All hopes gone

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"Okay, so I'll tell you. Annie, (anci_competitions) you have the power of the mind stone. But you only have telepathy, Mia (Mydreamcuties) you have the power of the soul stone, you can control souls for a certain period of time. After that you will need rest. Next is Nichole(NATASHAROMANOVANOFF), you have the power of the space stone, you can teleport anywhere. Next up is Tia(multiplefandomsReact) you have the power of the reality stone. You can create another reality but cannot change this one. Niko (yelenasbraid) you have the powers of the power stone. This project fiery purple energy beams and waves, strong enough to destroy an entire planet. And last but not the least, Ava(Romanogerluver2012) you have the power of the time stone. You can pause time for a while."

"That's so cool." They all squeal.

"Even if you are here, you have some restrictions. As soon as natasha grows back, you have to return to your world. Understood?"


"Good. Now go"

They all wakeup in the med bay.

"How the hell did we even reach here?" Annie mumbled.

"Dont know dont care." Mia said. "I'm going to look for nat. Anyone coming?"

They all join her and she leads them to the meeting room.

"About time you wake up-"

"Cut the shit. Wheres nat?" Ava says, back to business.

"I hope you meant cut the check." Nichole whispered.

"Yeah. Anyways we would like to meet her."

"Why are we even asking for permission?" Tia asks.

"We wont take your shit. You lost nat once and istg if you do that again then our first target would be you. " Niko says.

"We know you have a hobby of leaving her alone." Nichole adds.

"And not giving her much attention too." Annie adds.

"And not giving her a proper funeral either." Mia regrets the moment when these words slip out of her mouth.

Nichole pushes her out of the room. "You're not a good liar at all."

"You know what? Fuck you." Ava leaves the room with the rest of the girls and walk down the halls like queens.

"Hey! What if steve and nat are dating, I mean once she grows. Who wants to play matchmaker?" Mia asks. They all raise their hands. Yessss. Now my dream will come true.

"You know, it's pretty sad that we lost her in our universe." Niko says. They all shed silent tears.

"But she'll always stay alive in our hearts. Deal?" Tia asks.

"Hell yeah!"

Soon, they reach to her room. They see clint and steve playing with natasha.

"Hey cap, give your girl some time, she needs space. Not yet out boys, it's time for some girl talk." The girls kick the boys out of the room and close the door.

Seeing her alive and in one piece, they all feel their heart burst with happiness.

You'll have my permission. Have some fun with her. You dont have much time though. The voice of the author rings in their heads.

"Shall we?" Annie asks.

"We shall."

The rest of the day they spend in the park, eating icecream, playing games, going to the shopping, and pay everything with Tony's credit card. They all buy outset products.

"This was a long day you know." Ava says and they all look down to see a cute natasha cuddled inside mia, cause some of the ice dropped on her shirt making it wet. It was hot so natasha found comfort in it.

"I cant even imagine what she had to go through." Nichole says, her eyes watering.

"What they both went through." Ava reminded.

"It's just tomorrow. The day we leave. Shell be all grown up. I wish I could stay here forever." Niko dreams.

"We all do." Tia says.

Voila! Just one chapter more! Thank you for reading my books!

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