Memories ( Tony's pov)

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I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I miss little red. No matter how much we fought, how much we showed that we DISGUSTED each other, a certain connection was formed between us. A sibling kind of.

I felt very calm to tell her about things, she felt very calm to talk to me, by time we both needed each others support for a reason. I was the first one to know about her Russian quartet.

If I was the tap, she was the water. If I was the rose, she was the petals, if I was the tree, she was my roots. But now, I'm without water, petals and roots. I'm broken. Why wouldn't I be?

Some random fatass decided to barge in and steal her like a money bag from us, while we were busy having our beauty sleep. Hey! No offense but this is nessecary for me! I am not supposed to have bags under my eyes!

Suddenly, I remember the day when peter visited us. Oh god! That kid was soo close to nat!

I just wanted to throw him off the roof at first. But then when I got to know him, i kinda liked him. Kinda.


"Are the traps ready??" Clint asked. We were preparing traps incase the kid did something to nat. Well, we can never be fully safe, can we?

"Yeah they are. Just one wrong move and peter will not be able to be happy". Hehe

"Oh come on! Stop it! Why dont you trust peter? He is a good guy. And he will never hurt me."


Then the elevator dings. The doors open and peter and happy are standing on the door. Natasha runs and hugs him tightly. Peter happily returns the hug.

At that moment I was feeling very overprotective about her. She is like a sister to me.

If she wont be there who would kick my ass, keep me in check in peppers absence? Yes, these are my PRIORITIES.

As there was no one in the room except me and them, I had to be the first one to greet him.

"Hello, underoos how you doin?"

"V-very well Mr. Stark"

"Just call me Tony"

"As you wish Mr. Tony Stark". God this kid. I hate formal greetings from kids. They just make me look old. I'm just 40 years, that's it.

Then, nat held his hand and dragged her to the living room to greet the others.

I followed them to make sure nothing happens.

Then when they enter the room broke their physical contact and pulled peter to the middle of the room gently.

"Hey everyone, this is peter"

After the greetings, we had a small talk. Then, we ate mac and cheese. Oh god! I swear I will have a stomach upset. We atleast eat it for every meal. This is because red and blondie were in love with this dish.

Then, we all went to the zoo.

"Hey, come here sam! Look I saw you". We all went to the place where Bucky was calling us from, only to see that he was referring to a cage of monkeys. We all erupted in a loud laughter.

"Hey! I'm not your mirror" Burrrrrnnnnn.

Then peter and nat dissapeared. I swear that these kids are vampires.

We started looking for them, only to find them hanging on the ceiling of the lions cage. I FREAKED OUT. WE FREAKED OUT! We kept shouting for help, but we didnt want to catch lions attention. He could harm Red.





"KIDS COME DOWN HERE!!" Clint screamed.


"CALL FOR HELP" I couldn't help but laugh at their reactions. I went to the nearest store to buy some popcorn. This is drama.

Then, to surprise the rest, peter did some tricks and used his webs to do bring both of them back to the ground and the exited the cage without even letting the lion have time to move.

I wasnt surprised, cause I knew this from start. The day when nat turned into a baby, peter was there, wearing a pair of onesies. He too, had turned into a baby, but he had his memories cause he took a small hit. He has no taste in fashion. I had a conversation with fury and he planned to keep this a secret. This was the reason why I didn't trust him that much.

The rest looked at me and the kids in horror, confusion and the  they realised what was happening.

They dragged us home and I explained them everything.

Flashback ends

I was pulled out my thoughts when Agent Simmons came running in the room.

" Avengers, we got a lead on the Red Room. Suit up"

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