Disney and death stares

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Clint and little Natasha walked back into the living room where everyone was now seated on the couches. The child walked over to Bucky and sat next to him with her hot chocolate in hand. "Just so you all know, Nat knows how to work the coffee machine perfectly and actually made the coffee's herself as I was doing the hot chocolate." Clint informed the group whilst placing the tray of mugs on the table.

"What's the plan for today then?" Tony asked as he put the empty cup back on the tray. "I don't know." The other avengers answered causing the billionare to roll his eyes. The men started making suggestions, not noticing Natasha playing with the T.V remote and switching the T.V on. Natasha stared at the screen with interest as it changed to a movie called Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone and was rewinded to the very beginning of the movie. J.A.R.V.I.S changed the language from english to russian so the girl could understand the movie better. She placed her empty mug on the tray, like her dad, and went to sit infront of the T.V to get a better view.

"What is Snape's problem with Harry?! The stupid bat needs to shut up!" Natasha exclaimed loudly in perfect english making the adults jump. "What the..." It was only then that they realised that she had gotten up from her place on the couch and sat on the floor, infront of the table, and was actually watching a movie by herself. "Uhh, J! Did you do this?" Tony asked his A.I. "Yes, sir. But I only changed the chanel to something kid friendly and changed the language to russian." "Well, I guess I know what we're doing today." Bruce said but didn't need to tell anyone exactly what it was as they all took a guess.

They watched all eight movies and laughed at Natasha's commentary. "Wow, who knew that Snivellus was a good guy after all, but I still hate him. And I think that Harry should have ended up with Hermione or maybe Hermione with one of the twins." "Who were your favourite characters?" Steve asked the mini assassin. "Hermione and Luna." "Ooh, I know what Nat can watch next!" Clint said excitedly. "What?" everyone asked. "J.A.R.V.I.S put on High School Musical." "As you wish, Mr Barton." Came the reply.

The screen changed and the movie started to play. The red head stared at the screen throughout the entire movie that no one was sure if she was blinking. When the movie ended, the next one played and the kid smiled happily. "Ugh, nicely done bird boy. You have now turned my daughter into a Disneyholic. You do realise that she will start singing the songs everyday and get us to join in, right?" The men visibly paled. They knew that the older version of their team mate never really talked much and was more closed off, probably because she spent most of her life as the Black Widow, so they never knew what she liked and what she was really like, except for Clint. But, now that she is a kid and is getting more comfortable with being around them, they knew that that day would be coming soon. Clint laughed nervously as the second song started.

The group spent the day watching disney movies and Nat had asked if there were T.V shows. Clint looked at the other Avengers and then looked at his younger best friend and saw something in her eyes that he rarely got to see. Happiness. So he nodded and said "We can watch them tomorrow." He didn't dare look at his friends as he knew what kind of look they had already. Natasha had a wide smile on her face throughout dinner and was humming along to Descendants songs. The men carried on glaring at the archer as they had disney songs stuck in their heads.

It was july.

Over the past three months, Natasha had come out of her shell and started speaking more, which everyone was happy about. Fury came and visited a few times and she took to calling him Grandpa. Fury looked pleased as she kept calling him that, now he had an excuse to yell Stark if he taught her anything a child should not know. This lead to Fury yelling at him every time he came over.

Bruce took to teaching Natasha english, science and maths. She can speak alot of more english than a child her age should know but it's a head start. Steve taught her history and art, Clint taught her gym and different languages, Thor taught her about space, Sam taught her how to cook. Bucky taught her how to read and write. Tony was teaching her engineering and other things.

Of course, she did cause trouble. She helped Clint prank the others from the vents, she started saying 'no' to doing things that was asked, mostly it was Tony that was getting the 'no', this caused alot of laughter for everyone else. No one could get mad at her though as she always pouted and did puppy dog eyes, the men cursed themselves as they let her get away with things. But there were punishments, as she understood that.

There was a downside though. As another day passed, the men got more and more nervous. Soon, little Natasha would be going to school and the tower would be quiet until the weekends. Also, the fact that she would have to go out in public and the media would be all over place. They were worried about everything. What if she was bullied? What if she couldn't make any friends? Or what if she was kidknapped from the school and get hurt?

Sometimes they missed the adult version of their friend but then again, they barely knew her as she was an open book. She was under lock and key with lasers beams and explosives protecting her true self. Clint missed the silent conversations they had and the banter, no one understood when they did that. Steve missed the jokes they shared with Sam and Bucky. Bruce missed the funny flirting they did with eachother, she helped him open up, with the help of Tony. Thor missed the times when they went shopping together and got a whole lot of poptarts, it didn't matter what time it was during the day, she would always be ready to go. Tony missed the play fights, the flirting and the jokes they came up with about the team. He missed her spitfire answers and her dark sense of humour.

They considered this a new experience for several reasons;

The fact that they have never looked after a child before.

They have never dealt with de aging.

A new side to their teammate that they have never seen.

A chance to help a very damaged individual have a better shot at life, without the torture bullshit.

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