🏵️ Chapter 28🏵️: The Christmas ball (Christmas special 2 ☃️)

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{Dure's P.O.V}

"Are you sure we're here for a ball and not a disco party?" Asked Nora when she saw how bright the lights from the ball were.

  "That should be a question for your aunt, don't you think?" I replied her and I could see her lips spread to the side as she pretended she was focused on the venue.

  The chaffeur parked in front of the stairway and I got down from the other side before turning around to open the door for Nora. I offered my arm for her and she held it and got down from the car. 

  "Thank you, my love" she said to me without looking at me. I looked at the side of her face, even her side view was beautiful.

  Sometimes, I hate myself for being so cruel to such a innocent and beautiful being.

  I saw her eyes turning towards me and I looked away before she caught me staring at her.

Arms in arms, we proceeded towards the stairs, taking each step at a time, I saw how Nora leaned on me for support. She looked somewhat pale and even the make up couldn't conceal it. I wanted to ask her about it but I decided against it.

  On getting to the top of the stairway, we were greeted at the entrance by Princess Ariana. The beautiful woman who had the hair of her mother,  late Queen Tamara of blessed memory, smiled at the both of us, then gave me a side hug and a peck on the cheek before she held Nora's hands.

    "Nora, you look pale. What's going on?" Princess Ariana asked her niece, who only smiled and shaked her head.

"I'm fine, Aunty. I'm just tired". Nora replied.

"Oh darling, after greeting the guests, you can go lie down upstairs, okay?" Suggested Princess Ariana.

"I'll see to it, your highness". I replied the Princess.

"You're now the Duke of Welinba and the husband of my beloved niece, Dure . You should stop referring to me as your highness" Princess Ariana said, giving me a playful Pat and I only smiled and gave a little nod.

  "I'm fine. Seriously". Nora said, dismissing the idea.

"Oh Nora, you're not fine. It's written all over you". Said Princess Ariana.

"Do excuse us, Princess. Let Nora and I go greet the guests so she can go rest on time". I told Princess Ariana, excusing I and Nora from her presence. She couldn't even reply us for she needed to greet another guest.

  "Don't worry about me, my love. I'm fine. Resting on your arms, is enough for me". Nora whispered into my ears and I held her hand which she rested on our entwined arms to assure her "Don't worry Babe, As long as I'm here, you'll be fine".

We walked into the bright hall together. There were a lot of important people at the ball. The two Prime Minister's were present which was a little confusing to me because I thought the two families weren't in good terms. Duke Steven and his wife, Duchess Leila were also present. Princess Lilou was also present but the one that worried me a little was the presence of Annabella. Annabella wasn't given a title at birth which was part of the reasons why Nora and Annabella were always at logheads.

  "She's here" I heard Nora say hatefully, which made me pause in my steps and look at her. I turned her around so we could lock eyes.

"Nora, please, no matter what she does to irritate you, no reply. Nora". I begged her.

"Yes, my love. I understand. Besides, I don't have the strength to exchange words with anyone". She replied, her tired eyes looking at our hands.

  "Well, well, well. If it isn't my cousin and her husband" Said a feminine voice. Holding Eleanora close to me, we both turned around to see who was talking.

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