🏵️Chapter 18🏵️: Expecting him.

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{Eleanora's P.O.V}

"Goodbye, Nora. We'll miss you so much" Tashie said as she embraced me. I was on the verge of tears but I tried my best not to sniffle.

  "You made this past three days a whole lot beautiful than I have had in many years. Thank you, Nora. For being such a wonderful friend" Tashie whispered into my ears.

  "I should thank you for being an honest friend and for accepting me the way I am". I replied, before burying my head into her neck. I tried so hard not to sniffle but one managed to sneak out.

After staying like that for some seconds, we let go of each other, then she hugged Tina while I hugged Olive.

"Thank you so much, cousin. For everything". He said and I nodded. I wasn't willing to talk for fear of bursting into tears if I did.

  Then he released me, but he didn't let go of my arms. I cleaned the tears that was escaping my eyes with the back of my palm.

"Are you crying?" He asked me and I shaked my head almost immediately. He didn't believe me though, he knew I was trying to act tough. So he played along and I knew it.

"Take good care of yourself, Nora. You deserve to be happy. Always. Don't let anyone, dull your shine". He said slowly, emphasizing on each word.

  I nodded, cleared my throat and looked into his eyes. "I will" was the only thing I said.

"We'll be getting married in Dubai" He announced.

"Really?... That's so wonderful. When is it going to hold?" I asked him.

"December 4th". Tashie replied, walking up to her fiance and holding his hands.

"That's so nice. I'll be there". I promised.

"Of course, the wedding will be totally incomplete without you. You must be there. And you too, Tina". Said Tashie, with a smile that could open the heavens.

"We'll be there, Tashie. Don't worry". Tina said and I nodded in agreement.

Olive smiled at me and gave me a quick embrace before walking away, with Tashie into the airport, waving at us all the way. I waited for them until they disappeared into the crowd.

   "I'll so miss them". I said, sighing deeply.

"Me too". I heard Tina say. I looked at her, then stretched my hand out to her. She looked confused at my gesture.

"Let's go". I told her, and she smiled before holding my hand and we both walked to the car where Lucas was waiting.

She sat beside me while Lucas drove us to her bus stop,so we could drop her there.

  I relaxed my back on the chair and closed my eyes. The past three days have been a lot of fun though, that's my comfort. Tashie and Tina planned on leaving the day after the day they came visiting but due to the fact that we planned in the rain on the first night, we all caught a cold and had to stay together for recovery for the next two days, catching up on eight years of our lives apart at the same time.

It really meant a lot to me that my friends were all doing well. We video called Justin and had quite a long chat with him, though I didn't have much to say to him so I allowed Tina and Tashie to have their own talk with him, while I sat close, drinking Moringa tea. Then we called Phillips Henia but his phone wasn't even ringing and he hasn't called back since then. Staying together gave us more time to interact and sharing memories added more values to our friendship.

  "Goodbye Nora. We'll see by December". I heard Tina say, her voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

  I sat up straight, then leaned forward and gave her a hug. She hugged me too before carrying the shopping bags I had for her kids.

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