A dream?

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Natasha woke up, in a cold room. She took some time to analyze where she was. Around her was a small room, with no windows and a locked door. Slowly, she regained her composure as she remembered everything. Then one thing struck her mind. Why was she in the same room as she last was? She was supposed to be with her family. Why is she back in this hell hole?

Suddenly, the door opens, only to see that Ivan enters the room. He looks at nat with a smirk. Something was going on.

"Sir? What happened?" Nat asked.

"You were punished and you fainted, so we threw you here for the night." Ivan snaps.

With that he leaves.

Then natasha deeply thinks. Was all of it fake? Were they just a dream? Did she ever had anyone to love her? Were those 10 months just imagination?

Loud noises interrupted her thought. She regained her composure and opened the door. There were a few girls walking in a line with blank faces. She quickly joined them and started heading towards the ballet room. There, the kids changed into small pink tutus to perform their routine.

They first started with some stretches.

Then they danced on the song fir 5 hours straight. All of them had bleeding, bruised feet. Not a normal sight for others. But for them it was just another day.

They quit cleaned up and then went to the shooting area. Everyone did what they had to.

When it was nats turn, she had to kill a man with a bag over his head. Without using any weapons. There were 2 muscular men surrounding her, which made this task more difficult.

Nat attacked the first man with a punch, whi blocked it easily, only to be kicked in the balls by her. The other man tried to hold her but failed as she kicked him on his face, leaving a mark. Then, she ran towards the other man and put him in a thigh hold. He passed out of suffocation. The other man stood up again to hit her, but she blocked every punch thrown at her. Her speed and abilities made it difficult for the man to even register what is happening. Taking this as an advantage, she twisted his hand and he screams in pain. Natasha let's go of him, which upsets Ivan.

She takes a gun, and hits the man's head with the back of it.

"Mission accomplished " Nat says proudly.

Ivan frowns. "No, you were supposed to kill them. Now you have to pay. Take her" He gestured hid guards, who pulled her by her hair and dragged her to a store room. They pushed her inside and get a belt to whip her. This goes on for long.

Natasha screams in pain. Begging to stop. But the heartless monsters dont. Her clothes are almost torn that you can see her body. Soon they get a message from ivan to leave her.

Natasha lies on the ground in pain. Her whole body feels painful. All of it covered with scars and bruises. Her lips bleeding.

If it wasnt a dream they would come for me, wont they? How long will it take? Do they still love me? Do they even remember me? Questions like these ring inside her head.

Suddenly, the alarm blares.

"We've been attacked!"

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