Avengers Assemble

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The avengers, agents anci_competitions, NATASHAROMANOVANOFF,multiplefandomsReact, Mydreamcuties, Romanogerluver2012, yelenasbraid, and natasha's family unite to fight for natasha.

(The following are the nicknames for the above writers. They are my online friends, do follow them!

1. anci_competitions - Annie Simmons
3. Mydreamcuties - Mia Longbottom
4. yelenasbraid - Niko May
5. multiplefandomsReact - Tia Johnson
6. Romanogerluver2012 - Ava Hill)

All of them were close to natasha. The agents were taught and they grew stronger under Natasha's care. They could do anything for her.

"Agents Longbottom, Simmons and May, take the right exit and get the girls out of there. Agents Hill, Johnson and Fitz, help us kick asses." Captain orders.

"What about us? Why dont get to do fighty stuff?" Mia pouts.

"You guys have to get Natasha too. If you dont then tell us."

"No we'll get them to safety"  Annie said.

"She raised you well" Yelena smirks.

"She could be a great mother" Niko smiled sadly.

"Hey, why the long faces? Once we get her we would inject her with the antidote and get her back!" Ava said.

They regained their composure and left for their job.

"Stark, look behind you!" Tia said.

Suddenly the are outnumbered by the soldiers.

"This is a much less cool way to die"

They hear a sound from their comms.

"We got them outta here. Natasha is missing! Captain come and help us find your girlfriend!" Mia said.

They all look at him in surprise.

"No no shes just my friend."

"No no no not that sentence! Adrian Agreste cursed it!" Nichole shrieked.

"Agents, we will take care of the guards, go find Romanoff" Clint said.

"I'll come too!" Yelena said.

They went inside the base.

It was a chaos outside. Stark was shooting layers, Sam dodged the guards in the air like a vulture does with its prey, Bucky Clint and Steve shoot the rest on the ground. The only people not there were Melina, Alexie and Bruce, who were helping with the medical stuff.

Inside the base:

Agents Annie and Mia went to search in the east, Agents Nichole and Tia went towards the west and Agents Ava and Niko went to the north. Yelena alone went to the south.

"Well well, look what we have here." Ava and niko stood in front of Ivan.

Before he could reply or say anything, they started beating him. They were too fast so Ivan couldn't react. Well, they were trained by Natasha herself.

The same happened with Nichole and Tia, who fought Madame B and Mia and Annie, who fought Dreykov. They all were trained by Natasha. (If not real, then why not here?).

Then yelena said something that made them feel relieved.

"I found her! Meet me at the rendezvous point." They heard through comms.

They all left their opponents, half beaten, unable to move. They rushed to meet her.

"Hey!" They looked behind Yelena to see a half beaten redhead with a smile.

Seeing her in this condition and still being able to smile made them feel proud.  The happiness lasted for only a moment as the building started to shake and fall on them.

But something stopped it.

They looked up to see the author using her powers to move the rubble.

They all cheer. After this the pout and ask the author why they dont have powers. The author facepalms.

"I gave each of you a power, a power of an infinity stone. Use them"

One by one they found their powers.

(Comment which power you want)

Baby Natasha Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora