🏵️Chapter 2🏵️: Lonely wedding night.

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{Eleanora's P.O.V}

    "Grandma, I'm fine. You already gave me twenty-four maids, Mary is also going with me. That is enough". I whined.

  "No child, it's not enough. Lucas is my personal driver, but from next week, he'll start working for you. Don't worry, he's like a son to me. You'll be safe in his care". Said grandma, trying her best to convince me.

It was the evening of my wedding day. The guests are all gone. The only people left in the hall were all friends and families.

It was time for Dure and I to go to one of the Henia's hotels  we were lodged in but grandma wasn't done giving me gifts, apparently.

I looked at Lucas who gave me a little bow. I stretched forth my hands and held his hands. He looked surprised but was anticipating what I wanted to say. "Lucas, are you sure you want to work for me?...You really don't have to, if you don't want to" I asked him. He looked up and our eyes locked.  I could see sincerity in his eyes.

  "I owe the royal family my life. I dare not say no. It's my duty, your highness". He said, giving a little bow.

  "Babe, let him join us. Her majesty is just worried about you". Dure said, coiling his arm round my waist.

  I leaned back into his chest, taking in the scent of him.

"Fine. I'll do as you say". I whispered to him, my hands travelling up his face into his hair. He used his finger to push my chin up to meet his gaze before giving me a quick kiss.

"Patience, Nora. You can be all over each other tonight. Just be patient". I heard Tashie say.

  I turned to the direction of the voice. She and Olive were standing beside us, holding hands.

"Fine. My husband says you can join us"  I gave Lucas my reply.

  "Thank you, your highness". Said Lucas. With a little excitement in his voice but I wasn't really interested in that, as I turned and held Tashie's hands.

  "Duke and Duchess of Welinba. That's even higher than the status of Annabelle's father". Tashie said, squeezing my hands.

"I know that it's not the status that makes you happy. It's the fact that you're already his wife. Dure's wife". Said Olive accurately.

  I grinned so much, my cheeks started to hurt.

  "Oh yes, what about Tina?...why didn't she come today?" I asked Tashie. I was expecting Tina at my wedding but I didn't see her anywhere. In fact, I haven't set my eyes on her since I came back.

"She fell into labour today. She was just delivered of her second child and it's a girl". Tashie announced to me.

  "Oh my goodness! Really?! That's so nice. I'll really love to visit her but I can't visit until the honeymoon".  I said with all joy in my heart.  "Who's the lucky father?...When did Tina get married?" I asked, clearly not remembering Tina getting married.

  While I was in the US, Tina, Tashie, Lilou and I chatted almost everyday and not for once did Tina mention she had a man not to talk of pregnancy. So I can't help but wonder who the lucky man is.

"I also don't know who the lucky man is, but she told me she got married to her man four years ago. Even though she told me that she'd still let me know who it was but she doesn't seem ready to reveal her husband". Said Tashie and I smiled.

  "I understand. I wish her the best in her marriage. Tell her that I'll come and visit her after the honeymoon". I told Tashie and she nodded.

Today's like a dream come true. Dure and I are finally married. Tina had her second child and Justin came . The atmosphere was different and I could feel the joy on people's faces as the priest joined my husband and I in holy matrimony.

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