🎇Love Beyond Limits-25🎇

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Chapter 25: " The Oath of Love"

The episode starts with Riddhima fainting in Vansh's arms and her nose was bleeding. Ajay rushed to Riddhima and held her in his arms. He patted her cheeks.
Ajay: Riddhima!! Open your eyes beta! Riddhima! Wake up! Aryan bring a glass of water!!! And Sejal! Beta! bring tissues please!!
Everyone followed Ajay's sayings and the left gathered around Riddhima. Ajay was handling the situation as if he knew what's happening to her.
Sejal brought the tissues and wiped Riddhima's nose gently. After that, Aryan sprinkled water on her face. But she didn't get consciousness.
Ajay(tensed): Not Again!!!
Vansh: What happened to Riddhima?
Sia: Let me check her!
Vansh lifted up Riddhima in his arms and took her to the room where she stayed before. There, he made her lay down on the bed. Sia asked him to go out. Everyone came out including Vansh and closed the door. Sia was checking her. Everyone was worried. After sometime, Sia came out after examining Riddhima. She seemed worried.
V(worried): What happened to her? Is she fine?
Sia: Relax Vansh bhai! She is fine now.
Dadi: What happened to my Riddhima?
Sia: Her BP and Sugar level dropped suddenly. Maybe because of stress! I have called the hospital staff. They are coming with all the necessary equipments for her treatment.
Sejal: Why was her nose bleeding then?
Sia: It happens sometimes in stress. But it looks like she got a.....
Ajay(Cutting her): An attack of nervous breakdown!!!
Sia: Yeah But it was a minor one!
V: What!!!
Angre: Do you know about her medical condition?
Ajay: Let me ask them! (Eyeing Kabir and Aryan who were not speaking anything as if they knew what's going to happen next)
Ajay came to both of them and stood angrily.
Ajay(anger): How many days?
Aryan: Sorry Sir!
Ajay: I asked for how many days is she missing her medicines??
K: For almost a week.
Ajay: A week?? And you both didn't do anything about it?
Kabir: We did! We requested her several times to take medicines. But she was adamant that she will not take it until she completes this mission.
Ajay(angrily): And you both let her do it? Atleast you should have informed me Kabir!! You know well how stubborn she is! She always finds ways to torture herself. Every new day, she finds a way to hurt herself! That was the reason, I asked you to stay with her. So that, in my absence, there would be someone to take care of her. But you!!!
V: Will someone tell me what's going on here? What are you talking about?
Sia: Calm down Dad! Give me her medicines which you are talking about. Its better she takes her own prescribed medicine rather than the new one.
Ajay: Let me send you in text. I have the names in my cell phone.
He sent the names of the medicines to Sia. She read it and became shocked.
Sia: These are anti-depressants!
Ajay: Riddhima is suffering from depression for the past 5 years. She even suffered nervous breakdown three times before this one. And panic attacks too!!!
Vansh(shocked): She what???
Ajay: Vansh! When she left you, she lost the wish of living. She attempted suicide three times in a period of 30 days. Luckily, she got saved everytime. But she doesn't call it a good luck. She considers it a bad luck! I remember what she said when she revived from the third attempt. She said,"Even death doesn't accept me Dad! I don't even deserve to die". And then, she stopped further attempts but she doesn't care for herself even a bit. She loves.....She loves to gracefully torture herself. Today, You got an example also. She just finds ways to die because of her depression. I am sure she would be thinking that after completing this mission, she would happily and peacefully die if she didn't take the medicines.
Ishani: But she never seemed to be. I mean, since the time she came back, she pose to be very strong. Very smart and intelligent.
Aryan: That's her best quality Ishani! She never let others see through her eyes. She never let others see her pain.
K: Even If she is dying from inside, you will always find her strong and confident. Even if she wants to cry her heart out, you will find her smiling always. That's our Riddhima!
Ajay(smiles): That's what I like about her! She is just like you Vansh!!! Stubborn but responsible. Angry but caring. I was away from all of you but she never let me feel lonely. She is not my daughter. She proved herself my son!
Everyone smiled at this.
Aryan tried to enlighten the mood so he cracked some jokes.
Aryan: I was saying it before. They are siblings man!!!. Two sons one father!
Vansh: Shut up Aryan!
Ishani: If it was a joke then It was the worst!!
Aryan: Nothing could be worst than you here.
Ishani: That's why you chose me for arguments!
Aryan: I have a level you see! I didn't ask you argue with me. You yourself love to jump in all the arguments.
Ishani: But The person who starts it is always You!!
Aryan: Whatever Miss Attitude!!!
Ishani: You...
Kabir: You both will get the whole night to fight. Just zip your mouth. Zip it!!
Sia and Sejal giggled.
Dadi: When will she get concious Sia?
Sia: Dadi! I have given her sleeping pills. She will get concious tomorrow morning. Not before that. So, Don't worry. You all can rest.
Vansh: I will stay with her.
Ajay: Sure! But!..
Vansh: Don't worry. I will come out before she gets concious. Maybe seeing me, her condition again starts getting bad. I will call you once she gets concious. (Concerned) I just..I just want to be by her side right now...
Ajay nodded. Everyone left from there in their respective rooms. Ajay went in Dadi's room. Sia, Sejal, Ishani went to their rooms. Angre showed a guest room to Aryan and Kabir. And Vansh went in Riddhima's room. He sat beside her and gently caressed her face tucking her hair strand behind her ear.

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