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Ok umm, so... this is actually hard for me to describe but I am just going to say that there was a translator on the quinjet which translated Natasha's russian to english and it sounded like how she would sound if she was actually speaking english. I am going to have Clint being able to speak some russian and Jarvis helping translate everything else. I am not going to actually put russian but when they speak it will be underlined,so it would be easier for me than translating english to russian and back again. I am sorry if you were hoping for russian speech but that is not going to be possible for me as it would take too long to write. Nat is eight. In my mind, Red Room taught english as soon as the child could speak and so, once Nat was there they taught her instantly as they had to speak several languages for missions and stuff like that. Nat had been there for four years, as she remembers nothing of the future only what has happened when she was at that age. I will have Bucky come into this. She won't know him as I keep thinking that they met sometime later, like 12 or 13.

A few hours after the last chapter

Natasha woke up and looked around the room she was in. She didn't recognise it but memories flooded back to her. She was safe, at least she hoped she was.

"Hello!" She called out in a heavy accent. She knew a bit of english, she can understand what people are saying but she hasn't mastered speaking it yet. "Good evening, young miss." A voice sounded. The girl looked around the room in fright, not finding anyone. "I am sorry if I have scared you. My name is Jarvis. Would it be easier for you if I spoke in russian?" "Yes, please." She called out shakily. "Very well. My name is Jarvis. I am artificial intelligence created by Mr Stark. Named after his old butler and have his voice aswell. You are safe here. If you need anything just call out my name and I could help you anyway I can. Would you like me to inform Mr Stark that you are awake?" Natasha debated for a moment before saying "Yes please, Mr Jarvis."

The red head waited a few minutes before she heard a knock on the door. "Miss Romonova, Mr Stark and Mr Banner are outside. Shall I let them in?" Nat mumbled a 'yes' and heard the door click. Tony and Bruce entered the room with small smiles. "Hey Natalia, how are you feeling?" Bruce asked nicely. "I am fine, thank you." She answered weakly. "Natalia, we are going to ask you a few questions, ok? If you can not answer in english, Jarvis will translate for us and for you." Tony informed her and she nodded her head.

"Do you feel safe here?" Bruce went first. "Yes. Mr Jarvis said it is and I believe him. You saved me." The young girl smiled at them. Tony went next, "How would you feel about changing your name? It would make you safer." "Can I have my name as Natasha? I love that name." The men then smiled and said "Definetely." The smiles grew bigger as the one on the girls face grew aswell. "How would you feel about changing your last name to Stark. Tony's name is well known and he is a very influentual person that can provide a lot more safety." "Really!?" Jarvis translated for the men and Stark replied with "Yeah, I am rich and famous. And if anybody asked who you are then I could say that you are my daughter." Natasha understood what he said. She had always want a dad that could protect her. One of the older girls talked about how her had tried to protect her from the people at the room. "I would like that!" Once again the A.I translated.

Meanwhile with the others

"Maybe we could get her a tutor?" Steve discussed with Clint whilst Thor was making Poptarts. "Yeah, maybe we could send her to school or get her home schooled. Hey Thor, was there a school on Asgard or were you home schooled?" Clint looked at the god hoping he would say he went to school, unfortunately for him "Ah, I was home schooled. I was taught by my mother and so was Loki. Such fun!" Thor bellowed. "Well that answers that question." Clint huffed. "I don't know, I mean she could make friends at school but as Tony Stark's 'daughter', will they be real friends or not? But if she is home schooled then she won't be interacting with kids her own age." Steve offered "How do parents do this?" He questioned. The archer burst out laughing and couldn't tell whether he was laughing because it was a funny question or from the fact that he didn't want to cry out in desperation.

Tony, Bruce and Natasha walked into this scene. Steve with his head in his hands, Clint laughing manically and Thor staring at the two in amusement. Natasha tapped Tony's arm to get his attention. He bent down to her level and she asked in his ear "Is this normal?" Her eyes never leaving the scene. "Sometimes. It depends what conversation they're having." He told her with a smirk. He then picked her up and set her on his hip before walking over to the trio. "What has got you all manical?" The playboy asked, the super soldier looked up to see Tony and little Tasha and Clint just turned around. "Hey Talia, how are you?" "I am fine. My name is now Natasha Stark." Steve looked to the man holding her "She liked the name Natasha, she came up with it not me. It suits her, don't you think?" The three men nodded.

"It's too late to make food so, how about we get some takeout?" Bruce asked. "What is takeout?" The young girl asked and Jarvis did his thing . "You are going to be in for a great suprise! I say we order pizza." Thor exclaimed to the girl. Everyone agreed.

A few days later

The men found parenthood easy. Probably because Nat was a quiet child who was still getting used to not being in that place. The only problems they had were; Natasha waking up early in the morning, Natasha not really saying much and her only being able to understand a bit of what they are saying and can't speak alot of english.

Tony had Happy pick up a load of girls clothes and toys so they wouldn't be seen by the public. None of the men were happy at the prospect of the media finding out about Natasha or the decision to have her attend a public school, John Quincy Adam's. They checked it out and agreed that it was good enough for them and their niece/daughter/de-aged teammate. She would be joining in september as it was the middle April.

It was a shock to them when they had woken up and found Nat in the living room, talking to Bucky, who must have arrived a few minutes ago due to the fact that his coat was still on. They were talking in russian and Nat had a smile on her face. "Buck?" Steve asked cautiously. "Oh, hey Steve. Hey guys, I was just talking to little Tasha here about New York." The Avengers nodded their heads slowly.

"Ok, I am going to make breakfast and some coffee. Who wants coffee?" Clint asked around and nearly every hand went up. "Alright, who wants hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles?" The last hand went up and he looked towards his younger best friend, who had a large smile on her face. "Ok. Tash, wanna help me out?" The girl nodded and ran up to him, he scooped her up and placed her on his hip before walking to the kitchen.

"You guys are going to have to explain why that girl looks like Natasha Romanoff." Bucky asked instantly as soon as the girl was out pf the room. "That is her. Hydra did something to her a few days ago, inside a warehouse before it exploded. We were all outside and didn't see anything but the explosion itself. She only remembers Red Room and can't exactly speak anything other than russian." Bruce answered. "Huh, and I thought I had problems. But I don't, anymore. T'challa fixed everything, well, his little sister did. I am problem free. Hydra is not controlling me anymore and the winter soldier is gone. I am now the white wolf." He quickly assured the team. "Welcome to the Avengers. Our mission is now parenthood. No missions other than Natasha." Tony declared.

"Is there a cure?" Bucky asked. "We're not sure. Fury doesn't want me and Tony in the lab to work on it. Fitzsimmons is looking into it." He nodded at the scientist. "You are all so lucky that I know russian."

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