to watch her as she packed. When she finally turned to see me, she dropped the whole tray in fear, allowing the breakables to break into so many pieces, while she looked like she had just seen a demon. We continued to stare at each other for a while till she snapped out of it herself.

"Princess? You're out!" She said with the same startled face.

"Yes, I am Mary. And I'm glad to see you too". I replied her, trying my best to smile genuinely but I ended up giving a fake smile because I wasn't even in the mood for smiling. She smiled back at me before coming over to my side, giving me an awkward hug over my shoulders. It was strange but I tried my best not to shrug her off. When she released me from her hug, she looked at me, her eyes shining brighter than ever "How are you feeling now, your highness?"

"I'm good, I guess". I replied her unsure.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" She asked me as she bent over to pick up the broken pieces.

" The whole house if possible. I'm starving". I exclaimed, rubbing my belly to show her how starving I was. She smiled before signalling a maid nearby to sweep the remaining tiny remainder of the broken glass.

"Let me go get something for you to eat" she said before disappearing behind the big stairs. I looked round the dining hall as all I could see were empty dining chairs. I remembered how Nanny use to nag me to be the perfect princess that the whole nation loved. How to be polite and humble. How she always picked on me if I don't eat my vegetables which was almost all the time. How she almost succeeded in banning wine in the mansion because I would rather take that than eat any food for the whole day. I could live on wine for weeks without taking a single food.

Come to think of it, I miss her so much. If she was here, she'd probably blame me for not adhereing to her for she had warned me. Come to think of it, I'm quite stubborn.

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