🦋 Chapter 11 🦋

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Adriens POV

When I wake up, I am dreading the rest of the class joining us. I wish that we could just have the four of us here.
I know its a selfish thought but I can't help it.

I sit up and look over at Nino sleeping in the twin bed beside me. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to splash my face with water. I pat it dry and walk upstairs to make some breakfast for us before the rest of the peeps arrive.

I open the pantry and get out the pancake mix. I hear small footfalls behind me and I turn to find Marinette.

She looks tired, with her eyes half closed and her hair a little askew. Even so, she looks absolutely beautiful.

My heart beats a little bit faster in my chest looking at her.

I turn back to the fridge hoping she doesn't see my burning cheeks.

Pulling the out the milk I say, "Hey Mari, how's it going? Want to help me make breakfast?"

"Yeah, of course!" She seems a little more awake now.

Walking past me to get a pan I can smell something like flowers waft off of her. The same scent that whisked off of her the other day. The one I smell whenever I'm around her. Honeysuckle and roses, gardenia and lavender, violets and hubiscus.

We get busy making pancakes side by side. Laughing and talking, I wish we could stay like this forever. Our hands brush a little when I go to stir the pancake batter, her trying the pour it in the skillet.

"Sorry." We both say at the same time. Her cheeks reden and I put a bit of batter on the tip of her nose.

"Hey!" She says reaching the bowl and getting her dollop. She reaches for my face but I catch her wrist before she gets there.

"I'm not sure you want to do that. This could mean war." I whisper.

She pulls her hand away, giggling at the same time while rinsing off her finger.

"So are you exited for Kagami and the rest of them to get here?" Marinette asks, throwing me completely of guard. She puts some batter in the pan to let them start cooking.

NOOOOOOO. "Uh, yeah. I guess." I say getting a spatula.

She side eyes me. "You don't sound so convinced."

"Are YOU exited for them to be here?" I ask turning the question back on her, leaning on the counter facing her. I raise an eyebrow at her with a smirk on my face.

She narrows her eyes at me, but laughs and says, "Uh, yeah. I guess."

I give her a light shove in the shoulder which causes her to laugh, such a beautiful sound.

We finish making the pancakes and decide to make bacon as well. In middle of setting the table, Alya and Nino come up the stairs.

"Nice of you to show up when all of the work is done." I say giving them a smirk.

"It's our pleasure!" Alya says walking to the table and sitting down. We all sit at the table, say grace, and then eat like hungry baboons.

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