Troubled times

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It was a very stressful day for the avengers. Wanna know why? Nothing big , except the fact, that the red room was back.


"Guys Fury is calling" Yelena said.

"Now what does captain Jack sparrow want from us?"

"It's an emergency, he wants everyone of us in the meeting room right now. "

They all went to the room, only to see stressed faces of both the Director and Agent hill. The avengers exchanged looks of worries.

"What happened? "

"Before we start, I want y'all to sit down and listen to me carefully." Fury said motioning for their seats.

" This may be a bit stressful for the Widow family, so I advise them to leave."

"Fury, we have been through worst torture. Nothing can surprise us anymore."

"As you wish. So, we all know that Natasha is a kid and she cannot fight."

"Get to the point"

"Red room is back. So is Ivan."

Awkward silence spread around the room. They all froze. The place that is born of horrors, the place that the Black Widow herself dreads the most, the place which snatched many girls' childhood, their dreams, their right and will, is back.

"We got an Intel that they know about natasha's condition. They are gonna come after her. We have to be prepared. This can turn into a war. I cant believe I am saying this but, Avengers, your mission is to protect natasha romanoff at all costs. No matter what. Because if they get hands on her, she will never ever be able to be the same kid you know. They will turn her into an assassin who will kill you all in a matter of time. You are free to do whatever you want, but I want those bastards dead. Am I understood?" Fury said, emphasizing each words slowly and strictly. But they were unknown of one thing.

Natasha was listening to everything. She didn't take the news in a good way. She couldn't control the wave of panic attack coming, building inside her. She screamed and ran towards the storeroom. She closed the door and slide down the wall. Voices were ringing inside her head.


A monster



Nothing but a piece of meat


She tried to stop those words by covering her ears with her hands, but failed. She was having a panic attack and couldn't breathe.

As soon as the avenger heard the scream, they rushed towards the source, only to find that no one was standing there. Then Clint stepped on something. It was the arrow necklace he gave his bestie. He understood what happened. He led everyone to the storeroom. The place where nat hid when she had panic attacks. The place where they usually saw Nat. As soon as he opened the door, they found a very vulnerable looking kid, begging, trying really hard to breathe.


Steve and bruce ran out, looking for help, while the other people were very shocked. Their friend was looking like she was about to die.

"Hey, hey look at me. Everything is fine, we are right here. No one will hurt you." Clint soothed her.

"Please I dont wanna go back there. Please I will do anything but dont let them take me please. I can't go there. I Dont Wanna go there please." She begged, holding her hands together.

All of the others didn't know what to do. They were confused. They could either cry, have a breakdown or faint. Non of them had dealt with THIS bad panic attack. They were confused, except clint. He hadn't dealt with this before, but he will try for his friend. He would do anything to keep her safe.

"No one is gonna take you away. Not on my watch. I promise you that no matter what I will protect you at all costs."

"Now follow me, breath in and breath out"

Riding the path clint guided her to, Natasha did her best. She fought for her breathe. She fought for her life. And succeeded the battle.

"You wanna tell me what happened? Why do you hate that place so much?" Clint asked. He knew about almost everything related to her past, he knew why she dreaded it. But he didn't know everything. He had a feeling, that something triggered her bad memories.

"I- I was scared. To go back. They made me kill. They tortured me. They used me."

Clint pulled her into a hug. Natasha melted in his touch. It was a good touch. Not the way those monsters did. Yes, they touched her. Those monsters crossed their limits. But now she feels safe. They stayed like this for sometime. But soon, natasha fell asleep.

After settling her down in the medbay, the avengers fumed with anger. Those monsters dared to touch their friend. They wont survive.  Ivan will die.

The next day, they heard a noise coming from the medbay. The went their, only to find a note lying on the ground. It said-

She's gone. Poof. You will never see her. Never ever.


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