🏵️Chapter 1🏵️: The wedding bells

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   {Justin's P.O.V}

  I walked out of the airport with confidence and happiness, my suitcase following me at my back. My heart felt warmer than usual and I could feel the butterflies flying around in my belly.  All my heart wanted me to do was to run and give Nora the biggest surprise of her life, but my mind controlled me. Knowing how sophisticated I dressed, I need to act like one too.

Eight years. It's been eight years since I spoke to her. Eight years since I saw her face. Eight years since I craved to hug her.

    I stopped the nearest taxi. The taxi driver stopped and looked at me.

  "Where do you want to go, foreigner?" He asked.

"Prince Andrews Estate, close to the Eastern palace". I replied.

"100 Liaos". He replied. I nodded and got into the taxi.

  I've longed to see her. This day for me is like a dream come true. Seeing her again.

  Eleanora Andrews, one hell of a special breed. Her arrogance made me love her the more. Her face was like a drop of the sun fell on her face at birth and that's why she's so radiant when I see her. She speaks with authority, never bows to anyone and can sometimes be domineering. But beneath the facade, she's just a young, softhearted and kind Princess with a large heart.

  Eleanora and I knew each other from childhood. She was my closest friend and she was my confidant. No matter how busy she was she'd make time for her friends. Loyal and fun to be with, Nora is the perfect example of a royal role model.

  "Foreigner, we're here". The taxi driver said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, thank you". I replied, preparing to get down, but seeing the gate of Prince Andrew's estate so festive.

  "I'm so sorry, foreigner. I can't drive you into the estate. No commercial vehicles allowed". The taxi driver apologized.

  "No problem. It's fine, I can walk to my destination". I told him, then got down from the taxi, pulling my suitcase along.

Before the taxi left, I stopped him to correct him "I'm not a foreigner, I'm an Indigene of this land. Justin is the name" I corrected him and he smiled, shaking the hand I stretched forth towards him.

"Nice to meet you, Justin. My name is John". He replied.

"Nice to meet you too. Drive safely". I said, withdrawing my arm.

  He smiled and waved at me before he drove away. When he was no longer in sight, I turned around towards the gate of the estate and I walked into the estate.

  I couldn't understand why Prince Andrew's Estate was decorated everywhere with white flowers, red ribbons and even balloons. The whole estate was decorated and even though the only mansion inhabited in this place was where Eleanora lived, every mansion was decorated.

King Azad had his favorite son to be Prince Andrews and for his son's eighteenth birthday, King Azad gifted him the whole estate. The whole estate had eighteen mansions that were large and grand but it was only one that his son used and that same one was the one Eleanora lived.

  It took a while before I got to the mighty gates of the mansion. All the gates were wide opened. And the most decorated place in the estate was Eleanora's place.

  Today definitely can't be Eleanora's birthday. Her birthday's December 18th. Green's birthday is March 4th, so there's no way in hell it could be a birthday celebration. The Queen's birthday is September 11th. Today's July 2nd, so there's no way in hell she was celebrating anyone's birthday.

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